Eduardo Almeida Medina
Where you can get a piece of the Canary islands
Many times when traveling it doesn´t hurt to find a place where you can buy products without getting ripped off, where the maximum is to sell, at any price, without caring or details . When I went to the store of the canarias, I came by chance and I found a store that was nicely decorated with typical products of all islands. Cheese, goat milk liquor, salmon, mojos, aloe vera, typical beers, and not only that, we could enjoy a cheese tasting accompanied by a few glasses of good wine canary. Furthermore we were informed that performed excellent cooking courses enjoying great success. Perhaps the worst thing is the location, because despite being in a central location is in a passageway that connects two streets and may go unnoticed.
In short, a luxury home at affordable prices where you leave more than satisfied knowing that you get a piece of the Canary Islands. Street: Square design No. 7, shopping arcade, local 5
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