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Chiesa de San Francesco D’Assisi A Ripa

4 contributors
7:00 - 13:00 - 14:00 - 19:30
Opening Hours
7:00 - 13:00 - 14:00 - 19:30
7:00 - 13:00 - 14:00 - 19:30
7:00 - 13:00 - 14:00 - 19:30
7:00 - 13:00 - 14:00 - 19:30
7:00 - 13:00 - 14:00 - 19:30
7:00 - 13:00 - 14:00 - 19:30
7:00 - 13:00 - 14:00 - 19:30
06 5819020
06 5819020
Phone number

4 reviews of Chiesa de San Francesco D’Assisi A Ripa

When St. Francis was in Rome

Quando San Francesco veniva a Roma

Quando San Francesco veniva a Roma, sembra che andasse qui, dove ora c'è la Chiesa di San Francesco a Ripa (Ripa perché vicino al Porto di Ripa Grande), che al suo tempo era sede di un antico edificio sacro dedicato a San Biagio. Edificio che, appunto, in onore del poverello di Assisi fu ingrandito, grazie agli sforzi soprattutto di una grande seguace del santo, la donna più vicina a lui (sembra) dopo Santa Chiara, cioè Jacopa de' Sette Soli (una strada attigua alla piazza si chiama come lei), poi conosciuta come Frate Jacopa. Qui si conserva ancora la cella dove il santo dormiva, ponendo il suo capo su un guanciale di pietra. Davanti alla chiesa c'è poi una colonna dalle decorazioni in stile ionico, in marmo bianco, con una croce sopra. Un'epigrafa incisa sulla sua parte bassa ricorda che venne fatta erigere da Pio IX. Particolare il contrasto tra l'architettura esterna di San Francesco a Ripa, molto semplice, e una certa sontuosità in termini di rivestimenti e abbellimenti vari all'interno.
When St. Francis was in Rome, it seems to go here, where now c 'the Church of San Francesco a Ripa (Ripa because near the Port of Ripa Grande), which at its time was home to an ancient sacred building dedicated to San Biagio. Building, in fact, in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi was enlarged, mainly through the efforts of a great follower of the saint, the woman most close to him (it seems) after Santa Chiara, what Jacoba de 'Seven Suns (a street adjacent to the Piazza as she is called), then known as Frate Jacoba. Here it is still the cell where the Saint slept, putting his head on a pillow of stone. In front of the church c 'then a column decorated in Ionian style, in white marble, with a cross on top. Un'epigrafa engraved on her lower remember that was built by Pius IX. Especially the contrast between the exterior architecture of San Francesco a Ripa, very simple, and some sontuosit in terms of finishes and various embellishments inside.
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Trastevere has no very prominent...

El Trastevere no tiene ningún monumento ...

El Trastevere no tiene ningún monumento muy destacado si lo comparamos con el resto de Roma, pero fue una de las zonas que más me gustó de la ciudad. ¿Por qué? Quizás fuera por el ambiente tranquilo de sus calles. Parecía que el tiempo se hubiera detenido a nuestro paso. En nuestro paso por este fantástico barrio visitamos alguna iglesia como la Chiesa de San Francesco d’Assisi a Ripa, ya que es el patrón de Balones, el pueblo de mi mujer, y mis compañeros de fatigas querían verla. Es imposible irse de Roma sin visitar alguna de sus mil iglesias. De esta iglesia destaca más el contenido que el continente, ya que en su interior hay una de las obras de Gian-Lorenzo Bernini más atrevidas. Se trata de la Beata Ludovica Albertoni. Se trata de una estatua impresionante de una monja franciscana en éxtasis. Lo polémico en su época para la estatua fue que la monja aparece tocándose el pecho. Por lo demás, la iglesia es bastante normal. Su nombre viene porque se cree que San Francisco de Asís residió en el templo. Por lo visto todavía se conserva la piedra que usó como almohada.
Trastevere has no very prominent monument when compared to the rest of Rome, but it was one of the ones I liked the city. Why? Maybe it was the quiet atmosphere of its streets. It seemed that time had stopped as we passed. During our visit to this fantastic neighborhood visited a church as Chiesa San Francesco d'Assisi a Ripa, as is the pattern of Balls, the people of my wife, and my fellow sufferers wanted to see her. It is impossible to leave Rome without visiting one of its thousand churches. In this church, there is more content than the mainland because inside there one of the works of Gian Lorenzo Bernini more daring. This is the Blessed Ludovica Albertoni. This is an impressive statue of Franciscan nun in ecstasy. What controversial in its time for the nun statue was touching his chest appears. Moreover, the church is quite normal. Its name comes because it is believed that St. Francis of Assisi lived in the temple. Apparently still preserved the stone he used as a pillow.
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Church of So Francisco a Ripa

Igreja de São Francisco a Ripa

A Igreja de São Francisco a Ripa, no bairro de Trastevere, foi construída no lugar da hospedagem onde São Francisco de Assis ficou quando, em 1219 visitou Roma. O edifício actual remonta ao séc. XVII, com projectos da abside de Onorio Longhi e da fachada por Matthias de Rossi. A igreja está ricamente ornamentada, sendo a sua grande atracção a escultura da Beata Ludovica Albertoni, esculpida por Bernini e que representa uma beata num estado de êxtase religioso. É também uma das muitas igrejas da cidade que nos deixa completamente deslumbrados, tendo uma capela dedicada ao Papa João Paulo II. Ao passear pelo bairro não deixe de procurar por esta bonita igreja.
The Church of So Francisco a Ripa in Trastevere neighborhood, was built in place of hosting where So Francis of Assisi was when, in 1219 visited Rome. The current building dates back to the SC. XVII, with projects of the apse of Onorio Longhi and the facade of Matthias de Rossi. The church est richly ornamented, and its great attractiveness sculpture of the Blessed Ludovica Albertoni, carved by Bernini and is a nun in a state of religious ecstasy. also one of the many churches in the city that leaves us completely dazzled, with a chapel dedicated to Pope John Paul II. Walking through the neighborhood in the sure to look for this beautiful church.
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A church full of works of art

Una chiesa piena di opere d'arte

Ogni volta che vado a Roma mi ritaglio sempre un po’ di tempo per girare per le vie di Trastevere, un quartiere un po’ meno turistico ma pieno di piccoli tesori nascosti. Uno di questi è la chiesa di San Francesco d’Assisi a Ripa. San Francesco ha visitato questo luogo molte volte, entrando in contatto con la comunità locale e assistendo i lebbrosi. La parrocchia è stata fondata a inizio 900 da San Pio X. Ci sono molte opere d’arte di personaggi illustri, come una statua di Bernini e una pala d’altare di Salviati. La facciata non è niente di che, anche se a me piace il colore un po’ sbiadito, ma dentro è molto bella e ricca di statue e affreschi. Consiglio di fermarsi a osservare la statua del Bernini, io mi sono quasi commossa per l’espressione intensa e dolorosa della beata Ludovica Albertoni.
Every time I go to Rome I always clipping a bit of time to roam the streets of Trastevere, a neighborhood a little less touristy but full of hidden treasures. One of these the church of San Francesco a Ripa dAssisi. St. Francis visited this place many times, coming into contact with the local community and assisting the lepers. The parish was founded in early 900 by St. Pius X. There are many works of art of famous people, like a statue by Bernini and a shovel daltare Salviati. The facade not anything that even though I like the color a bit faded, but in very beautiful and full of statues and frescoes. Council to stop and observe the statue by Bernini, I almost moved by the expression intense and painful the Blessed Ludovica Albertoni.
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