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Chennakesava Temple


2 reviews of Chennakesava Temple

The Stone Fantasy

Belur was the capital of the Hoysala, between the eleventh and twelfth centuries. We went there after the promise of magnificent stone temples and were not disappointed. Chennakesahva Temple is a marvel, which is still in use. It was built in 1117 by King Vishnuvardhana, to celebrate several things: his conversion to Jainism (a branch Hindus who respect life to the point that they will not step on any ant, for example), victory over Chola troops, and the independence of the city of Chalukyas. The interior is dark, with stones worn by the passing of centuries and the pilgrims who come there to ask for blessings.

With exquisite reliefs in detail with mythological scenes, dancers, gods, etc. While there, the feeling is that you've been transported to a medieval setting, without electric lights (although they do have some, also inside the temple, but they were not lit), a little scary ... Around the courtyard there is a whole pillared corridor beautifully carved, and gods' niches where pilgrims leave offerings: candles, flowers, red paint that they put on their foreheads ... Right there we were surprised by a monsoon storm, which as usual, lasted only a little while ... and as we were facing one of the doors of the temple, we entertained ourselves laughing and gesturing with some local visitors. It was really cool.
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another jewel dedicated to Vishnu.

otra joya dedicada a Vishnu .

El Templo de Chennakeshava es del S : XVI 1.117 , lo mando construir el rey Vishnuvardhana , con el se celebro el poder militar de los Hoysala , sobre los Chola . Un gran templo , extraordinario en la que destaca su lujosa decoración que completo el nieto del fundador . Dentro del complejo hay varios templos , en varios tamaños y un estanque algo muy habitual por el sur de India. Un Santuario ( vimana ) bastante grande , con un pedestal que mide el doble de lo habitual . El Sanctum sanctorum espléndido , el pasillo ( mandapa ) con pilares tallados , abierto a una plataforma ( jagati ) que es la que circunvala al santuario de estilo " Nagara " Un estilo radiado o en estrella de 16 puntas , con un magnifico Gopuram o umbral . En las que las paredes internas están decoradas con relieves de epopeyas épicas y Mahabharata . Alrededor del patio varios santuarios menores y columnatas , para destacar en el centro en forma de estrella el templo principal al que se llega tras pasar unas celosía muy elaborada por la que se filtra la luz. En un tono verde grisáceo están recubiertos los relieves , dinteles con monstruos acuáticos ( makaras ) con bocas muy abiertas y grandes colas. Zócalos de flor de lotos , guirnaldas , elefantes y parejas de amantes o escenas mitológicas . Preciosas mujeres talladas o ninfas celestiales , en las ménsulas refinadas ¡ como la que se mira al espejo o las que están bailando! Atractivos escultóricos no faltan , incluso bailando el demonio " Andhakasura " con un Ganesha, sentado contemplando junto a mas deidades del " Panteón Hindú " recargado conjunto escultórico a tamaño natural. Todas muestran su exquisita belleza , también figuras eróticas de soporte arquitectónico junto a los bailarines y músicos . Tantos datos de sus intrincadas tallas, demuestran lo que les gustaban la música , la danza ¡ incluso lo utilizaban a nivel religioso !
The temple is the S Chennakeshava: 1,117 XVI, the king ordered to build Vishnuvardhana, with the military power of the Hoysala, Chola was held on. A large temple, which highlights extraordinary its luxurious decor that complete the grandson of the founder. Within the complex there are several temples in various sizes and very common pond through southern India. Sanctuary quite large with a pedestal that is twice than usual (vimana). The sanctum sanctorum splendid, the hall (mandapa) with carved pillars, open to a platform (jagati) which is the sanctuary that encircles the style "Nagara" A radiated or 16-pointed star style, with a magnificent Gopuram or threshold. In which the inner walls are decorated with reliefs of spades and Mahabharata epics. Around the patio several smaller shrines and colonnades, to highlight the star-shaped center the main temple which is reached after spending a jealous elaborate why the light is filtered. In a grayish green color coated estn reliefs, lintels with aquatic monsters (makaras) with mouths wide open and long lines. Zcalos lotus flower garlands, elephants and pairs of lovers or mitolgicas scenes. Beautiful women or celestial nymphs carved in refined mnsulas as you look in the mirror or who are dancing! Attractions escultricos not lacking, even dancing the devil "Andhakasura" with a Ganesha, sitting watching with more deities "Panten Hind" ornate sculptural ensemble natural size All displayed her exquisite beauty, also erticas figures architectural support with dancers and musicians. So many details of its intricate carvings, show how they liked the music, dance even used it religiously!
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Information about Chennakesava Temple