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10:30 - 17:30
10:30 - 17:30
10:30 - 17:30
10:30 - 17:30
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
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6 reviews of Hergé Museum

Recalling the adventures of Tintn

Recordando las aventuras de Tintín

Desde siempre las historias de Tintín han representado para mi un símbolo de viajes y aventuras fantásticas. Por eso aprovechando un viaje a Bruselas, hicimos una escapada para visitar el nuevo Museo de Hergé en la localidad de Louvain-la-Neuve, una cíudad universitaria a unos 50 km de la capital. Se puede llegar fácilmente en un tren de cercanías que para en todos lados, pero llegamos a nuestro destino en poco más de una hora. El Museo está sólo a unos 5 minutos de la estación, rodeado de un parque, en las proximidades de las residencias universitarias. Es un edificio muy moderno y luminoso que constituye un homenaje a Hergé y a todo su mundo, siendo Tintín su héroe principal. El espacio central es muy amplio, en colores turquesa, amarillo, naranja y pilares en cuadros blanco y negro. En el centro hay una figura de Tintín y Milóu a escala real, como si allí nos estuviera esperando nuestro héroe. La visita empieza por la última planta y a medida que vamos bajando vamos siguiendo las obras de Hergé, inmersas en la vida de su autor y en su momento histórico, fundamentalmente la historia de Europa y el mundo en la primera mitad del siglo XX. Hay dibujos originales, películas y fotos y algunas reproducciones muy curiosas, como la del submarino con forma de tiburón del libro El tesoro de Rackham el Rojo, o una maqueta del cohete en su interior. Una actividad muy divertida es hacerse una foto con un escenario de un libro de Tintín y luego nos la envían al email. En la planta baja hay una tienda de souvenirs (casi todo muy caro) y un restaurante.
From the stories of Tintin always represented for me a symbol of travel and fantastic adventure. So during a trip to Brussels, we took a break to visit the new Hergé Museum in the town of Louvain-la-Neuve, a university town about 50 km from the capital. It can be easily reached by a commuter train that everywhere, but we reached our destination in just over an hour. The Museum is only about 5 minutes from the station, surrounded by a park in the vicinity of the residence halls. It is a bright modern building is a tribute to Hergé and his whole world, with its main hero Tintin. The central space is vast, turquoise, yellow, orange and pillars in black and white pictures. In the center is a figure of Tintin and Milou full scale, as if we were there waiting for our hero. The visit begins with the top floor and as we go down following the works of Hergé, immersed in the life of its author and its historical moment, mainly the history of Europe and the world in the first half of the twentieth century. There are original drawings, movies and pictures and some very curious views, such as the shark-shaped submarine book The Treasure of Rackham the Red, or a model rocket inside. A fun activity is to take a picture with a scene of a Tintin book and then we send it to the email. On the ground floor there is a (mostly very expensive) souvenir shop and a restaurant.
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All the Herg universe of Tintin

Tout l'univers d'Hergé et de Tintin

Le Musée Hergé vaut vraiment le détour autant par son contenu que pour son architecture incroyable si vous passez un court séjour à Bruxelles d'autant plus si vous êtes en famille. Prévoyez une excursion d'une bonne demi-journée pour bien avoir le temps de découvrir la collection, le musée proposant également un restaurant "Le Petit Vingtième" bien pratique pour une pause déjeuner. Il y a des navettes directes depuis certains hôtels de Bruxelles ou sinon facilement accessible en transport en commun. Pour les passionnés ou non, ce musée offre un panorama complet de la vie et de l'oeuvre incomparable d'Hergé, nous plongeant dans un mélange de nostalgie et de souvenirs d'enfance. La muséographie du lieu est extrêmement bien réussie avec des audioguides permettant d'apprécier l'ensemble des objets exposés et la chronologie de l'émergence d'Hergé comme un mythe de la BD et de l'illustration. A ne pas manquer la boutique où vous pourrez ramener des souvenirs, des albums de bande dessinée bien sûr et autres goodies issues de l'univers de Tintin principalement.
The Hergé Museum worth a visit as much for its content as for its incredible architecture if you spend a short stay in Brussels especially if you have a family. Plan a trip to a good half-day to have time to explore the collection, the museum also offers a restaurant "Little Twentieth" handy for a lunch break. There are direct shuttles from some hotels in Brussels or otherwise easily accessible by public transport. For lovers or not, this museum offers a comprehensive overview of the life and the incomparable work of Hergé, plunging us into a mixture of nostalgia and childhood memories. The museum's location is extremely well done with audio guides to assess all of the exhibits and the timing of the emergence of Hergé as a myth of comics and illustration. Do not miss the shop where you can bring back memories, comic books of course and other goodies from the world of Tintin mainly.
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More than Tintin

Mais do que Tintin

O museu celebra o trabalho do ilustrador, cartunista escritor belga Hergé. O trabalho mais conhecido de Hergé é certamente "As Aventuras de Tintin", mas o museu mostra também outras ilustrações e histórias, fotografias, objetos pessoais... além, é claro de muito sobre o personagem Tintin e os outros como o fiel Milu, o Capitão Haddock e os Thomson & Thompson. O museu está há cerca de meia hora de carro de Bruxelas, num prédio moderno que tem a intenção de combinar com o gosto por arte moderna do artista homenageado. Além da coleção à mostra, há um café e uma loja. Não é permitido fotografar o museu além do hall de entrada.
The museum celebrates the work of illustrator, cartoonist Belgian writer Herge. The best known work of Hergé is certainly "The Adventures of Tintin", but the museum also displays other illustrations and stories, photographs, personal objects ... plus of course a lot about the character Tintin and the other as the faithful Snowy, Captain Haddock and Thomson & Thompson. The museum is about a half hour drive from Brussels, in a modern building that is intended to match the taste for modern art featured artist. Besides the collection on display, there is a cafe and a shop. No photography is permitted beyond the museum lobby.
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At the heart of Herg

Au coeur de Hergé

Direction le musée de HERGé. Nous arrivons devant le musée à LOUVAIN LA NEUVE. Impossible de le rater, TINTIN est dessiné sur le mur du musée. Nous entrons, et nous voyons l'espace de ce musée. Deux couleurs se distinguent, agréable, propre, et très bien accueillit. L'accueil nous donne un audiophone, en IPOD. Nous montons l'accenseur et c'est parti pour apprendre tout de l'univers de Georges Rémi. Plus qu'a cliquer sur les numéros sur l'ipod, et nous voila plongé dans les vidéos, témoignages, la vie de Hergé. Un régal, un bonheur de parcourir ces trois étages de musée et de découvrir des photos, des planches de dessins originaux de Hergé. Tout est très bien expliquée. J'y serai bien rentrée longtemps. Cela prend au moins deux heures pour tout voir tranquillement, tout écouter... Sans être fan de TINTIN, vous serez émerveillée par ce musée... D'ailleurs, savez vous différencier DUPONT et DUPOND????????? A vous de jouer et de découvrir...
Direction Hergé Museum. We arrive at the museum LOUVAIN THE NEW. Can not miss it, Tintin is drawn on the wall of the museum. We enter, and we see the space of the museum. Two colors stand out, nice, clean, and very well welcomed. The home gives us a hearing aid in IPOD. We climb the accenseur and go to learn everything from the world of Georges Remi. Have to click on the numbers on the ipod, and here we are immersed in movies, stories, the life of Herge. A treat, a joy to go through these three stages museum and discover photos, boards Hergé's original drawings. Everything is very well explained. I'll be back very long. It takes at least two hours to see everything quietly, listen to all ... Without being a fan of Tintin, you will marvel at the museum ... Besides, do you differentiate DuPont and DOE????? Let's play and learn ...
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Very nice staff and very interesting...

Personnel très agréable et contenu très in...

Personnel très agréable et contenu très intéressant. Il y’a mm des activités prévues pour les enfants.
Very nice staff and very interesting content. There are mm activities planned for children.
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I had the opportunity to discover this...

Très bon enrichissement

J’ai eu l’occasion de découvrir ce musée avec les guides.
I had the opportunity to discover this museum with the guides. Very good enrichment
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