Sofia Santos
Very special carpet making
The process of making a carpet by hand is very special. Beginning with silk worms in their cocoons it goes through many phases, all by hand, until it becomes a spectacular carpet. The experts of the store say the secret is choosing the perfect strands , Then the perfect design and the last secret is to have patience. In Turkey, the majority of workers in the manufacture of carpets are women who have a salary of about € 100 per month, for weaving of 4-6 hours a day. To finish a medium sized rug, it takes like 4 months. Carpets can last for about 3-4 generations in the same family (you can leave an inheritance) and the older the carpet, the more expensive the carpet ...
I've seen a 1m x 1,5 m cost € 3,000 due to the quality of the silk and its elaborate design. When I was a child, I imagined flying on a flying carpet like in a Thousand and One Nights ... When I went to Turkey I could not help but see how they did this..
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