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Diocesan School of Santo Domingo

6 reviews of Diocesan School of Santo Domingo

Interesting Renaissance school

Called the "Escorial de Levante". It was built between the early sixteenth until the mid-eighteenth century. Was once the former University of Orihuela and today is a nursery, a primary and a secondary school at the same time. On the south facade of the building there's a couple of Renaissance remnants. The Levante facade is small and modest and include a coat of arms on the beautiful windows. The project architect was Jerónimo Quijano (beautiful name, right?) in 1553 and important names such as John Inglés, Agustín Bernardino worked on it as well as Pedro Juan Raymundo Codoñer Francisco who worked on it during its final stages, in the mid-eighteenth century.

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Demons College Santo Domingo

Los Demonios del Colegio Santo Domingo

Se trata de unas figuras talladas que aparecen junto al escudo de los dominicos en la portada de acceso a la iglesia. Se trata de extraños seres de formas demoníacas que no se asemejan a ningún otro ser mitológico conocido. En la figura 1 hay una especie de camaleón demoniaco que está a punto de atacar a su víctima que aparece empalada a la espera de una muerte terrible. En la Figura 2: dos extraños seres que parecen elfos con gorros y que se juntan en una mueca horrible de eterna unión inseparable casi como si se tratase de siameses que seguramente representa a dos cautivos a la espera de su triste final bajo el yugo de las fuerzas oscuras. El de la izquierda con un rostro maquiavélico, el de la derecha con su cara bonachona. En la figura 3: un demonio alargado de rostro terrible que se acerca con Dios sabe que horribles intenciones a una víctima sumisa e inmovilizada. En la mano lleva cogido lo que parece un saco. La víctima deja entrever un rostro de dolor y sufrimiento. Les dejo otras fotos curiosas del mismo lugar...
It is a carved figures that appear next to the shield of the Dominicans on the cover of access to the church. It is demonacas beings strangers forms that do not resemble no other mythological be known. Figure 1 is a kind of demonic chameleon that is about to attack his victim that appears impaled waiting for a terrible death. Figure 2: two beings strangers who seem elves hats and join in a horrible grimace inseparable union eternal almost as if it were conjoined surely represents two captive awaiting his sad end under the yoke of the dark forces. The left with maquiavlico face, right with his good-natured face. Figure 3: an elongated face terrible demon who comes to God knows intentions horrible submissive and immobilized victim. In his hand he caught wearing what looks like a sack. The victim suggests a face of pain and suffering. I leave other curious pictures of the same place ...
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Fue universidad desde 1610 hasta 1824 y al crearse la cátedra Arzobispo de Loazes dependiente de Alicante, lo vuelve a ser desde 1998. Construido en la segunda mitad del siglo XVI y en el siglo posterior, y con reformas posteriores, es una mezcla de barroco, renacimiento y manierismo. A destacar sus dos claustros, renacentista el del convento y barroco el de la universidad, la torre barroca con sus extrañas formas humanas o la portada de acceso a la sacristía.
It was university from 1610-1824 and the ctedra Archbishop of Loazes dependent Alicante created, it is again since 1998. Built in the second half of the sixteenth century and in the following century, and later reforms, is a mixture of baroque, Renaissance and Mannerism. A highlight its two cloisters, the convent Renaissance and Baroque the university, the Baroque tower with its extraas human forms or cover access to the sacristy.
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It is a very old school but it is worth admiring

Es un colegio muy antiguo pero es digno de admirar.

El colegio Santo Domingo es el mejor colegio de Orihuela, está al lado del supermercado Dumbo y cerca de la farmacia. El colegio es bastante grande con jardines, varios patios tanto interiores como exteriores con pista de tenis, fútbol. A sus escaleras se les llaman escaleras de chocolate ha que de tantas personas que han pasado por ahí están desgastadas, tiene una maravillosa biblioteca y hace grandes actividades para los jóvenes.
The Santo Domingo school is the best school in Orihuela, it is next to the Dumbo supermarket and near the pharmacy. The school is quite large with gardens, several courtyards both indoor and outdoor with tennis court, football ... Their stairs are called chocolate stairs has so many people who have passed by there are worn, has a wonderful library and It does great activities for young people. It is a very old school but it is worthy of admiration.
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On one of its sides we can see the door of the Olma, it is a door with an arch that Orihuela had when it was walled, and is the only one standing

Podemos observar la puerta de la Olma,

Es una puerta con forma de arco de las que tenía Orihuela cuando estaba amurallada, y es la única que queda en pié. Conocido también como Colegio del Patriarca Loazes, Colegio Diocesano de Santo Domingo y apodado como El Escorial de Levante, es un edificio monumental de estilos gótico, renacentista, barroco y rococó del siglo XVI fundado por el Cardenal Loazes.
Also known as Colegio del Patriarca Loazes, Diocesan College of Santo Domingo and nicknamed El Escorial de Levante, is a monumental building of Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo styles from the sixteenth century founded by Cardinal Loazes. In one of its sides we can see the door of the Olma, it is an arc-shaped door that Orihuela had when it was walled, and it is the only one that remains on foot.
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Obligatory visit of this piece of monument.

Visita obligada de esta pedazo de monumento.

Visita obligada de esta pedazo de monumento.
Obligatory visit of this piece of monument.
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