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Christmas Market


2 reviews of Christmas Market

Joyful Season

When the Christmas Markets begin, the centre of Manchester just looks so much alive. The streets of Manchester are always crowded but during the Christmas Market, it's such another level of crowd. You must move around the different streets, all bright and colorful, visit every cabin with Christmas items, tasting the Apple pie with custard, and a mug of Mulled wine. For a few more pounds you can keep the mug! Enjoy the chocolate waffles and Carrot cake. Everything so gorgeous.

During the year, Manchester always have several markets in specific streets, but the Christmas Market is the ultimate Market.

A mix of cultures, music, lights, colors, scents and tastes. Enjoy!
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Si vous avez la chance de venir à Manchester durant cette merveilleuse période qu'est Noël et durant le mois de décembre, il faut absolument que vous alliez jeter un œil à ce gigantesque Marché de Noël. Entourés de magnifiques décorations de Noël, près de la mairie principalement, puis situé un peu partout dans la ville, les chalets en bois de ce marché sont l'endroit le plus accueillant durant les périodes de fêtes. Les gens s'y rendent par centaines, pour pouvoir acheter produits régionnaux, goûter au merveilleux vin chaud et écouter des chants de Noël. C'est l'endroit idéal pour acheter des décorations de Noël typiquement Britanniques. Chaleureux, convivial, magnifique.
If you have the chance to come to Manchester during this period that wonderful Christmas and during the month of December, it is imperative that you go take a look at this huge Christmas market. Surrounded by beautiful Christmas decorations, mainly near the town hall, then located around the city, the wooden chalets in this market are the most welcoming place during holiday periods. People go there by the hundreds, in order to buy regional products, taste wonderful mulled wine and listen to Christmas carols. It is the ideal place to buy Christmas decorations typically British. Warm, friendly, beautiful.
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