Hens and Chickens
Hens and Chickens is a pub situated on Worplesdon Road, in the village of Bisley. You are less than half an hour by train from London, but it is a pretty rural location, and the pub is a very traditional English one. You have to try a country pub at least once in England. People gather from five in the afternoon, after work, to share their day and some beers. They serve tea, which is not a real tea but an English traditional ale, made in a local factory and served at room temperature. It has a particular flavor which is not to everyone's liking, but the quality of a pub is judged by the more ales and beers that they offer.
There is a new owner, who renovated the place and it now serves food, it is not very expensive and I thought it had a good atmosphere. But the best time to go is between five and eight in the evening.
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