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Corralejo Dunes Natural Park

65 reviews of Corralejo Dunes Natural Park

Corralejo Natural Park is in the...

Corralejo Natural Park is in the department of La Oliva, in the north of the Canary Island of Fuerteventura. It is an area of ​​dunes, a bit like those of Maspalomas in the south of Gran Canaria, with the particularity of being a still wild area. To go, you have to arrive first to the village of Corralejo, accessible by public transport on the island, and also from Lanzarote, there is a ferry that crosses several times a day from the village of Playa Blanca. The nature park is a 20-minute drive from the center of Corralejo. The dune area has been declared a natural park in 2002, for their great scientific interest, and its excellent state of preservation.

The beach is big and clean, and most likely you won’t encounter lots of people, since there it’s not a developed area, but it is quite windy, this is why the place is a favorite spot for kite and windsurfers, not so much for tanners.
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Ideal for Kitesurf and Windsurf

The natural park in Corralejo is located in the region of La Oliva, in the northern part of the island of Fuerteventura. It is an area with dunes, a bit like the ones in Maspalomas, south of Gran Canaria, but it is still a wild area. To get there, you first have to reach the town of Corralejo, accessible by public transportation, or from Lanzarote, there is a ferry that crosses a few times a day from the town of Playa Blanca.

The natural park is 20 minutes away by car from the center of Corralejo. The dune area was declared a natural park in 2002, due to its great scientific interest, and its excellent state of preservation. You walk the dunes to reach the beach, and if you feel like exercising you can climb the other dunes, which are higher. You might slip in the dunes, it is quite funny.

The beach is big and clean, and most likely you won’t encounter lots of people, since there it’s not a developed area, but it is quite windy, this is why the place is a favorite spot for kite and windsurfers, not so much for tanners.
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Dunes, Oceans and Winds


Surrounded by dunes in this immense protected park and with splendorous beaches, considered the best in the Canary Islands, we can submerge in different spiritual “baths”. I say spiritual because there is so much beauty around, that it is the feeling the landscape provokes.

Fine and golden sand, a turquoise ocean and the stunning Isla de Lobos on the horizon make you feel privileged for being able to see and feel this. Besides being immense, there are a lot of surfers, with huts full of boards, the warm breeze is not uncomfortable and the coasts will make you fall in love with the place.


Dunes of Corralejo

In the north part of the island of Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands are the dunes of Corralejo, these dunes are located next to the beautiful turquoise waters of the village of Corralejo, a beautiful setting where you can enjoy the beautiful sunsets over the islands any time of the year.

Aan unforgettable experience

With Can Am Spyder Tours on the Dunes from Corralejo
an unforgettable experience


Corralejo Natural Park is located in...

Le parc naturel de Corralejo se trouve...

Le parc naturel de Corralejo se trouve dans le département de la Oliva, dans la partie nord de l´ile canarienne de Fuerteventura. C´est un espace de dunes, nu peu comme celles de Maspalomas que l´on trouve au sud de Gran Canaria, avec la particularité qu´elles sont sauvages encore aujourd´hui. Pour y aller, il faut d´abord rejoindre le village de Corralejo, accessible en transport public insulaire, mais aussi en ferry depuis l´ile de Lanzarote. Le ferry part plusieurs fois par jour pour relier Corralejo et Playa Blanca. Le parc naturel se trouve à 20 minutes en voiture du centre de Corralejo. La zone des dunes a été déclarée parc naturel en 2002, pour son grand intérêt scientifique, et son excellent état de conservation. On marche dans les dunes pour rejoindre la plage, et selon les envie de faire du sport et ton état de santé, tu peux continuer à travers les dunes, on y monte, on en redescend en courant, on tombe, on se relève, et c´est reparti. La plage est grande et très propre, il est peu probable qu´il faille la partager avec beaucoup de monde car il n´y a pas de constructions touristiques autour, mais il y a pas mal de vent, donc on y vient plus pour faire du sport nautique que pour la bronzette serviette.
Corralejo Natural Park is located in the department of Oliva, in the northern part of the Canary island of Fuerteventura. This is an area of ​​dunes, naked like those of Maspalomas found south of Gran Canaria, with the particularity that they are still wild. To get there, we must first reach the village of Corralejo, island accessible public transport, but also by ferry from the island of Lanzarote. The ferry leaves several times a day to connect Corralejo and Playa Blanca. The park is a 20 minute drive from the center of Corralejo. The dune area was declared a natural park in 2002 for his great scientific interest, and its excellent state of preservation. We walk through the dunes to the beach, and in the desire to make the sport and your health, you can continue through the dunes, there rises, we ran back down, you fall, you get up and Here we go again. The beach is large and very clean, it is unlikely that we should share it with many people because there are no buildings around tourism, but there is a lot of wind, so there is more to the sport Water for sunbathing towel.
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Stunning Beaches

Impresionantes Playas

Impresionantes playas escondidas tras las dunas, de aguas cristalinas y color turquesa. Arena casi blanca formada en gran parte por restos de conchas y caparazones en trocillos. Se mantiene fresca y no quema en las horas de más sol. Destaca la gran cantidad de corralitos aprovechando las piedras negras de la zona, donde poder resguardarse del viento, o simplemente tener más intimidad. Playa mixta, donde poder tocar la libertad y conectar con la naturaleza al instante. Durante el tiempo que he estado en la isla, viento suave que ha permitido una estancia en la playa agradable. Grandes dunas, y alguna cabra suelta por ahí. En definitiva, destaco de la playa: - Espacio singular de dunas gigantes. - Arena blanca. - Corralitos.
Stunning hidden beaches behind the dunes, crystal clear and turquoise. Almost white sand formed largely remains of shells and shells in trocillos. It stays fresh and does not burn in the sun more hours. It highlights the large number of pens drawing black stones in the area, where you can shelter from the wind, or simply to have more privacy. Mixed beach, where you can play free and connect with nature instantly. During the time I've been to the island, gentle wind that allowed a stay in the nice beach. Large dunes, and a goat loose out there. In short, I emphasize from the beach: - singular space giant dunes. - White sand. - Corralitos.
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Desert and azure sea

Deserto e mare azzurro

A Fuerteventura un luogo di grande impatto visivo sono le famose dune di Corralejo. Qui le dune del deserto finiscono sulla spiaggia e si vanno a bagnare nelle acque blu dell'oceano Atlantico. In questo parco non è difficile incontrare uccelli e rettili. Un luogo incantato dove il deserto si sposa con il mare
In Fuerteventura a place of great visual impact are the famous dunes of Corralejo. Here the desert dunes end up on the beach and go to bathe in the blue waters of the Atlantic Ocean. This park is not difficult to see birds and reptiles. An enchanted place where the desert is matched by the sea
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Las Dunas de Corralejo have been...

Las Dunas de Corralejo han sido...

Las Dunas de Corralejo han sido declaradas Parque Nacional en el año 2002 y en su más de 2.668 hectáreas de terreno el visitante observa un amplio campo de dunas cuyo origen es polvo tanto de arena de la laya como de la desintegración de crustáceos. Las dunas tienen su propio ecosistema, con aves como la extensa población húbara que allí vive o plantas.
Las Dunas de Corralejo have been declared a National Park in 2002 and in more than 2668 hectares of land the visitor observes a large dune field whose origin is dust sand both laya and the disintegration of crustaceans. The dunes have their own ecosystem, with birds like Houbara large population living there or plants.
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In the desert

En el desierto

Me gusto Fuerteventura. No se por que. No tiene árboles, no tiene verde, solo terreno árido y pqueños montecitos (algunos volcanes) pero me gusto. Aquí pongo las dunas de Corralejo, al norte de la isla. Gran extensión, actualmente pasa una carretera por el medio pero he oído decir que la van a cortar al tráfico. Muy buen sitio para ir de vacaciones ya que tiene muy buenas playas. Se habla de mucho viento, pero yo el tiempo que estuve no lo sufri.
I like Fuerteventura. Do not know why. No trees, no green, just pqueños arid terrain and mounds (some volcanoes) but I liked it. Here I put the dunes of Corralejo, in the north of the island. Great extension, currently a road passes through the middle but I hear they're going to cut traffic. Very good place to go on holiday as it has very good beaches. It speaks windy, but I my time not suffering.
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spectacular beaches of fine sand and...

Playas espectaculares de arena fina y...

Playas espectaculares de arena fina y grandes dunas para fotografiarse. Un lugar que no hay que perderse. Cuidado con aparcar en el margen de la carretera que el movimiento de arena es constante y después se entierran las ruedas. En Corralejo se puede ir de compras y disfrutar de su paseo marítimo, así como coger un barco para isla de lobos, otro espectáculo de lugar.
spectacular beaches of fine sand and large dunes to photograph. A place not to be missed. Beware parking on the side of the road that sand movement is constant and after the wheels are buried. In Corralejo you can go shopping and enjoy your ride Martim, as well as take a boat to island of wolves, another spectacle of place.
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An unusual place, left the white sandy...

Un lugar insólito, a la izquierda la ...

Un lugar insólito, a la izquierda la extensa playa de arena blanca y a la derecha la inmensidad del desierto, un lugar donde el tiempo se detiene y se hace infinito. Visitar este sitio en el atardecer es muy recomendable, pues pueden verse preciosas estampas como ésta en la que el tiempo parece haberse detenido.
An unusual place, left the white sandy beach and right the vastness of the desert, a place where time stands still and becomes infinite. Visit this site at sunset is highly recommended, as they can be beautiful prints like this in which time seems to stand still.
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He estado en el Sáhara e indudablemente las dunas de El Corralejo, en la punta norte de la isla de Fuerteventura, sobrepasan todo lo imaginable. Si eliges el atardecer, aún mejor. Y si llevas niños, la diversión está asegurada (eso sí: que cierren la boca bien fuerte si no quieren que la arena blanca se les cuele en el interior. ¡Es una sensación muy desagradable)!!.
I've been in the Sahara and undoubtedly the dunes of El Corralejo, on the northern tip of the island of Fuerteventura, beyond anything imaginable. If you choose the evening even better. And if you bring kids, fun is guaranteed (yes: to shut up really hard so not to white sand strain were inside.'s A very unpleasant feeling)!.
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there are some dining options

Bel posto, molto suggestivo.

Appena ti immergi nelle dune sempre di iniziare un'avventura della quale non sai il finale. Le dune sono lunghe km, io mi sono fermato dove ho trovato parcheggio, circa a metà. Superate le dune si incontra un mare fantastico. Ci sono sia spiagge che scogliera. Ci sono dei punti ristoro. Sono stato a fine settembre e la spiaggia non è affatto caotica. Frequentata da nudisti come tutta l'isola.
nice place, very impressive. as soon as you dive into the dunes you always start an adventure of which you do not know the ending. the dunes are long km, I stopped where I found parking, about halfway. overcoming the dunes you encounter a fantastic sea. there are both beaches and cliffs. there are some dining options. I was in late September and the beach is not quite chaotic. frequented by nudists like the whole island.
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Dunes, beaches and good weather

Dunas, playas y buen clima

El parque natural de Corralejo, en la isla de Fuerteventura, es para mi uno de los lugares por excelencia de lo que yo llamo el caribe español. Kilómetros de playa de fina arena blanca bañan las costas del norte de la isla y forman un espectacular paisaje donde la arena invade cualquier rincón.
Corralejo Natural Park, on the island of Fuerteventura, is for me one of the quintessential of what I call the Spanish Caribbean. Miles of white sand beach along the coasts of the north of the island and form a spectacular landscape where the sand invades every corner.
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In the fascinating island of Fuerteventura

En la fascinante isla de Fuerteventura

Una de las experiencias más hermosas y divertidas es pasar una mañana recorriendo y dando saltos (jumps) en las hermosas y grandes dunas de Corralejo. Después de las risas, te puedes acercar hasta la playa para darte un baño en sus aguas de color turquesa.
One of the most beautiful and fun experiences is to spend a morning walking and jumping (jumps) in the beautiful and big dunes of Corralejo. After the laughter, you can get closer to the beach for a swim in its turquoise waters.
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Information about Corralejo Dunes Natural Park