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Pisa Cathedral


28 reviews of Pisa Cathedral

Most Surprising

The interior has nothing to do with the French or Spanish Romanesque. At the time, Italy had a very different architecture and Romanesque ornamentation than we're used to. In Italy, there was much more brightness, the buildings were taller and the presence of windows was important, which are a lot of factors that our Romanesque lacked until the Gothic style came along. But the most surprising thing about the interior is the black and white marble, which is very typical in Italy, as well as the wooden gilded coffered ceiling from the 17th century. Don't miss the Pantocrator in the apse, from the 16th century, and the pulpit, a masterpiece of Giovanni Pisano, from the early 14th century.

The huge granite Corinthian columns between nave and apse are of the mosque of Palermo, spoils from the battle of "Cala" in 1063. There is also a huge apse mosaic of Christ by Cimabue from 1302, which survived the fire of 1595.
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The most beautiful cathedral I visited in Italy

La catedral más hermosa que visité en Italia

La Catedral de Pisa es una verdadera obra maestra de la arquitectura románica, tanto por dentro como por fuera. Para mí, fue la catedral más hermosa que visité en Italia y estoy contando las magníficas catedrales de Florencia y el Vaticano. Lo que más me sorprendió fue el interior: los arcos de inspiración islámica, los mosaicos de estilo bizantino y el techo deslumbrante cubierto de oro están en marcado contraste con las catedrales más austeras que vimos en otras ciudades. También, su estado de conservación esta alucinante para tener casi 1.000 años. Desde el exterior, la corona de la Piazza dei Miracoli que es aún más que su famosa torre inclinada. La ausencia de gente en los céspedes verdes de la Piazza dei Miracoli hace que la vista sea tremenda e impactante - este elegantey gigante de mármol blanco colocado entre la tierra y el cielo, sin distracciones, sin edificios en el horizonte. Es algo realmente especial. La visita es gratis, así que no hay excusa para no ir, aunque sugiero ir o temprano o a última hora para evitar las hordas de turistas que llegan a Pisa en autobuses por la mañana. Si estás en Pisa, no te lo puedes perder para el mundo.
The Cathedral of Pisa is a true masterpiece of Romanesque architecture, both inside and out. For me, it was the most beautiful cathedral I visited in Italy and I am counting the magnificent cathedrals of Florence and the Vatican. What struck me most was the interior: the arches of Islamic inspiration, Byzantine-style mosaics and the dazzling roof covered with gold are in stark contrast to the austere cathedrals we saw in other cities. Also, its state of conservation is amazing to have almost 1,000 years. From the outside, the crown of Piazza dei Miracoli is even more than its famous leaning tower. The absence of people in the green lawns of Piazza dei Miracoli makes the view tremendous and impressive - this giant elegant white marble placed between the earth and the sky, without distractions, without buildings on the horizon. It"s something really special. The tour is free, so there is no excuse not to go, although I suggest going or early or late to avoid the hordes of tourists arriving in Pisa on buses in the morning. If you are in Pisa, you can not miss it for the world.
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The Duomo, Pisa

Le Duomo, Pise

Situé à proximité immédiate de la célèbre Tour de Pise, le Duomo souffre de cette concurrence directe. Si l’édifice avait été situé ailleurs dans la ville, il aurait en effet certainement été admiré et également pris d’assaut par les touristes. Mais compte-tenu de sa situation géographique, peu de touristes s’y attardent. Et pourtant, l’édifice est absolument remarquable. Sa façade surmontée de cinq étages de colonnes sort de l’ordinaire, et le fronton est richement décoré, notamment de fresques aux allures brillantes, magnifiquement conservées et restaurées. Une visite à ne pas négliger, même si la Tour voisine vous fait de l’œil !
Located close to the famous Leaning Tower, the Duomo suffers from this direct competition. If the building was located elsewhere in the city, he would have indeed certainly admired and also mobbed by tourists. But in view of its geographical location, few tourists linger. And yet, the building is absolutely remarkable. Its facade topped by five rows of columns out of the ordinary, and the pediment is richly decorated with frescoes including the brilliant gaits, beautifully preserved and restored. A visit not to be overlooked, even if the neighboring Tour makes you eye!
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Majestic Duomo

Duomo majestueux

La cathédrale Santa Maria Assunta est le seul édifice de la Place des Miracles où l'on peut pénétrer gratuitement. Ce n'est pas elle que viennent voir la majorité des touristes mais son clocher indépendant, son campanile, la fameuse Tour de Pise. L'édifice médiéval, en croix latine, trône littéralement, avec ses cent mètres de long, dans l'ensemble monumental. Son marbre blanc est bien mis en valeur par la propreté des pelouses. Les photos sont interdites à l'intérieur qui possède un plafond somptueux et une chaire remarquable.
The Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta is the only building in the Square of Miracles where you can enter for free. It's not that she come to see the majority of tourists but its separate bell tower, campanile, the famous Leaning Tower. The medieval building, a Latin cross, throne literally, with its hundred meters long, in the monumental. Its white marble is highlighted by the clean lawns. The photos are allowed inside, which has a magnificent ceiling and a remarkable pulpit.
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En face du baptistère et près de la tour penchée de Pise, la cathédrale Notre Dame de l'Assomption est l'une des plus belles églises que j'ai pu voir en Italie, après le dôme de Florence ou la basilique St Pierre de Rome bien sûr mais quand même, l'architecture extérieure de style roman est très belle. Elle fut construite entre la fin du 11ème siècle et le début du 12ème. Après une courte attente à l'extérieur nous entrons pour découvrir l'intérieur avec les mosaïques, les grandes nefs, et le plafond qui date du 17ème siècle lui.
In front of the baptistery and near the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Our Lady of the Assumption Cathedral is one of the most beautiful churches I've seen in Italy, after the dome of Florence and St. Peter's Basilica in Rome of course, but still, the exterior architecture of novel style is very beautiful. It was built between the late 11th century and early 12th. After a short wait outside we get to see the interior with mosaics, large ships, and ceiling dating from the 17th century it.
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Duomo of Santa Mara Assunta, Pisa (Italy)

Merece la pena visitar este lugar....

Merece la pena visitar este lugar. Tanto interior como exteriormente es ESPECTACULAR. Verás pinturas, frescos, mosaicos, esculturas, imaginería y galerías que te dejaran con la boca abierta. La entrada es gratuita y aunque suele haber mucha gente, se puede visitar sin problema. Hay que mirar bien los horarios porque es de los primeros monumentos que cierran.
It is worth visiting this place. Both internally and externally it is SPECTACULAR. Vers paintings, frescoes, mosaics, sculptures, imaginera and galleys that will leave you with your mouth open. Admission is free, although there is usually a lot of people, you can be visited without problem. You have to look good times because it is the first monuments that close.
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The cathedral of Pisa

La cathédrale de Pise

Autre attraction de Pise presque autant prisée que la fameuse tour, la cathédrale est également située sur la place des miracles et en jette avec sa belle architecture très imposante. Contrairement à la tour, on peut la visiter gratuitement mais il faut un ticket malgré tout, à aller chercher dans le musée à l'entrée de la place. Même si c'est gratuit, l'attente peut être longue.
Another attraction of Pisa almost as popular as the famous tower, the cathedral is also located on the place of miracles and throws very impressive with its beautiful architecture. Unlike the tower can be visited for free but you need a ticket anyway, to get in the museum at the entrance of the square. Even if it's free, the wait can be long.
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The Cathedral of Pisa

Il Duomo di Pisa

L'imponente cattedrale di Pisa, visitata ogni giorno da frotte di turisti. Un impatto frontale fenomenale. Lo stupendo pergamo di Giovanni Pisano. Ma soprattutto la sua collocazione, all'interno di Piazza dei Miracoli, che ne fanno un monumento indivisibile dal campanile, la famosa torre di Pisa, dal Battistero e dal Campo Santo.
The impressive cathedral of Pisa, visited daily by hordes of tourists. A frontal impact phenomenal. The beautiful pulpit by Giovanni Pisano. But above all, its location, in the Piazza dei Miracoli, which make it a monument indivisible from the bell tower, the famous Leaning Tower, the Baptistery and the Campo Santo.
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This masterpiece of Romanesque art is...

Ce chef d'œuvre de l'art Roman est ...

Ce chef d'œuvre de l'art Roman est l'œuvre de Pissano . Construite au XII è siècle en marbre blanc et noir en tranches alternées elle fut le premier édifice du Champ des miracles et la tour penchée en sera son Campanile . La chair et ses portes en Bronze sont remarquables .
This masterpiece of Romanesque art is the work of Pissano. Built in the XII th century black and white marble alternating slices it was the first building of the Field of Miracles and the Leaning Tower will be the Campanile. Flesh and Bronze doors are remarkable.
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You will not regret going

No os arrepentiréis de ir

No hay palabras para describirlo. La Piazza dei Miracoli en general es impresionante. Estar ahí y ver las dimensiones del duomo es una experiencia que recomiendo a todo el mundo.
There are no words to describe it. The piazza dei miracoli in general is impressive. Being there and seeing the dimensions of the duomo is an experience I recommend to everyone. You will not regret going.
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Very beautiful cathedral

Tres belle cathédrale

Sur les 3 monuments alignés c'est le seul qui vaut le coup d'etre payant tellement elle est belle aussi bien à l'intérieur qu'à l'extérieur
Of the 3 monuments aligns this is the only one worth paying to be so beautiful it is both the inside that the outside
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The Piazza del Duomo

La Piazza del Duomo

Es una amplia área amurallada en el corazón de la ciudad de Pisa, Toscana renombrada como uno de los principales centros de arte medieval del mundo.
The Piazza del Duomo, is a large walled area in the heart of the city of Pisa, renowned as one of the leading medieval art centers in the world.
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Pisa, a corner with history and art

Pisa, un rincon con historia y arte

Pisa, un rincon con historia y arte
Pisa, a corner with history and art
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the perfect complement of the baptistery, the same style, the same atmosphere, the same colors

Il perfetto complemento del battistero.

Stesso stile, stessa atmosfera, stessi colori. Il gioco è dare la caccia all'anfora delle nozze di cana, collocata su una colonna alla sinistra del l'abside, poi soffermarsi sulle spoglie di san Ranieri patrono di Pisa.
the perfect complement of the baptistery, the same style, the same atmosphere, the same colors. the game is to chase the amphora of the wedding of Cana, placed on a column to the left of the apse, then dwell on the remains of St. Ranieri, patron saint of Pisa.
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Information about Pisa Cathedral