Dj Bagre
More than 40 types of beer
In Atlanta, one of the best streets to find fun and good food is Marietta Street. It's two blocks from downtown and has the best parking in the area ($10 for a whole day in a well-protected lot). On Marietta Street, you'll find Der Biergarten, a German brewpub with more than 40 types of beer, including a few that they make themselves. The interesting thing about this Der Biergarten, aside from its excellent location, is that you can get beers in massive half or full liter mugs. They also have German-style bar food if you want to snack on something between bouts of trying to finish a liter-sized mug in one gulp (hint: you can't).
A half liter of beer is between $7-9.00 and a liter runs between $12-18.00. Cheers!
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