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Gardens of the Royal Alcázar

30 reviews of Gardens of the Royal Alcázar

A bubble of peace and coolness

The gardens of Real Alcázar are a true bubble of peace and coolness, away from noise, activity and Seville heat.

Admission is free for students; therefore several times during our stay in Seville, we took a well-deserved rest there.

Of Moorish style, it is really relaxing with fresh cornflowers and multiple water fountains whose quiet noise contributes to the feeling of peace that this place exhibits.

There are better maintained areas, with roses, small shrubs carved with geometric shapes, and locations where there has been no attempt to tame nature, where palm, orange and other fruit trees coexist.

From the palace balconies, you can admire the forms and the division of the garden. There is a bartizan that gives shade to eat, although in several places in the park, the trees are so tall and close together that there is shade helping combat the heat of the day.

In the garden you can eat, and Sevillans take advantage of it, the place fills up with students and workers at lunchtime (for the people of Seville, admission is always free).
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A place that transmits serenity

An excerpt from a story of "The Thousand and One Nights" is what the walk through the gardens of the Alcazar seemed to me.

Mixed with the green foliage of magnolias and palms, small brightly coloured laurels and scented leaves, lemon trees studded with green lemons and oranges ready to explode, the well-trimmed box hedges covered in part by pink petals, aromatic myrtle, lilies, acanthus and the imponderable rosemary among the great quantity and variety of plants and vines.

Several different fountains and a beautiful arbour contribute to the wonderful setting of the magnificent building facades, in a soft yellow colour smoothly intense yet at the same time pastel contrasting with the blue sky.

The serenity that is conveyed by this space is mixed with the chirping of birds and the imagination overflows in relentless pursuit of memories trying to compare the incomparable. A trip that was worth making and a place you will want to come back to.
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Scent of orange blossom

That the Alcázars’ in Seville are unique, majestic and simply impressive nobody doubts, but apart from that its gardens are characteristic of the "Thousand and One Nights".

The Mudejar, Renaissance and Baroque influences have shaped landscaped gardens of great historic value, great beauty, reflecting the distinct gardening styles that were developed in each period.

Over time, these gardens have been enriched with exotic plants from all over the world, at present; over 170 species are catalogued in its 60,000 square meters.


Alcázar de Sevilla

This is a sunny afternoon in the middle of summer, looking through an underground aqueduct in the Alcázar de Sevilla, Spain.

Exoticism with an Andalusian touch.

Exotismo con un toque andaluz.

Sin duda, la estrella de los Alcázares, sobre todo en verano, cuando se busca la sombra y se huye de un sol implacable, son los Jardines. Refinados hasta el límite, el espíritu almohade se enseñorea de una recreación terrenal del paraíso de Alá, refrescado por los baños de Doña María Padilla, tan subterráneos ellos, en una sucesión de paisajes vegetales de estilo árabe, renacentista, barroco, inglés o genuínamente andaluz. Pongamos especial atención al jardin de los Grutescos, con una preciosa estatua de bronce y una galería superior de rústica decoración manierista. Recomiendo un mínimo de una hora para disfrutar plenamente de la obra del Hombre y de la Naturaleza en este lugar lleno de encanto y embrujo.
No doubt, the star of the Palaces, especially in summer, when looking for the shade and fleeing a relentless sun, are the gardens. Refined to the limit, the spirit Almohad rule over a recreation earthly paradise of Allah, refreshed by Doña María Padilla baths, as underground them, a succession of Arab style vegetable landscapes, Renaissance, Baroque, English or genuinely Andalusian . Take special care of the Grotesque garden with a beautiful bronze statue and an upper gallery of rustic decor mannerist. I recommend a minimum of an hour to fully enjoy the work of man and nature in this place full of charm and enchantment.
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Jardin de Real Alcazar in Seville

Jardin de Real Alcazar a Siviglia

L'entrata è un po' cara, 8.50 euro per gli adulti, 4 se siete studenti, ma direi che ne vale decisamente la pena! I giardini sono veramente enormi e raramente si riescono a vedere tutti quanti. Ci sono prati, animali, fontane, siepi, stanze, scale, mostre, quadri, tutto ovviamente secondo lo stile di Siviglia, condizionato da quello arabo. All'entrata vi conviene prendere il pieghevole con la mappa, rischiate di perdervi e di dover chiedere informazioni per trovare l'uscita! L'entrata è vicina al retro della Cattedrale, e se volete anche sentire la storia di ciò che visitate, sono disponibili delle audioguide in diverse lingue, ma se preferite avere una guida in carne ed ossa che vi porta in giro per questi splendidi giardini, potrete avere anche quella! Infatti ogni tot vengono organizzati dei gruppi e assegnate loro persone che, logicamente, spiegheranno ogni cosa nella loro lingua. Decisamente da visitare!
The entrance is a bit 'expensive, 8.50 euro for adults, 4 if you're a student, but I would say it is definitely worth it! The gardens are really huge and rarely get to see everyone. There are meadows, animals, fountains, hedges, rooms, stairs, exhibitions, paintings, all of course in the style of Seville, influenced by Arab rule. At the entrance you should take the folding map, you risk getting lost and having to ask for information to find the exit! The entrance is near the back of the cathedral, and if you also want to hear the story of that visit, there are audio guides in several languages, but if you prefer to have a guide in the flesh that takes you around these beautiful gardens, you can have that as well! In fact, every few are organized groups and assign their people, of course, explain everything in their language. Definitely worth seeing!
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Sevilla durante ocho siglos, cristianos, musulmanes y judíos convivieron, y esta mezcla de culturas quedó reflejada en su arquitectura. El Real Alcázar de Sevilla, es hoy nuestro sitio elegido para pasear. Se trata de un conjunto amurallado que sirvió como residencia de sultanes y reyes. El Alcázar de Sevilla es de los monumentos que cuando el viajero descubre se quedan impresionados por su belleza y amplitud. Se ha convertido en palacio de palacios, y si deseas entretenerte unos minutos hoy, puedes verlo a fondo. Entra y descúbrelo!! Ver video, conocer su historia resumida, sus detalles, enigmas, espacios, culturas,etc. #alcazardesevilla #versevilla #freetouralcazardesevilla #freetoursevilla #freetoursantacruzsevilla Click aquí - https://freetourssevilla.com/reales-alcazares-de-sevilla/
For eight centuries Seville, Christians, Muslims and Jews lived together, and this mixture of cultures was reflected in its architecture. The Real Alcázar of Seville, is today our chosen place to walk. It is a walled complex that served as the residence of sultans and kings. The Alcazar of Seville is one of the monuments that when the traveler discovers they are impressed by its beauty and spaciousness. It has become a palace of palaces, and if you want to entertain yourself for a few minutes today, you can see it in depth. Come in and find out! See video, know its summarized history, its details, enigmas, spaces, cultures, etc. #alcazardesevilla #versevilla #freetouralcazardesevilla #freetoursevilla #freetoursantacruzsevilla Click here - https://freetourssevilla.com/reales-alcazares-de-sevilla/
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The gardens of the Royal Alcazar in Seville certainly gorgeous, you have laberentinos, a lake where fish, walk around you peacocks. A nice place to spend the day, so if you can not eat inside, advise taking water because there are few

Los jardines del real alcazar en sevilla sin duda una preciosidad,tiene laberentinos,un lago donde hay peces,pasean a tu alrededor pavos reales. Un bonito sitio donde pasar el dia,eso si dentro no se puede comer,aconsejo que lleveis agua por que hay pocos

Los jardines del real alcázar en sevilla sin duda una preciosidad,tiene laberentinos,un lago donde hay peces,pasean a tu alrededor pavos reales. Un bonito sitio donde pasar el día,eso si dentro no se puede comer,aconsejo que lleveis agua por que hay pocos sitios de sombra en verano. No me arrepiento de haber pagado la entrada,hay descuentos para estudiantes que lleven el carnet,además de para los jubilados y pensionistas. Os recomiendo que vayáis sobre todo si os gusta la naturaleza.
The gardens of the Real Alcazar in Seville certainly gorgeous, has laberentinos, a lake where there are fish, walk around your peacocks. A nice place to spend the day, that if within can not eat, I advise you bring forth water because there are few places of shade in summer. I do not regret having paid the entrance, there are student discounts with the card, plus for retirees and pensioners. I recommend you vayais especially if you like nature.
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Personalmente la natura mi piace tantissimo e ammiro chi investe e cura con l'attenzione ogni minimo spazio verde. Abbiamo trascorso quasi mezza giornata ammirando questo immenso parco accolti da silenzio e colori magnifici. L'entrata se non mi sbaglio è di euro 7, e ne vale ogni euro speso! Da trovare è più che facile: Plaza del Triunfo - 41001 Siviglia.
Personally I really like the nature and admire those who invest with care and attention to every little green space. We spent almost half a day admiring this huge park greeted by silence and magnificent colors. The entrance if I'm not mistaken is € 7, and it is worth every euro spent! Is more than easy to find: Plaza del Triunfo - 41001 Seville.
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A masterpiece of art mudjar

Una obra maestra del arte mudéjar

El Alcázar de Sevilla, declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad, es un complejo palaciego iniciado en tiempos de Alfonso X y continuado por Alfonso XI. Es el Palacio Real más antiguo de Europa que permanece actualmente en activo. El vídeo es del Patio de las Doncellas, patio principal, una obra maestra del arte mudéjar andaluz. Desde la entrada al patio de las doncellas nos encontramos a la derecha la Alcoba Real, enfrente se encuentra el salón de embajadores y a la izquierda el salón del Techo de Carlos V. En la planta superior del palacio se encuentran los apartamentos reales, redecorados en el siglo XVIII. El conjunto de habitaciones y patios que forman la planta baja de este palacio son los siguientes:
The Alcázar of Seville, declared World Heritage Site, is a palace complex began in the reign of Alfonso X and continued by Alfonso XI. It is the oldest royal palace in Europe that remains active today. The video is the Patio of the Maidens, main courtyard, a masterpiece of Moorish Andalusia. Upon entering the courtyard of the maids we right the Bedchamber, opposite is the Hall of Ambassadors and left the lounge ceiling Carlos V. On the upper floor of the palace are the royal apartments, redecorated in the eighteenth century. The set of rooms and courtyards that form the ground floor of this palace are:
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Coincidence ???


Entre turistas me colé y en su cámara me planté. Aficionado para todos, y algo por ahí cursé. Mucha cámara boba, pero ninguna carambola. Luces de tugnsteno , y ahí la saqué. Así fue, mientras luchaba con el puesto de fotógrafo en esto baños romanos, sin trípode y con una piedra centenaria, sin espacio y con mando, saqué esta foto. Sin esperanzas miré y ahí quedó.
Among tourists slipped me his camera and I planted. Aficionado for all, and something I studied there. Many stupid camera, but no fluke. Tugnsteno lights, and then I got it. So it was, as he struggled with the photographer in this post Roman baths without tripod and a centuries-old stone, no space and command, I took this photo. But I looked and there was hope.
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From the palace to the garden is a daydream.

Du palais au jardin c'est un rêve éveillé.

Cela vaut vraiment les longues attentes, on peut passer des jardins puis repasser dans le palais sans aucune difficulté. Superbe.
From the palace to the garden c is a dream awake. Well worth the long wait you can go through the gardens and then go back to the palace without any problems.
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Real Alczar catacombs Seville

Catacumbas del Real Alcázar de Sevilla

Independientemente de cómo pueda sonar eso de las catacumbas, a mi me resultó un lugar con bastante íntimo, con una historia que contar y donde la sutilidad de la luz y el camino de agua te lleva a disfrutar sin duda de un momento de tranquilidad y recogimiento.
Regardless of how it may sound that the catacombs, I turned me somewhere quite intimate, with a story to tell and where the subtlety of light and the path water takes you to surely enjoy a moment of peaceful seclusion .
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A very beautiful place

Un lugar muy hermoso

Al cual debes ir con tiempo para recorrer todos sus jardines. Mi lugar favorito fue el Baño de María, la historia y la estructura arquitectónica te hace transportarte a ese época.
A very beautiful place to which you must go in time to go through all its gardens. My favorite place was the Bath of Mary, the history and the architectural structure transports you to that time
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Not to miss Sevilla

Para no perderse de Sevilla

Los jardines del Real Alcázar son increíbles! Hay de todo, palmeras, muchos árboles (naranjos sobre todo, el árbol típico de la zona), fuentes y una vista muy linda. Luego de ver el edificio del alcázar siguiendo por la puerta trasera se llega a los jardines, que están divididos en distintos sectores, con plantas y formas variadas. Es un ambiente muy tropical y te remite a esos años de gran influencia musulmana. Es para pasear un rato, si es un día lindo mejor! La entrada al Alcázar ya te permite entrar a los jardines.
The gardens of the Real Alcázar are amazing! There is everything, palm trees, lots of trees (mostly orange, tree typical of the area), fountains and a very nice view. After seeing the building of the palace following the back door you come to the gardens, which are divided into different sectors, with plants and varied forms. It is a very tropical atmosphere and you will refer to those years of great Muslim influence. Is to take a walk, if its a nice day better! The entrance to the Alcazar and allows you to enter the grounds.
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