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9 reviews of Cobh

A lovely day trip

Cobh is a small fishing village near Cork, a lovely town to spend a day in. The main tourist attraction in Cobh, that which has made it most famous, is its port from which the Titanic made the last stop to pick up passengers.

One can get here from Cork by train in just twenty-five minutes.


Cobh is the name given to the seaport...

Cobh es el nombre que recibe el puerto...

Cobh es el nombre que recibe el puerto marítimo de Cork. La ciudad, sin embargo, fue durante más de medio siglo conocida como Queenstown debido a una visita que hizo la reina Victoria en 1849. Pero, con la consecución de Irlanda como un Estado libre en 1922, Cobh volvió a fijarse como su nombre de forma definitiva. Si vais a la ciudad en tren, nada más salir de la estación veréis una estatua conmemorativa de Anne Moore junto con sus hermanos Anthony y Philip. Ésta irlandesa procedente de Cobh fue la primera inmigrante que llegó a los Estados Unidos a través de la isla de Ellis. Pero el puerto de Cobh no es famoso sólo por esta mujer inmigrante. Aquí hizo su última parada para recoger pasajeros el barco “Titanic.” Cobh está relacionado con otro barco que fue a pique, el “Lusitania.” Tras su hundimiento, los supervivientes llegaron al puerto de Cork y algunos de los fallecidos fueron enterrados en el cementerio al norte de la ciudad. Se puede ver el monumento conmemorativo situado frente al mar. Aquí se ha desarrollado una importantísima tradición marítima y, por tanto, era lógico que se creara en 1720 el Real Club de Yates de Cork, que es el más antiguo club de yates del mundo. Además, allí tiene lugar cada dos años la regata más importante de Irlanda, entre otras regatas que se suceden en Cobh a lo largo de todo el año. En definitiva, el puerto de Cork tiene un gran interés para aquellos interesados en el mundo de la navegación, aunque no debemos olvidar el Sirius Arts Centre ni la St. Colman’s Cathedral.
Cobh is the name given to the seaport of Cork. The city, however, was for more than half a century known as Queenstown due to a visit made by Queen Victoria in 1849. But, with the achievement of Ireland as a free state in 1922, turned back to Cobh as its name permanently. If you go to the city by train, just outside of the station you will see a memorial statue of Anne Moore along with his brothers Anthony and Philip. This Irish from Cobh was the first immigrant who came to the United States through Ellis Island. But the port of Cobh is famous not only for this woman immigrant. Here he made his last stop to pick up passengers the ship "Titanic." Cobh is related to another boat that sank the "Lusitania." After sinking, the survivors arrived at the port of Cork and some of the dead were buried in the cemetery north of the city. You can see the memorial facing the sea. Here we have developed an important maritime tradition and, therefore, it was logical to create in 1720 the Royal Cork Yacht Club which is the oldest yacht club in the world. In addition, there takes place every two years Ireland's largest regatta, among other races that take place in Cobh over the year. In short, the Port of Cork has a great interest to those interested in the world of sailing, but we must not forget the Sirius Arts Centre and the St. Colman's Cathedral.
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The city where the Titanic sailed

La città da cui salpò il Titanic

Questa città, che prima si chiamava Queenstown (dal 1849, in onore della visita della Regina Vittoria), poggia su un isolotto proprio di fonte a Cork. Una cattedrale domina il porto e la cittadina coloratissima solo se guardata dal sotto (mentre guardando dalla cattedrale si vedrà il retro delle case, squallidissimo in confronto alle facciate). Le strade sono in salita è i negozietti più interessanti sono sulla strada che costeggia la spiaggia. Da qui sono partiti moltissimi transatlantici, ma quello che rimarrà impresso nella storia è solo uno: il Titanic! E' esattamente da qui che l'11 aprile 1912 parti il transatlantico e questa fu l'ultima tappa prima della sciagura! Inoltre da qui partirono le migrazioni irlandesi verso gli Stati Uniti durante la grande carestia. C'è anche una statua "Annie Moore" diventata il simbolo di quelle imponenti migrazioni.
This city, which was formerly called Queenstown (since 1849, in honor of the visit of Queen Victoria), rests on a small island right source in Cork. A cathedral overlooking the harbor and the colorful town only when viewed from below (while looking from the cathedral you will see the back of the houses, squalid in comparison to the facades). The roads are steep is the most interesting shops are on the road that runs along the beach. From here there are many parties liners, but what will remain engraved in history is only one: the Titanic! And 'exactly here that on 11 April 1912 shares the liner and this was the last stop before the disaster! Also from here left the Irish migration to the United States during the Great Famine. There is also a statue of "Annie Moore" became the symbol of those massive migrations.
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The port relax

El puerto del relax

Dentro de la historia de Irlanda, Cobh es conocido por ser el puerto de partida de los miles de inmigrantes irlandeses que dejaron su patria con motivo de la Gran hambruna del siglo XIX, entre 1846 y 1848. Un año después, en 1849, lo visitó la mismísima Reina Victoria así que el pueblo entero fue rebautizado como Queenstown, nombre que conservó hasta 1921. Aquí funciona un centro de visitantes donde te puedes informar de la historia del pueblo, marítima y social. Hay un parque lleno de flores y jardines, ideal para relajarte mirando el Atlántico de espaldas a la Catedral de [poi=269981]St. Colman[/poi]. Aún se conserva el pequeño muelle de madera desde el que se accedió al Titanic en 1912 antes de partir rumbo a América.
Within the history of Ireland, Cobh is known to be the port of departure of the thousands of Irish immigrants who left their homeland because of the Great Famine of the nineteenth century, between 1846 and 1848. A year later, in 1849, visited the Queen Victoria herself so the whole town was renamed Queenstown, name it retained until 1921. Here runs a visitor center where you can report the town's history, maritime and social. There is a park full of flowers and gardens, ideal for relaxing watching the Atlantic back to St. Colman's Cathedral. Still retains the small wooden pier from which you accessed the Titanic in 1912 before leaving for America.
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Cobh Harbour, located at the end of...

Le port de Cobh, situé à l'extrémité de Gre...

Le port de Cobh, situé à l'extrémité de Great Island a surtout un intérêt historique : C'est de là qu'embarquèrent pour l'Amérique les Irlandais qui fuyaient la misère de leur pays. C'est aussi de là que partit le célèbre Titanic, un musé est d'ailleurs à visiter si le sujet vous passionne. Cependant, au-delà de l'histoire saisissante de cette petite ville et de son port, il est agréable d'y faire un tour, de monter en hauteur pour découvrir une superbe vue sur l'Océan, de se perdre dans les rues pour se retrouver face à face avec une impressionnante cathédrale, St Coleman. Laissez vous donc surprendre par Cobh qui est à regret délaissé par les touristes mais c'est tant mieux pour vous si vous vous y rendez !
Cobh Harbour, located at the end of Great Island was mainly historical interest: This is where qu'embarquèrent for America Irish fleeing poverty in their countries. This is also where the famous Titanic left, is also a museum to visit if the subject interests you. However, beyond the gripping story of this small town and its port, it is nice to take a walk, climb high to find a beautiful view of the ocean, getting lost in the streets come face to face with an impressive cathedral, St Coleman. So let yourself be surprised by Cobh is reluctantly abandoned by tourists but it is better for you if you go there!
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The charming town of Cobh is located...

La charmante ville de Cobh est située à u...

La charmante ville de Cobh est située à une vingtaine de kilomètre de Cork à laquelle elle est reliée par une ligne de train. Située sur la côte sud de Great Island, Cobh fut pendant longtemps mais encore actuellement un port irlandais majeur. C'est d'ailleurs ici que le Titanic fit sa ternière alte avant sa grande traversée en 1912 à Queenstown qui était le nom de l'époque de Cobh!!! Egalement connue pour sa cathédrale qui culmine sur la ville, Cobh est aussi une ville très colorée et animée! Il est agréable de se promener sur les quais, le longs des maisons colorées et des pubs!
The charming town of Cobh is located about twenty kilometers from Cork to which it is connected by a train line. Located on the south coast of Great Island, Cobh was long but now a major Irish port. It is also here that the Titanic made its ternière alte before his great voyage in 1912 in Queenstown which was the name of the time of Cobh! Also known for its cathedral which rises over the city, Cobh is also a very colorful and lively city! It is nice to walk along the banks, the long colorful houses and pubs!
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Last stop of the Titanic

Dernière escale du Titanic

La ville de Cobh portait autrefois le nom de "Queenstown", après une visite de la Reine Victoria. C'est ici que le Titanic fit sa dernière escale en 1912. Sur le port, la statue d'Annie Moore et de ses deux frères rend homage à cette jeune fille de 15 ans qui fut la toute première personne à poser le pied sur le sol américain au temps de la Grande Famine.
Cobh town was formerly called "Queenstown", after a visit of Queen Victoria. This is where the Titanic made its last stop in 1912. The harbor, the statue of Annie Moore and her two brothers makes homage to this young 15 year old girl who was the first person to set foot on American soil at the time of the Great Famine.
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The fishermen of Cobh

Los pescadores de Cobh

Un barco en la preciosa isla de Cobh que me ha llamado la atención.
A boat on the beautiful island of Cobh caught my attention.
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Port of Cobh

Puerto de Cobh

Espectacular pueblo, toda la esencia de Irlanda contenida en sus calles y pubs.
Spectacular people, the essence of Ireland contained in the streets and pubs.
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