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Tian Tan Buddha


27 reviews of Tian Tan Buddha

Took about 2 hours to get here by metro


And the cable car from Repulse Bay. Definitely worth the trek. We stood in line for quite a while. We took a crystal cable car in Lantau Island up to visit Tian Tan Buddha and Po Lin Monastery. You'd think only local businesses would be there to keep the quaint village running, but much to my amazement, there was a Starbucks, a 7/11 and a Subway.

I guess all of Hong Kong is exposed to consumerism. It almost feels like many Buddhists make a pilgrimage here. Being surrounded by such vibes, zen people of many different nationalities and hearing monks peacefully chant all while inhaling the

Peaceful scent of incense was a sensational experience.
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This is one of thousand awesome place to visit in Hong Kong

This is one of a thousand awesome places to visit in Hong Kong. The Tian Tan Buddha is located in Lantau Island. To complete your experience, reach it via 360 Ngong Ping Cable Car (if you have more budget, use the crystal glass cabin). You will use the cable car to reach the Buddha on the top of the hill. After you arrive, you must walk through the market. To reach the Big Buddha, you need to climb stairs. Well, it's no ordinary stairs because maybe it's about 500 or maybe more than 500!!! But there's a myth that said if you can reach the top of it and pray in front of the Buddha, your wish or dream will come true.

The scenery around is really beautiful. Well, your pain isn't done yet. Believe me, climbing down the stairs is more difficult than climbing up the stairs. Lol
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Giant Buddha in Lantau

Lantau Island is the largest island in Hong Kong. It is situated near the village of Ngong Ping, the Po Lin Monastery, which houses a huge bronze Buddha, the world's largest one that can be found sitting outdoors. In the monastery, you can eat at vegetarian restaurants, visit the temple and the surrounding buildings, etc. The island, the monastery and nature are a 20 minute boat ride away from the hustle and bustles and numerous buildings in the city of Hong Kong.


Please use the crystal cabin cable car. You won't regret it


Must see


The impact of the Great Buddha is...

L'impatto con il Grande Budda è davvero ...

L'impatto con il Grande Budda è davvero impressionante, in particolare quando si arriva ai piedi della scalinata che conduce ai suoi piedi. Siamo nel nord dell'isola di Lantau, una vasta zona incontaminata circondata da verdi montagne. Per arrivarci si può utilizzare il comodo cable car oppure, da Central, un ferry per Lantau per poi proseguire con il bus pubblico. Il Tian Tan Buddha è di recente costruzione, completato solo nel 1993, e le dimensioni sono colossali: La più grande statua di Budda in bronzo del pianeta è alta 34 metri e pesa quanto un jumbo, si raggiunge salendo una imponente scalinata di 268 gradini. I pellegrini portano in dono incenso, fiori, frutta, offerte che simboleggiano la carità, la pazienza, la meditazione, tutte funzioni necessarie per raggiungere il nirvana. La base della statua è in realtà un mausoleo ed al suo interno è custodita una reliquia del Budda. Il luogo è davvero suggestivo ed emana un senso di pace e tranquillità, oltre che offrire un bellissimo panorama.
The impact of the Great Buddha is really impressive, especially when you reach the foot of the stairs leading to his feet. We are in the north of the island of Lantau, a vast unspoilt area surrounded by green mountains. To get there you can use the convenient cable car or, from Central, a ferry to Lantau and then take the public bus. The Tian Tan Buddha is newly built, completed in 1993, and the dimensions are colossal: The biggest buddha statue in bronze of the planet is 34 meters high and weighs as much as a jumbo jet, is reached via a grand staircase of 268 steps. The pilgrims bring a gift incense, flowers, fruits, offers symbolizing charity, patience, meditation, all functions necessary to attain nirvana. The base of the statue is actually a mausoleum and inside houses a relic of the Buddha. The place is really charming and exudes a sense of peace and tranquility, as well as offer a beautiful view.
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I think most know the syllable Om. The...

Creo que casi todos conoceis la Sílaba ...

Creo que casi todos conoceis la Sílaba OM. El OM es un símbolo sagrado en el Hinduismo suyo significado es la Unidad con lo Supremo, la fusión de lo físico con lo espiritual. Os digo esto porque contemplando al Gran Buda de bronce, os aconsejo que cerréis los ojos y repitais esta sílaba mentalmente. Os alcanzará la paz, ya veréis. Tiene unos 34 metros de altura y lo podeis contemplar desde 1993 en la isla de Lantau (Hong Kong). Por dentro esta hueco, con lo que podeis visitar su interior, habiendo unas bellas exposiciones y tiendas de regalos preciosas. Como os comenté en otro rincón, hago alusión también al Monasterio de Po Lin, que está muy cerca del Gran Buda. No os lo podeis perder. Dos sitios inigualables en belleza y contenido espiritual. El día en el que estuve hacía mucha niebla, pero fue igual de mágico, porque el Gran Buda se dejaba ver a ratitos y lo hacía más especial y misterioso. Así lo muestro en las fotos que espero que sean de vuestro agrado. Que Buda os de mucha PAZ interior.
I think most know the syllable Om. The OM is a sacred symbol in Hinduism meaning his oneness with the Supreme, the merging of the physical and the spiritual. I say this because looking at the Great Buddha bronze, I advise you to close your eyes and mentally repitais this syllable. We will achieve peace, you'll see. It is about 34 meters high and you can see since 1993 on Lantau Island (Hong Kong). Inside this hole, so you can see inside, having some beautiful exhibitions and precious gift shops. As I commented in another corner, I refer also to the Po Lin Monastery, which is near the Big Buddha. No you can not miss it. Two sites unrivaled in beauty and spiritual content. The day that I was very foggy, but was just as magical, because the Big Buddha showed himself to ratitos and made it more special and mysterious. So I show in the photos that I hope will be to your liking. Buddha many years of inner peace.
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Giant Buddha in Lantau

Buddha Gigante di Lantau

La verdissima isola di Lantau ad Hong Kong è un "must see" di chi si reca in questa famosissima meta asiatica. Lantau è l'isola più grande di Hong Kong e la sua attrazione principale è la statua del Buddha Tian Tan, meglio noto come Buddha Gigante. La statua, rappresentate Buddha Sakyamuni, è in bronzo, alta 34 metri e fu completata nel 1993. Appollaiata su una cima verdeggiante, la statua è raggiungibile in bus e battello o in funivia (la più lunga di tutta Asia). Io consiglio di andare in funivia per ammirare la bellissima vegetazione dell'isola e di tornare in bus e battello, per visitare anche i piccoli villaggi di pescatori. Sebbene la zona sia molto turistica e commerciale (si trovano molti negozi e persino Starbucks), oltre alla statua è possibile visitare un paio di templi buddisti ed un monastero. La visita a Lantau richiede minimo mezza giornata e ovviamente è consigliato andarci in un bel giorno sereno e soleggiato.
The lush island of Lantau in Hong Kong a "must see" for anyone who goes into this famous destination in Asia. Lantau Island of Hong Kong's largest and its main attraction the Tian Tan Buddha statue, known as the Giant Buddha. The statue, represented Buddha Sakyamuni, bronze, 34 meters high and was completed in 1993. Perched on a green top, the statue reached by bus, boat or cable car (the longest of the entire Asia). I recommend going to the cable car to admire the beautiful vegetation of the island and return by bus and boat to visit the small fishing villages. Although the area is very tourist and shopping (there are many shops and even Starbucks), in addition to the statue you can visit a few temples and a Buddhist monastery. The visit to Lantau requires minimum half-day course recommended to go there on a beautiful clear day and sunny.
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The Buddha of Lantau is the name given...

El Buda de Lantau es el nombre que...

El Buda de Lantau es el nombre que recibe el Buda de Tian Tan debido a que está ubicado en la isla de Lantau, en Hong Kong. Es una estatua de bronce de 34 metros de altura, que fue acabada de construir en 1993. Pertenece al vecino monasterio de [poi=4655]Po Lin[/poi] y representa la armonía entre el hombre, la naturaleza y la religión. Su interior es un muse donde además se guarda una de las reliquias blancas de Buda. Para llegar aquí la estación de metro más cercana es Tung Chung, luego se puede ir en bus o en funicular. Yo recomiendo la segunda opción, ya que no es caro, es mucho más rápido y disfrutaremos de unas vistas envidiables.
The Buddha of Lantau is the name given to the Tian Tan Buddha because it is located on Lantau Island in Hong Kong. It is a bronze statue of 34 meters high building was finished in 1993. Neighbor belongs to Po Lin Monastery and represents the harmony between man, nature and religion. Its interior is a muse which also saves a white relics of Buddha. To get here the nearest metro station is Tung Chung, then you can go by bus or funicular. I recommend the second option, as it is not expensive, it is much faster and enjoy enviable views.
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On this island of the archipelago of...

C'est sur cette ile de l'archipel de...

C'est sur cette ile de l'archipel de Hong Kong que se situe le temple de Lantau, gardien du plus grand bouddha d'extérieur au monde ! Une sculpture immense et majestueuse, au sommet de l'ile. Un lieu de culte et de repos qui se mérite : Il faut grimper un escalier qui n'en finit plus pour arriver au buddha ! Le meilleur moyen de s'y rendre : Depuis Hong Kong City, prendre un ferry jusqu'à l'ile de Lantau, puis prendre un des bus qui relie le temple à l'embarcadère. Pour les plus courageux, il y a aussi le vélo, mais la route est sinueuse et monte pas mal !
On this island of the archipelago of the Hong Kong Temple Lantau, guardian of the largest outdoor Buddha in the world is! A huge and majestic sculpture at the top of the island. A place of worship and rest that merit must climb a staircase that never ends to reach the buddha! The best way to get there: From Hong Kong City, take a ferry to the island of Lantau, then take a bus that connects the temple to the pier. For the more adventurous, there is also the bike, but the road is winding up and not bad!
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The Big Buddha

El Gran Buda

Ya el camino en el teleférico tiene unas vistas increíbles y la caminata hasta el Gran Buda también es espectacular. La estatua es majestuosa y es imposible hacerse a la idea de su tamaño hasta que no se está cerca de ella, aunque si se quiere sacar buenas fotos hay que tener muchísima paciencia porque hay turistas pululando por todas partes... Recomiendo visitar el Gran Buda para escapar de la actividad frenética de Hong Kong y disfrutar de la serenidad y el detalle de esta imponente estatua.
Now the way the cable car has amazing views and the hike to the Great Buddha is also spectacular. The statue is magnificent and it is impossible to get an idea of ​​its size until it is close to it, but if you take good photos have to be very patient because there are tourists swarming everywhere ... I recommend visiting the Great Buddha to escape the hectic Hong Kong and enjoy the serenity and stunning detail of this statue.
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The Big Buddha more than Grandioso

O Big Buddha mais do que Grandioso

No caminho para o Buddha é muito fácil entrar no clima zen depois do teleférico, ao passar pelo corredor dos guerreiros/signos chineses a energia do local é única. De degrau em degrau o buddha fica ainda mais bonito e a ansiedade aumenta. Ao chegar no topo preste atenção às deusas e suas oferendas é muito interessante. Boa subida!
On the way to the Buddha is very easy to get in the mood zen after the lift, when passing through the corridor warriors / Chinese signs the energy of the place is unique. From step to step the buddha becomes even more beautiful and anxiety increases. Arriving at the top pay attention to the goddesses and their offerings is very interesting. Drive down!
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The Buddha is located on Lantau Island...

Le bouddha se situe sur l'ile de Lantau...

Le bouddha se situe sur l'ile de Lantau qui est la plus grande de Hong Kong. Au pied du Bouddha, vous pouvez visiter le monastère bouddhiste de Po Lin.Vous pourrez sentir le magnifique odeur de l'encens, et admirer des statues dorées. De là vous pouvez contempler le bouddha géant, mais pour vous en approcher, il vous faudra gravir quelques marches... Le bouddha geant est en bronze, et en position assise. C'est le bouddha assis le plus grand d'Asie. Autour du bouddha vous pourrez contempler de magnifiques statuts. Vous pourrez aussi effectuer une rapide visite de l'interieur du bouddha.
The Buddha is located on Lantau Island which is the largest in Hong Kong. At the foot of the Buddha, you can visit the Buddhist Monastery Po Lin.Vous can feel the wonderful smell of incense, and admire the golden statues. From here you can admire the giant Buddha, but to get close, you have to climb a few steps ... The giant bronze Buddha is, and sitting. It is the largest sitting Buddha in Asia. Around the Buddha you can see magnificent statutes. You can also do a quick tour of the inside of the Buddha.
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The Mega Buddha Hong Kong

El Mega Buda de Hong Kong

Para escapar del bullicio continuo de Hong Kong, nada mejor que escaparse a alguna de las islas cercas. La más grande es Lantau Island es la isla más grande de Hong Kong y se encuentra situada en la desembocadura del río Perla. Entre sus muchas atracciones turísticas podemos nombrar al Buda Gigante Tian Tan, una estatua de bronce que mide 34 metros de altura y pesa 250 toneladas. Este Buda se encuentra en lo alto del Ngong Ping, la parte más alta de Lantau Island.
To escape the bustle of Hong Kong continued, nothing better than to escape to one of the islands fences. The largest is Lantau Island is the largest island in Hong Kong and is located at the mouth of the Pearl River. Among its many attractions can appoint Tian Tan Giant Buddha, a bronze statue measuring 34 meters high and weighs 250 tons. This Buddha sits atop the Ngong Ping, the highest part of Lantau Island.
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The biggest

The biggest

Después de un viaje en ferry , cablecarril muy fotográfico, ya que tiene una altura importante, llegamos a la isla, a los pocos metros de caminar ya se puede apreciar la figura de Budha y sus princesas, también hay un convento, parques jardines y una escalera larga para llegar a sus pies. Visita obligada
After a ferry ride, very photographic cableway as it has a significant height, arrived on the island, a few meters walk and you can see the figure of Budha and princesses, there are also a convent, parks, gardens and long to get to his feet staircase. must
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