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Laos–Thailand Border Crossing

9 reviews of Laos–Thailand Border Crossing

I Had to Come Up with Something

I will stop there in just a little over a month. The boat to cross the Mekong River from Chiang Khong in Tai, to Houei Xai in Laos, costs 20 baht (in May '09). The visa for Lao, can be extended to a month-long visa, $ 35 USA. You need to be sure you have a passport valid for 6 months from the date of issue of the visa, and two photographs (even if you have two with it, in my case). I spent one night in Houxei, I never expected to get to Laos that day and so I had to come up with something. The next day I took the boat down the Mekong to Luang Phrabang. PS: I can not re-edit, but the photos belong to Houei Xai in Laos.

I guess I felt bad, because this place did not exist in the drop-down menu, and I had to leave it as is. Sorry.
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From Chiang Mai, the northern capital...

Desde Chiang Mai, la capital del norte...

Desde Chiang Mai, la capital del norte de Tailandia, me voy hacia el norte, el triángulo de Oro, el río Mekong, en un bus con karaoke a tope, les encanta a los tailandeses, y muy climatizado. Siempre me llevo el saco de dormir a dentro del bus para taparme, pero parece que nadie más tiene frío. Mi destino es Laos, el país de las sonrisas. Paso la frontera en Chiang Khong, del lado tailandés, y en Huay Xai del lado lao. Me recuerda un poco la frontera entre Mali y Senegal. De un lado, bellos coches, casas nuevas, y del otro la precaridad, las pistas de tierra, estamos a 100 años atrás parece. Algunos carteles bilingües en lao y francés recuerdan la época colonial. Se conduce a la derecha, lo que es agradable porque en Tailandia por poco me atropellaron, por no mirar del buen lado al cruzar. Para ir a Luang Prabang, la capital del norte, se puede ir en 2 días con un barco bajando el río Mekong, o casi en el mismo tiempo, en camionetas antiguas, pero ya se había ido el barco y tuve que ir en la camioneta, con otra docena de visitantes, siete horas de pistas de terracería, mucho polvo, la sed, pero el paisaje encantador nos ayuda a pasar el tiempo. En los pueblos nos reciben con sonrisas siempre, sin doble sentido, solo están felices de ver caras nuevas, no como en Tailandia que están felices de ver un nuevo cliente y solo piensan en business en las ciudades grandes. Los precios son bastante similares que en Tailandia, a penas más baratos, mientras los sueldos son de la mitad inferiores. Hacemos una escala a Luang Nam Ta para pasar la noche, algunos salen a caminar por los pueblos de la montaña, yo me hago otro día de carretera y polvo hacia Luang Prabang.
From Chiang Mai, the northern capital of Thailand, I'm off to the north, the Golden Triangle, the Mekong River in a bus with karaoke butt, love the Thais, and very heated. Whenever I take a sleeping bag inside the bus to cover myself, but it seems that nobody else is cold. My destination is Laos, the land of smiles. Step border in Chiang Khong, the Thai side, and side Lao Huay Xai. It reminds me a bit the border between Mali and Senegal. On one side, beautiful cars, new homes, and the other the precariousness, dirt tracks, we are 100 years ago seems. Some posters bilingual Lao and French colonial remember. Driving is on the right, which is nice because I almost ran over Thailand, not to look on the good side across. To go to Luang Prabang, the capital of the north, you can go in two days with a boat down the Mekong River, or about the same time, old trucks, but the boat was gone and I had to go in the van , with another dozen visitors, seven hours a dirt track, a lot of dust, thirst, but the charming landscape helps to pass the time. In the villages we were greeted with smiles always, no pun intended, they're just happy to see new faces, unlike in Thailand who are happy to see a new customer and only think about business in the big cities. Prices are pretty similar in Thailand, barely cheaper, while wages are lower half. We make a scale to Luang Nam Ta for the night, some take a walk through the villages of the mountain, I do another day of road dust to Luang Prabang.
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I cross the border in Chiang Khong,...

Je passe la frontière à Chiang Khong, c...

Je passe la frontière à Chiang Khong, côté Thaï, Huay Xai côté lao, et ça me rappelle un peu la frontière entre le Mali et le Sénégal. D’un côté, de beau 4x4, des maisons neuves, de l’autre, la précarité, les chemins de terre, on est repartis 100 ans en arrière. D’ailleurs, quelques panneaux bilingues lao et français rappellent la période coloniale. On roule à droite, ce qui est particulièrement appréciable, après avoir manqué de se faire renverser tout le temps en Thaïlande, pour avoir regardé du mauvais côté avant de traverser. J’hésite pour rejoindre Luang Prabang, la capitale du Nord, entre deux jours de bateau sur le Mékong, et presque autant de bus sur les pistes lao. J’opte pour la deuxième solution malgré moi, quand on m’annonce que le bateau est déjà parti, eh oui, j’ai toujours un peu de mal avec les levers matinaux par ici… Me voilà en train de revivre l’entrée au Mali, avec sept heures de pistes poussiéreuses à l’arrière d’un pick up, étrangement entassée avec que des touristes, et pour cause, une fois qu’on a fait ce trajet, on ne veut pas le refaire deux fois ! Mes compagnons, dont un couple assez âgé, tiennent bien la route, et le paysage superbe nous aide à passer le temps. Dans les villages, les habitants nous saluent avec de touchant sourires, mais à la pause on sent quand même que le sens du business est là, peut être moins exacerbé qu’en Thaïlande, mais néanmoins vivace. Les prix sont les mêmes qu’en Thaïlande, du moins pour nous les farangs, alors que les salaires sont au moins trois fois moins élevés… Sept heures et plusieurs couches de poussières plus tard, on fait escale pour la nuit à Luang Nam Tha, petit bourg étape pour les trekkeurs désirant visiter les tribus montagnardes. Puis encore une journée de poussiere et on rejoint enfin la superbe Luang Prabang.
I cross the border in Chiang Khong, Thai side, Huay Xai Lao side, and it reminds me of the border between Mali and Senegal. On one side, beautiful 4x4, new homes, on the other, insecure, dirt roads, we went back 100 years ago. Moreover, some Lao and French bilingual signs reminiscent of the colonial period. Driving is on the right, which is particularly significant, after failing to get hit all the time in Thailand for looking the wrong side before crossing. I hesitate to reach Luang Prabang, the capital of the North, between two days by boat on the Mekong River, and almost as many bus Lao tracks. I opt for the second solution in spite of myself, when I was told that the boat is already gone, yes, I still have a little trouble with morning sunrises here ... Here I am reliving the entry Mali, with seven hours of dirt roads in the back of a pick up, that strangely crowded with tourists, and for good reason, once we did this trip, we do not want to do it again twice! My companions, including an elderly couple, take the road well, and stunning views to help us pass the time. In the villages, people greet us with smiles touching, but at the break it still feels that the business sense is there may be less exaggerated than in Thailand, but still alive. Prices are the same as in Thailand, at least for us farangs, while wages are at least three times lower ... Seven hours and several layers of dust later, we stopped for the night in Luang Nam Tha small town stop for trekkers wishing to visit the hill tribes. Then another day of dust and finally joined the beautiful Luang Prabang.
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Try the boats ...

Da provare le barchette...

Se state viaggiando tra Thailandia e Laos e vi trovate nel nord dei due paesi, l'unica frontiera aperta al momento si trova tra Chiang Khong (Thailandia) e Houay Xai (Laos). Il confine in questa zona è delineato dal fiume Mekong e , non esistendo ponti in quest'area, l'attraversamento avverrà a bordo di piccole lunghe barche (se viaggiate in auto o moto dovrete attendere il battello che viaggia un paio di volte al giorno). Il confine è aperto dalle 7 alle 19 e, dopo aver ottenuto il timbro d'uscita su una sponda, dovrete richiedere il visto (un mese per il Laos, 15 giorni per la Thailandia) del paese di ingresso. L'esperienza di salire su queste barchette instabili vale da sola il prezzo del biglietto (40 Baht).
If you are traveling between Thailand and Laos, and you are in the north of the two countries, the only open border at the moment is between Chiang Khong (Thailand) and Houay Xai (Laos). The boundary in this area is outlined by the Mekong River, and there are no bridges in this area, the crossing will be on small long boats (if you are traveling by car or motorcycle you must wait for the boat that travels a few times a day) . The border is open from 7 to 19 and, after getting the exit stamp on one side, you must apply for a visa (one month for Laos, Thailand for 15 days) of the country of entry. The experience of getting on these boats unstable alone is worth the price of admission (40 Baht).
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Passage of the border from the Thalan

Passage de la frontière depuis la Thaïlan

Le passage de la frontière entre la Thailande et le Laos à Huay Xai fait partie de ces expériences où vous devez faire confiance aux organisateurs en dépit du fait que rien ne semble organisé ! Quelqu'un que vous n'avez jamais vu viendra vous prendre votre passeport, et vous croisez les doigts pour qu'il vous le ramène (ce qui est bien évidemment le cas, mais ça craint quand même !) avant de traverser le fleuve mékong à bord de barques motorisées totalement instables. Le courant est tellement fort que les enbarcations doivent faire face au fleuve pour le traverser, et vous voilà au poste-frontière Laotien où il faudra vous acquitter des droits d'entrée pour obtenir le précieux visa, écrit à la main et accolé à l'intérieur de votre passeport!
The border crossing between Thailand and Laos at Huay Xai is one of those experiences where you have to trust the organizers despite the fact that nothing seems to be organized! Someone you've never seen will take your passport, and you cross your fingers that you back (which is obviously the case, but it sucks anyway!) Before crossing the Mekong River aboard motorized boats completely unstable. The current is so strong that enbarcations face the river to cross, and you're the Lao border post where he will have to pay an entrance fee to get the precious visa, hand written and attached to the inside your passport!
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A path through the dense jungle of Northern Thailand

Una ruta a través de la tupida jungla del Norte de Tailandia

Una ruta a través de la tupida jungla del Norte de Tailandia
A path through the dense jungle of Northern Thailand
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Inside the Land Of Laos

Inside the Land Of Laos

Inside the Land Of Laos
Inside the Land Of Laos
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Curious but now

Curioso pero ya

Curioso pero ya
Curious but now
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It has a viewpoint where we can see the golden triangle

Tiene un mirador donde podemos divisar el triángulo de oro.

El cruce de los tres países cercanos.
It has a viewpoint where we can see the golden triangle, the crossing of the three nearby countries.
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