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Colegiata y Claustro de Santa Juliana

19 reviews of Colegiata y Claustro de Santa Juliana

A gem


I've explored the medieval village of Santillana del Mar on several occasions and I would say that the grand Colegiata is one of its most unforgettable sights. It’s a really representative work of Romanesque art and a must if you’re in the area. The €3 entry price gives you access to the courtyard and the interior of the temple.


A medieval village

The Colegiata de Santa Juliana is located in Santillana del Mar, one of those magical places where the past and present intermix and the streets seem like they haven’t changed in centuries. At one point, the Colegiata was the religious center of the community. The church is Romanesque and the walls of its three naves are covered in beautiful medieval sculptures. One of my favorite parts was the lovely altarpiece and, of course, the cloister.

the best of Romanesque art in Cantabria

lo mejor del arte románico en Cantabria

La Colegiata de Santa Juliana, en Santillana del Mar es el edificio románico más importante que hay en Cantabria. Se construyó como una ampliación de un antiguo monasterio en el siglo XII y, aunque presenta partes de distintas épocas, está muy bastante bien conservada. Si ya la fachada principal impone, el interior no se queda atrás, destacando sobre todo su amplio claustro del siglo XII adosado a una de sus tres naves, y el retablo mayor de principios del siglo XVI. Te recomiendo que callejees por este precioso pueblo medieval de postal hasta llegar a la Colegiata y una vez allí, después de haber sacado las típicas fotos desde la plaza, entra a verla por dentro. El precio de la entrada es de 3 euros. El horario es de 10:00 a 13:30 y de 16:00 a 19:30. Importante: los lunes está cerrado.
The Collegiate Church of Santa Juliana in Santillana del Mar is the most important Romanesque building in Cantabria there. It was constructed as an enlargement of an ancient monastery in the twelfth century, but has a few different parts, is very quite well preserved. If the main facade and imposes no ATRS inside stays, noting especially his extensive century cloister attached to one of its three ships, and the altarpiece of the early sixteenth century. I recommend this beautiful medieval callejees postcard village until you reach the Collegiate and once there, after having drawn the tpicas photos from the square, enters see inside. The ticket price is 3 euros. The hours are from 10:00 to 13:30 and 16:00 to 19:30. Important: it is closed on Mondays.
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Infinite Cntabros

Cántabros infinita

Tenéis que visitar Santillana!!! Por sus anchoas, sus sobaos y sus quedadas...Santillana, que no es santa ni es llana ( comprobado,jaja...), ni tiene mar...lleno de tiendas...de productos típicos......
You have to visit Santillana! For its anchovies, their hangouts ... sobaos and Santillana, who is holy and is flat (checked, haha ​​...), nor has the sea ... full of typical products shops ... ..... .
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Visita inexcusable a la Colegiata si estás en Santillana del Mar. El silencio y el misterio que se respira en el claustro hace de este espacio un lugar único.
inexcusable visit to the Collegiate if ests in Santillana del Mar. The silence and mystery that permeates the cloister makes this space a unique place.
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Collegiate of Santillana del Mar

Colegiata de Santillana del Mar

Colegiata de Santillana del Mar
Collegiate of Santillana del Mar
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A place of dreamy

Un lugar de ensueño

Un lugar de ensueño
A place of dreamy
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The cloister of the Collegiate Church...

El claustro de la Colegiata de Santa...

El claustro de la Colegiata de Santa Juliana, ¡disfrutando del románico!! ;-)
The cloister of the Collegiate Church of Santa Juliana, enjoying the Romanesque !! ;-)
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Collegiate of Santillana del Mar or Santa Juliana

Colegiata de Santillana del Mar o de Santa Juliana

Fantástico claustro.
Fantstico cloister.
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A modo de anécdota puedo contar que es un pueblo medieval muy bonito, empedrado y que cuenta con un curioso museo, que expone máquinas y técnicas de torturas, como ruedas y complicados artilugios enfocados a producir dolor y confesiones ...
As an anecdote I can tell it's a very beautiful medieval town, paved and has an interesting museum, which exposes torture techniques and machines, such as wheels and complicated gadgets aimed at causing pain and confessions ...
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Ubicada en un entorno precioso y con muchas cosas que ver en los alrededores como el zoo y las cuevas de Altamira
Located in a beautiful setting and with many things to see in the surroundings like the zoo and the caves of Altamira
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We were about an hour but it was a very nice experience

Muy bonita experiencia

Además estaban recogiendo el belén para el próximo año.Ademas por megafonía te explicaban cada columna y significado en general. Estuvimos como una hora pero fue una experiencia muy bonita.
Very nice experience, they were also collecting the belen for the next year. Also by megaphone they explained each column and meaning in general. We had about an hour but it was a very nice experience
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Very nice, although I do not think they charge for coming to see her

Muy bonito, aunque me parece mal que cobren por entrar a verla.

Muy bonito, aunque me parece mal que cobren por entrar a verla.
Very nice, although I do not think they charge for coming to see it.
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