Marta Pilar
Sailing championships
We got here after taking a very long drive, with a great amount of kilometers of land, thorns and sand, as I told you in our adventure to get to Island Camping Tavira Park. This club which history goes back to the 1950s with the practice of sailing, it was one of several regional centers of this type until finally it was founded in 1993, with the main activity area of skills in this sport. It began to hold a wide variety of sailing competitions, currently regional, national and international, Fishing, Hunting and Fishing, swimming and canoeing. It offers a Bar, a Sailing School, Nautical Charts and tractor ramps for partners and many other amenities. From here we are going to the pier to take the ferry to Tavira.
We reached here after a lengthy drive, miles of land, thorns and sand, as I told you in our adventure to get to Park Island Camping Tavira. This club with a history dating back to the 1950s was for sailing, and it was one of several regional centers of this type until finally it was founded in 1993. They began to organize a wide range of sailing championships, currently regional, national and international fishing, hunting and swimming and canoeing. On site there is a bar, sailing school, nautical charts and partner tractor ramps and other amenities. From here we headed to the pier to take the ferry to Tavira.
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