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Church constructed in the 4th century with healing properties
The Church of St. Constantine and Elena is one of the attractions of the city of Plovdiv. The temple is in Saborna Street 24, in the old town. It was constructed in the 4th century on the ruins of the old fortress. The Church of St. Constantine and Elena is the oldest Christian church in Plovdiv. In Rome, the emperor Constantine the Great announced Christianity as the official religion in the year 313. Plovdiv peoples decided to built a temple in honor of the emperor. The church is named after Emperor Constantine the Great and his mother. The place where the church stands was not chosen by coincidence, it actually has a symbolic significance.
Originally the church was dedicated to St. Severiano and Memnos. In the pagan period were they beheaded Christians as well as the 36 apostles of Plovdiv for their faith. The church was destroyed many times, in the year 1830 the temple walls were ruined and had to be demolished and reconstructed. The church has regained its present appearance in the year 1830-1832. The newly constructed church was one of the grandest of its time - 26m long, 18m wide and 8 m high and one of the most impressive buildings . The courtyard of the temple is heavily fortified with a stone wall, reaching a height of 8 meters and ends in a heavy brick cornice. The temple is the work of the famous master Bratsigovski, Petko Petkov. It is decorated with icons of Zograph Zahari, Zograph Dimitur, Nikola and Odrinchanin Dospevski Stanislav. The Icon of St. Constantine and Elena is the most impressive, and it is said to have miraculous healing powers, but the icon can only help true believers.
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