Alicia Ortego
Magnificent landscape
The Cooley Mountains tower over the town of Carlingford, trapping her between them and the sea. Here there is a exit to the Táin Trail, a circuit of 40 km that runs through the mountains. In our case we chose to take the road that also crosses them and then goes on to Dublin. Well worth this route, weather permitting (if there is fog, it's no good). We were lucky, because that afternoon the sky cleared ... We met with mixed conifer forests and meadows full of wildflowers, predominantly pink to the point that in certain areas the mountain looked pink! :) Gorgeous scenery, and surely crossing it on foot or by bicycle, it is even better(in Carlingford there is an information office where you give the details about it).
They say that here lived the biggest bull of Ireland, by the way! : D
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