Very interesting
The documentation center of the wall is near the north station (Nord Bahnof) and is accessible via the M10 tram that leaves Warschauer platz, at the height of the East Side Gallery. It's open till 5 pm in winter (6 pm in summer) and is closed on Mondays. Many tourists don't go there but it's very interesting. You can see a 300 meter section of the wall, which was saved from destruction by a priest who fought for it to be recognized as a historical monument. The memorial opened in 1998. There are platforms to see the wall, which is enclosed in plates that give the impression that it's reflected indefinitely and admission is free.
It's more raw than the Wall Museum at Check Point Charlie and it's a memorial to those who died trying to cross to the West, such as Peter Fechter, a young man who was injured while crossing, and it took hours for anyone to respond and to heal the other side. There are explanations in English and French.
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