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Ciudad Colonial (Colonial Zone)

47 reviews of Ciudad Colonial (Colonial Zone)

Santo Domingo is the location of numerous museums


Many of which are located in the Zona Colonial district. In the Zona Colonialis the Museum of Alcázar, in Diego Colon's restored palace, the Museum of the Casas Reales, with artefacts of the colonial period and a collection of ancient weapons donated by Trujillo, the Naval Museum of the Atarazanas, in the former naval yards, Museo de la Catedral, Museo Memorial de la Resistencia Dominicana, documenting the struggle for freedom during the regimes of Trujillo and Balaguer, Museo Duarte, dedicated to the hero of Dominican independence, and the World of Ambar Museum.

Colonial Area

This is one of the places that I like because I remember the time when the Dominican Republic was going through a heroic process, which I feel proud about and to be Dominican. I thank God for being allowed to be Dominican. And I think all Dominicans should be interested to know much more about this because it is very interesting.

Best place in Dominican Republic to...


Best place in Dominican Republic to lice the nightlife.

If you like the combination of ruins, museum, with lovely street where you any culture activity almost every night, and bars, discos full of friendly people.

This your place

One of the best places in Santo Domingo


It has culture, music, art, architecture rich, bars, clubs, the perfect place for day and night living.

Beauty and history!


Its urban layout in a grid and its...

Su trazado urbano en forma de...

Su trazado urbano en forma de cuadrícula y su herencia arquitectónica le han valido esta distinción, si bien, ésta fue sufriendo una evolución con el paso del tiempo. La ciudad fue fundada en 1.498 por Bartolomé Colón; en estos primeros asentamientos las viviendas eran de una sola planta, de adobe y cubiertas con techo de fibra de palma. En el siglo XVII las casas se construían con piedra caliza local, tenían dos plantas y tejas de madera, siguiendo el diseño árabe de tener un patio interior que permitiera la circulación del aire, diseño que duró cuatro siglos. La planta baja se dedicaba al comercio, y la superior a los aposentos privados. Las fachadas presentan ventanas y balcones que en su principio eran decoradas con paneles de madera y más tarde con rejas de forja (curiosamente llamadas "guardavecinos" por protegerlas de los intrusos o ladrones) o listones torneados; algunas estaban rematadas por arcos decorados con vidrieras de diseños geométricos. Las portadas estaban formadas por dos puertas lo suficientemente grandes para dar cabida a los carruajes. Es una delicia dar un paseo por el centro de la zona colonial admirando las diferentes construcciones y sus calles empedradas, imaginándose cómo serían aquellos paseos vespertinos de las damas burguesas. Aún puede verse circular algún coche de caballos, aunque ahora no sean "de verdad" sino un mero atractivo turístico, pero te hacen transportarte siglos atrás.
Its urban layout in a grid and its architectural heritage have earned this distinction, although it was undergoing an evolution over time. The city was founded in 1498 by Bartholomew Columbus; in these early settlements the houses were one-story, adobe and covered with palm fiber roof. In the seventeenth century the houses were built with local limestone, they had two floors and wood shingles, following the Arab design have an inner courtyard that would allow air circulation design that lasted four centuries. The ground floor is devoted to trade, and private apartments above. The facades have windows and balconies in principle were decorated with wood paneling and later with wrought iron railings (curiously called "guardavecinos" to protect them from intruders or thieves) or turned slats; some were topped by stained glass arches decorated with geometric designs. The covers were made of two doors large enough to accommodate the carriages. It is a delight to stroll through the center of the area admiring the different colonial buildings and cobbled streets, imagining how would those evening walks of bourgeois ladies. You can still be a hansom round, but now they are not "real" but a mere tourist attraction, but they will transport you back centuries.
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Walking to the Colonial Zone

A piedi per la Ciudad Colonial

Con Ciudad Colonial di Santo Domingo si indica il primo insediamento fondato da Cristoforo Colombo e dagli altri esploratori spagnoli, una volta arrivati nel nuovo mondo. Essa costituisce un quartiere di Santo Domingo, capitale della Repubblica Dominicana, ed è adattissima per una passeggiata rilassante, lontano dall'atmosfera caotica della metropoli. Non ci sono rumori forti e strombazzamenti di clacson. Poca immondizia, niente disordine. Si cammina tranquilli, col naso all'insù per ammirare gli splendidi palazzi, decisamente diversi dalla tipica architettura dominicana. I colori catturano lo sguardo, ci sono alberi a costeggiare i vialetti e l'allegria regna sovrana. Ci sono tanti caffè e localini, in cui fermarsi a fare quattro chiacchiere con un amico o un passante. Ci sono anche negozietti per fare un po' di shopping. Passeggiando si passa inoltre di fronte a vari monumenti interessanti dal punto di vista storica come il Panteon Nacional e la celebre statua di Cristoforo Colombo.
With Ciudad Colonial of Santo Domingo to specify the first settlement founded by Christopher Columbus and other Spanish explorers, once arrived in the New World. It is a neighborhood of Santo Domingo, capital of Dominican Republic, and perfectly suited for a relaxing walk, away from the atmosphere of the bustling metropolis. There are loud noises and trumpeted the horn. Little dirt, no mess. He walks quietly, sniffed the INS to admire the beautiful buildings, very different from the typical Dominican architecture. The colors are eye-catching, there are trees on along the paths and happiness reigns. There are many cafes and cafes, where you can stop and have a chat with a friend or a passerby. There are also shops to do some 'shopping. Walking is also passes in front of many interesting monuments from the historical point of view as the Panteon Nacional and the famous statue of Christopher Columbus.
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The Colonial Zone is the name known to...

La zona colonial es el nombre con que...

La zona colonial es el nombre con que se conoce a la parte mas antigua de la ciudad de Santo Domingo, capital de la República Dominicana y que fue la primera ciudad fundada por Europeos en América. El nombre se debe a que esta parte de la ciudad fue fundada por los colonizadores españoles. Esta área de Santo Domingo cuenta con edificios coloniales como son el Alcázar de Colon, El Museo de las Casas Reales o La Catedral primada de América. Debido a eso hay hoteles nacionales como el hotel Conde de Peñalva, e internacionales como el Sofitel Nicolas de Ovando en la casa de Nicolas de Ovando. Si viaja para La República Dominicana no dude en visitar la Zona Colonial, no se arrepentira.
The Colonial Zone is the name known to the oldest part of the city of Santo Domingo, capital of the Dominican Republic and was the first city founded by Europeans in America. The name is because this part of the city was founded by Spanish colonists. This area of ​​Santo Domingo with colonial buildings such as the Alcazar de Colon, El Museo de las Casas Reales or the First Cathedral of America. Because of that there are national hotels like Hotel Conde de Peñalva, and international as the Sofitel Nicolas de Ovando in the house of Nicolas de Ovando. If traveling to the Dominican Republic please visit the Zona Colonial, not regret.
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Declared a World Heritage Site

Declarada como Patrimonio de la Humanidad

La Zona Colonial es un lugar único en la región. Un lugar para visitar en el país y recorrer las diversas ruinas, iglesias, calles, etc. Un lugar con más de 500 años de historia.
Declared as World Heritage, the Colonial Zone is a unique place in the region. A place to visit in the country and visit the various ruins, churches, streets, etc. A place with over 500 years of history.
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It is an excellent place to throw the gorpe of the daily

Es un excelente lugar para botar el gorpe de lo diario

Es un excelente lugar para botar el gorpe de lo diario, hacen unas buenas actividades que nos permiten compartir parte de nuetras culturas y socializarnos con otras...
It is an excellent place to throw the gorpe of the day, make good activities that allow us to share some of nuetras cultures and socialize with other ...
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A must in Santo Domingo's colonial...

Una visita obligada en Santo Domingo es...

Una visita obligada en Santo Domingo es el centro colonial. Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la Unesco, su muralla protegiéndola del mar y sus calles, sus plazas, sus iglesias y sus casas coloniales son un deleite para el viajero. Sin duda, con la gente, claro, lo mejor de la capital dominicana
A must in Santo Domingo's colonial center. World Heritage Site by UNESCO, its walls protecting the sea and its streets, squares, churches and colonial houses are a delight for the traveler. No doubt, with people, of course, the best of the Dominican capital
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The Primacy of the Americas

La Primada de las Américas

La primera ciudad del nuevo mundo. Hay que visitarla por lo menos una vez en la vida. Inigualable y magníficamente conservada. Segura y fácil de visitar ya que está perfectamente diseñada para el turista. Después de hacer un recorrido de los varios que hay o si la quieres ver en forma general puedes tomar el tren que la recorre con explicaciones en varios idiomas, hay varios restaurantes que te ofrecen desde la comida original y Típica de la República Dominicana como es Jalapa o Buche Perico a otros donde puedes degustar lo que desees. Para finalizar no te puedes ir sin después de haber comido visitar el inmueble donde está ubicado el cacao y chocolate de los Rizek donde como postre te puedes hacer tu propio chocolate.
The Primacy of the Americas. The first city of the new world. You have to visit it at least once in your life. Unmatched and magnificently preserved. Safe and easy to visit as it is perfectly designed for tourists. After taking a tour of the several that there is or if you want to see it in general you can take the train that goes through explanations in several languages ​​there are several restaurants that offer you from original and typical food of the Dominican Republic such as Jalapa or Buche Perico to others where you can taste what you want. To finish you can not leave without having eaten to visit the building where the cocoa and chocolate of the Rizek is located where as a dessert you can make your own chocolate
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It inspires me is our my island history of heart. (I.e.

Me inspira es lo nuestro mi historia isleña de corazón. ❤️

Me inspira es lo nuestro mi historia isleña de corazón. ❤️
It inspires me is our my island history of heart. (I.e.
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Colonial area

Zona colonial

Este lugar se caracteriza por el gran flujo de turistas que visitan esta zona dentro de la capital y casi al lado del malecón, donde se puede disfrutar a cada hora del día y la noche. Se ofrecen conciertos al aire libre, puedes disfrutar de una rica comida nacional e internacional, ir de compras y más. Una gran variedad de joyas artesanales y a muy bajo costo. Ven a conocerlo y te encantará. Acompáñame...
Colonial area .. this place is characterized by the great flow of tourists who visit this area inside the capital and almost next to the malecon .. where you can enjoy every hour of the day and the night.to offer outdoor concerts you can Enjoy a rich international E international.ir shopping and a large variety of handmade jewelry and very low cost.come to know and you will love.acompaname ...
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The best sunsets and sunrises that you can see from the city


No puedes salir de RD sin visitarla, la primera ciudad de América, los primeros trazados arquitectónicos, museos, casas reales, el Alcázar de Diego Colón, la Calle las Damas,Fortaleza Ozama, super segura y limpia, restaurantes, cafés, librerías es como sentir que estas en la época de los colonizadores. Los mejores atardeceres y amaneceres que podrás ver desde la ciudad.
You can not leave the DR without visiting it, the first city of America, the first architectural tracings, museums, royal houses, the Alcazar de Diego Colón, Las Damas Street, Ozama Fortress, super safe and clean, restaurants, cafes, bookstores It is like feeling that you are in the time of the colonizers. The best sunsets and sunrises that you can see from the city.
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Information about Ciudad Colonial (Colonial Zone)