From Horsetail to the Refuge of Góriz
Shortly before the base of the Horsetail waterfall, you will find a bridge to the right that gives two options to reach the Goriz refuge: a) take the path on your right, gaining altitude quickly on a very loose stone path. It is the mule trail leading to Refuge and joins the track coming from the Gaza Pelay and the Path of Cazadores b) follow the Soaso Pegs (1800-1900 m.). In winter it is advisable to go via Soaso pegs to avoid avalanches. We chose the other path. After overcoming the Circus Soaso Ordesa, we reached the ledge. The main trail continues north through the meadows, to Góriz Refuge (2,200 m).
Note that the shelter is hidden for most of the time, until just a few meters before arrival.
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