Luxurious 5-star hotel located on the shores of Cartago on the beachfront about 15 km from Tunis and 5 minutes from the village of Sidi Bou Said with outdoor and indoor pool
Lujoso hotel de 5 estrellas situado en las costas de Cartago
En primera línea de playa a unos que 15 km de Túnez y 5 minutos del pueblo de Sidi Bou Said, con piscina exterior y cubierta, baños turcos, sauna y centro de talasoterapia con habitaciones muy espaciosas y el bufett con mucha variedad, un lugar ideal para pasar unas buenas vacaciones.
Luxurious 5 star hotel located on the shores of Cartago on the beachfront about 15 km from Tunis and 5 minutes from the village of Sidi Bou Said with outdoor and indoor pool, Turkish baths, sauna and thalassotherapy center with very spacious rooms and the bufett with a lot of variety, an ideal place to spend a good holiday