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Turin Cathedral Bell Tower

011 5156408
011 5156408
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4 reviews of Turin Cathedral Bell Tower

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Quelque chose qui cloche

Commencé par Ludovico da Romagnano et achevé grâce à l’évêque Giovanni di Pompeys, le clocher de la cathédrale date du milieu du XVème siècle. A partir de 1484, le sermon fut sonné par deux nouvelles cloches, la « Grande » et la « Minoia ». Le clocher fut surélevé à la fin du XVIème siècle sur ordre du cardinal Domenico della Rovere, puis une nouvelle fois au XVIIIème siècle par la volonté de Victor Amédée II, sur dessins de l’architecte des ducs de Savoie, Filippo Juvarra mais les travaux s’arrêtèrent à a base de la flèche.
Started by Ludovico da Romagnano and completed by Bishop Giovanni di Pompeys, the steeple of the cathedral dates from the middle of the fifteenth century. From 1484, the sermon was struck by two new bells, the "Great" and "Minoia." The tower was raised in the late sixteenth century by order of Cardinal Domenico della Rovere, and again in the eighteenth century by the will of Victor Amadeus II, on the architect's drawings of the Dukes of Savoy, Filippo Juvarra but work s 'stopped at a base of the arrow.
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Dedicated to St. Andrew

Dedicato a Sant'Andrea

Il campanile fu eretto tra il 1468 e il 1470 per volere del vescovo Giovanni de Compey; più di due secoli dopo, nel 1720, Filippo Juvarra, su commissione di Vittorio Amedeo II, progetta una sopraelevazione in stile barocco per la torre campanaria che raggiunge quota 60 metri. In seguito a importanti lavori di ristrutturazione, dalla fine del 2013 è possibile accedere al campanile attraverso il Museo Diocesano (ingresso di fianco al Duomo) e godere di un punto di vista mozzafiato sulla città sabauda.
The tower was built between 1468 and 1470 at the behest of Bishop John de Compey; more than two centuries later, in 1720, Filippo Juvarra, on commission of Vittorio Amedeo II, designs a cant baroque to the bell tower that reaches 60 meters. Following extensive renovations, since the end of 2013 can be accessed through the belfry Diocesan Museum (entrance next to the Cathedral) and enjoy a breathtaking view over the city of Savoy.
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The campanile

Le campanile

Il est très fréquent pour les églises italiennes du XV e siècle de voir leur clocher séparé du reste de la structure. Nous l'avions déjà remarqué à Cinque Terre et la cathédrale de Turin le confirme, avec son campanile en briques rouges, situé tout près de la majestueuse cathédrale toute blanche. Ce clocher ne se visite pas mais vaut le détour pour son architecture en elle-même.
It is very common for Italian churches of the fifteenth century to see them separated from the rest of the tower structure. We have already noted in Cinque Terre and the Cathedral of Turin confirms with its red brick campanile, located close to all the majestic white cathedral. This tower is not visited but worth visiting for its architecture itself.
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Must visit.

Hay que visitarlo.

Es un lugar imposible de olvidar.
It is a place impossible to forget.
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