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Ekambareswarar Temple

+91 44 2722 2084
+91 44 2722 2084
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6 reviews of Ekambareswarar Temple

The best temple in India for the people and commotion

Kanchipuram is famous for its silk saris, but it is also full of temples and pilgrims who come. I had a great day, after spending 2 hours in a bus, through dust and heat, honking and even a few scares on the road ... Of all the temples, which gave us an unforgettable experience , the best was the Temple of Ekambareshvara, because that day was a holiday and when we got there it was crowded, women in their silk saris and bright colors, kids ... We had no idea. Upon entering, we saw that there are many bars of "goodies" in the courtyard of the temple itself, balloons, etc.. We were the only tourists, and people looked at us smiling, and when we brough out the camera ...

Many wanted to pose, even asked us how many rupees for the photos. This temple is the largest of Kanchi (so the locals call it), and the center has a sacred pond where people bathe and drink, seeking purification. All he is painted bright colors, kind Disney, as are characteristic of the temples of South India. Your gopura (tower feature that these temples), painted yellow-beige, is at least 60 m. High. A little further, there is a huge mango tree, representing Shiva and Kamakshi tree where they married, and where women go ask fertility, giving three times around its trunk. Luck also requested financial problems, or find a husband for their daughters ... Since then, the kindness of the people, their joy, and the commotion made the difference in this temple.
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Eakkambaranathar Temple

The Eakkambaranathar Temple is one of the largest temples in Kanchipuram city, occupying an area of ​​12 hectares. It was built during the reign of the Pallava (VI-VIII centuries) and later underwent expansion during the reign of the Chola. It is dedicated to Shiva and Parvati. Notable are the 5 corridors with 1000 pillars and the walls are adorned with over 1000 limgams (in the Hindu religion this is the representation of The Lord Shiva). In the central courtyard of the temple is a mango tree which according to the legend is 3500 years old. Its opening hours are from 6:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and

4.00 pm-8.30 pm
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one of the five temples

uno de los cinco templos

Seguimos en el distrito de Kanchipuram , al suroeste de Chennai . Donde se encuentra un magestuoso Templo Ekambareshavara de origen Pallava ¡ lo que mas llama la atención es su cisterna , una idea de relax , de bienestar pasó por mi mente al entrar al recinto y ver como parte de los fieles disfrutan en el estanque . Ante el se levanta un gran " mandapam " de 16 columnas ricamente decoradas , que se añadieron con posterioridad ¡ uno de los cinco santuarios " panchalinga " en los que se representa al dios Shivá como símbolos elementales y naturales , del aire - agua - fuego - tierra - éter . Dentro del templo , sus paredes están decoradas por 1008 " linga esta esculpido en la propia tierra o prithvi " los corredores de todo el complejo están decorados con lingas . Narrando una impresionante historia de amor entre " Shiva y Kamakshi " entorno al árbol de mango , que aun hay evidencia de el , en el lugar . Al sur un " Gopuram " de unos 57 m de alto , supone una de las torres mas altas del sur de India .Una ciudad de peregrinación con templos de los S : VIII- XVII , a la que acuden muchos fieles para participar en las ofrendas y visitar a la deidad , para su bendición
Still in Kanchipuram district, southwest of Chennai. Where there is a majestic temple of origin Ekambareshavara Pallava What catches the attention is the cistern, a sense of relaxation, wellness pas my mind to enter the enclosure and watch as the faithful enjoy the pond. Before rising a great "mandapam" 16 columns richly decorated, which aadieron after one of the five sanctuaries "panchalinga" in which the god Shiv depicted as elementary and natural symbols, the air - water - fire - earth - ter. Inside the temple, the walls are decorated by 1008 "linga is carved into the land itself or Prithvi" brokers estn entire complex decorated with slings. Narrating an amazing love story between "Shiva and Kamakshi" around the mango tree, which still no evidence of the, in place. South a 'Gopuram' of about 57 m high, is one of the tallest towers in the southern Indian city of pilgrimage .A temples of S: XVII VIII, which many faithful flock to participate in offerings and visit to the deity, for blessing
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C'est le plus vaste temple de la ville sainte de Kanchipuram. Son gopuram se signale de loin avec ses 57 mètres de haut. Contrairement à ceux du sud de l'état du Tamil Nadu, il n'a pas reçu de peintures colorées. Il n'en est pas moins impressionnant. A l'intérieur, des lingams, symboles de fertilité, et surtout un bassin sacré où les fidèles viennent faire leurs ablutions : assez spectaculaire. Egalement un manguier qui totaliserait plusieurs millénaires d'âge.
This is the largest temple in the holy city of Kanchipuram. Its gopuram stands out from afar with its 57 meters high. Unlike those in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, it has not been colored paintings. There is no less impressive. Inside, lingams, symbols of fertility, especially a sacred pool where the faithful come to do their ablutions pretty spectacular. Also a mango which would total several thousand years old.
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Siva temple

El templo de Siva

Entre la multitud de templos repartidos por la ciudad india de Kanchipuram, el de Sri Ekambarshvara destaca por su tamaño y por su importancia al ser uno de los cinco templos fundamentales de Siva. Su gran gopuram o su gran mandapa (sala hipóstila) son algunos de sus elementos más destacados. Hay que recorrer todo el recinto descalzo, siendo su patio tan grande que en los días soleados y cálidos puede ser un verdadero suplicio para el extranjero no acostumbrado a ir sin zapatos.
Among the multitude of temples scattered around the Indian city of Kanchipuram, the Sri Ekambarshvara stands out for its size and its importance as one of the five main temples of Siva. His great gopuram or large mandapa (hipstila room) are some of its most important elements. You have to go all the grounds barefoot, with his yard so great that on sunny days and clidos can be a real ordeal for abroad not used to going without shoes.
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Great temple, beautiful and high

Templo grande, lindo e alto

Kanchipuramé uma das cidades com mais templos da India e fica no estado de Tamil Nadu. Paramos o carro numa praça cheia de lojinhas e claro tiramos os sapatos para entrar no templo.
Kanchipuram one of the cities with more temples in India and is in the state of Tamil Nadu. We stopped the car in the square full of shops and of course we took the shoes to enter the temple.
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