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Chao Phraya River

28 reviews of Chao Phraya River

Chao Phraya River

After traveling for what seems like an eternity, when you get to Bangkok you probably don't think that a boat is there waiting to take you to your hotel (better than some seedy cab, no doubt) ... What you would'nt expect is that it takes you on a two hour loop (not a cruise, I guess some people would call it that) around the Chao Phraya River. The closest houses to a river that I've ever seen aren't like the ones here .... I can tell you that the traffic on the river (which is fortunately very wide), is continuous, and people don't stop smiling. Before, they took us to another anchored barge and offered us a drink and some sort of fruit-like food that's hard to explain appearance and taste-wise.

We returned to our boat ... We left ... That heat, the apparent dirtiness of the river ... But the river water doesn't smell bad surprisingly. That late afternoon, with the sound of our boat's motor and the sun's reflection in the water of this huge river ... All is calm. If you travel to Bankokg, don't hesitate to do the boat ride in the Chao Phraya river ...
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River Cruise

One of the experiences that you have to try if you go to Bangkok is to rent a boat for a ride down the river. These motor boat trips last just over an hour and takes you to the areas that are closer to the great river of the Thai capital. It's worth it. You see people going about their daily lives You also get to see an impressive temple and you get an indescribable feeling when looking around it. It's not to be missed.


The "Grand Duke" Thai rivers, is the...

Le "Grand Duc" des fleuves Thaïlandais, ...

Le "Grand Duc" des fleuves Thaïlandais, c'est le seul qui s'écoule intégralement à l'intérieur des frontières de ce pays avant de se jeter dans le golfe de Thaïlande. Il joue un rôle majeur dans l'économie de ce pays pour l'irrigation et le transport fluvial ; mais il joue aussi un rôle essentiel dans la vie quotidienne dans la vie de la capitale qu'il coupe en deux. Traversé en permanence par les bateaux-bus et longue-queues (bateaux rapides aux moteurs de course !), le fleuve est ses nombreux canaux sont bordés de nombreuses habitations et les marchés flottants (qui occupaient autrefois tout le centre-ville) continuent d'exister dans la périphérie. On voit parfois passer des animaux bizarres à la surface de l'eau trouble du fleuve, qui traverse plusieurs autres villes importantes de Thaïlande avant d'arriver à Bangkok.
The "Grand Duke" Thai rivers, is the only one that flows entirely within the borders of this country before emptying into the Gulf of Thailand. It plays a major role in the economy of this country for irrigation and river transport, but it also plays a vital role in the daily life in the life of the capital, cut in two. Through permanently by water buses and long-tails (fast boats to race engines!), The river is its many canals are lined with many houses and floating markets (which once occupied the entire city) continue exist in the periphery. We sometimes go weird animals on the surface of the murky water of the river, which runs through several other major cities in Thailand before arriving in Bangkok.
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Interesting route for Bangkok

Interesante ruta por Bangkok

Visitar Bangkok siempre es una experiencia interesante. En ocasiones, los viajeros que quieren ir al sudeste asiático hacen escala o disfrutan de pocos días para ver esta impresionante ciudad. El recorrido en barco por el río Chao Phraya es una buena manera de resumir en un vistazo cómo es Bangkok. Los templos y lujosos hoteles se mezclan con las viejas y derruidas casas como si uno saltara constantemente de la riqueza a la pobreza a su paso por el río. Nuevos puentes y construcciones hacen sombra a barcos pesqueros en los que viven algunos tailandeses con sus familias. Sin duda esta ciudad de grandes contrastes hay que caminarla, pero los transportes son económicos y merece la pena utilizarlos para conocer mejor la vida en Bangkok; del barco al sky train, del tuk-tuk al metro, taxi o cualquier otro medio que se te ocurra!
Visit Bangkok is always an interesting experience. Sometimes, travelers who want to go to Southeast Asia stopover or enjoy a few days to see this amazing city. The boat trip along the Chao Phraya River is a good way to summarize at a glance how Bangkok. The temples and luxury hotels mingle with old and dilapidated houses as if you constantly jump from riches to rags in their path by the river. New bridges and buildings to overshadow fishing boats in some Thais living with their families. No doubt this city of great contrasts must walk it, but transport is cheap and worth using them to better understand life in Bangkok; Ship to sky train, tuk-tuk to the subway, taxi or any other means that you happen!
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Aquatic Bangkok ...

Bangkok aquatique...

S'écoulant majestueusement en plein coeur de la capitale thaï, le Chao Praya est l'un des trois plus grands fleuves du pays... L'un des plus sales aussi, mais également l'un des plus stratégiques. Il est en effet l'arête dorsale de Bangkok, et sert tout à la fois d'axe de transport (nombreux sont les bateaux, de tous types, bateaux-bus très utiles pour découvrir la ville, bateaux péniches transportant des cargaisons toutes plus surprenantes les unes que les autres, bateaux à touristes permettant de découvrir les khlongs, bateaux de pêcheurs...) et de véritable lieu de vie et de commerce (dans les khlongs, on peut voir les enfants sauter, jouer et se baigner, ainsi que plusieurs petits marchés flottants). Bref, un fleuve absolument incontournable !
Flowing majestically in the heart of the Thai capital, the Chao Praya is one of the three largest rivers in the country ... One of the dirtiest too, but also one of the most strategic. It is indeed the backbone of Bangkok, and serves at the same time axis transport (many boats of all types, water buses useful for exploring the city, boats barges carrying cargo all the more surprising as each other, boats tourists to discover the khlongs, fishing boats ...) and full of life and commerce (in khlongs, you can see the kids jump, play and swim, as well as several small floating markets). In short, an absolute must river!
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Not the prettiest!

¡No es de los más bonitos!

El tráfico es el principal problema del río de Bangkok, la suciedad es otro gran problema que tiene la ciudad. Te recomiendo que no compres ninguna excursión que te ofrezcan por el río. Hay barcas de servicio público que por nada, te cruzan y es la misma experiencia que cualquier servicio privado.
Traffic is the main problem River Bangkok, dirt is another big problem in the city. I recommend you do not buy any tours offer you the river. There are boats public service for nothing, you cross and is the same experience as any private service.
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The Chao Phraya River is the main river...

Le Chao Phraya est le principal fleuve...

Le Chao Phraya est le principal fleuve qui traverse Bangkok. Un fleuve immense, riche d'une vie très particulière lorsque l'on emprunte les canaux : Marchés flottants, pêcheurs de poissons chats et d'autres poissons de rivière. Un univers coloré qui mérite d'être connu.
The Chao Phraya River is the main river that runs through Bangkok. An immense river, boasts a very special life when one borrows channels: Floating Markets, fishing catfish and other freshwater fish. A colorful world that deserves to be known.
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Chao Phraya Express

Chao Phraya Express

Per me utilizzare i battelli che navigano il fiume che si snoda dentro Bangkok e i numerosi canali sparsi ovunque è davvero un modo comodo ed alternativo per muovermi a Bangkok. In genere sfrutto la più economica, la linea con la bandiera arancione funzionante tutti i giorni dalle 6 alle 19 con prezzo unico di 15 baht da Nonthaburi (N30) a Wat Rajsingkorn (S3) indipendentemente dal numero di fermarte! Durante le ore di punta il fiume comunque non risente del traffico e, anche senza aria condizionata, la brezza rende il caldo sopportabile. Unico rischio... prendere la barca sbagliata ma è un male minore :)
For me to use the boats that navigate the river that winds in Bangkok and the many channels all over the place is really a convenient and alternative way to move to Bangkok. In general advantage of the cheaper, the line with the orange flag running daily from 6 to 19 with a single price of 15 baht to Nonthaburi (N30) at Wat Rajsingkorn (S3) regardless of the number of fermarte! During peak hours the river, however, is not affected by traffic and, even without air conditioning, the breeze makes the heat bearable. Only risk ... take the wrong boat but it is a lesser evil :)
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the Chao Phraya River

il fiume Chao Phraya

Il Chao Phraya è il fiume su cui è fondata la città di Bangkok, il fiume è un viavai di imbarcazioni. Basta navigare sul fiume per avere un quadro perfetto dei due volti della città, sulle sue rive si incontrano la modernità, la ricchezza e la vocazione turistica con la vita quotidiana e la povertà delle milioni di persone autoctone. Tra le foto c'è anche una foto scattata in un affluente del Chao Phraya in piena giungla tropicale, dove c'è l'altro modo di vivere il fiume dei tailandesi.
The Chao Phraya river on which founded the city of Bangkok, the river a parade of boats. Just navigate on the river to get a perfect picture of the two faces of the city, on its shores meet modernity, wealth and the tourist with daily life and the poverty of millions of indigenous people. Among the photos c 'is also a photo taken in a tributary of the Chao Phraya River in the middle of the tropical jungle, where c' another way of experiencing the river of Thailand.
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The river Bangkok

La rivière de Bangkok

Cette large rivière traverse la ville de Bangkok à l'ouest. Il est agréable, en certains points, de se balader le long de ces rives, surtout au niveau des grands temples de Bangkok. Parfois cependant on traverse des coins plein de déchets qui gâchent un peu le paysage. Il est surtout intéressant de s'approcher de la rivière pour profiter du [poi=110553]transport en bateau[/poi]. Pour 15bath en effet, vous pourrez faire un trajet. Bien plus économique qu'un tuk-tuk ou un taxi, et bien moins fatiguant pour les jambes!
This large river runs through the city to the west of Bangkok. It is nice in some respects, to walk along the shore, especially in the great temples of Bangkok. Sometimes, however, you cross the corners full of waste spoil the landscape a bit. It is especially interesting to approach the river to enjoy the boat transportation. For 15bath indeed, you can ride. Although cheaper than tuk-tuk or taxi, and less tiring for the legs!
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The fleuvede Bangkok

Le fleuve de Bangkok

Traversant Bangkok, le fleuve Chao Phraya est une longue rivière sur laquelle on peut se balader en long-boat ou en louant les services à la journée d’un petit batelier. Nous avons aimé emprunter le bateau taxi pour rejoindre les points importants situés d’une rive à l’autre en admirant la vue. Par conte, on n’aurait aimé pour rien au monde y prendre un bain…
Through Bangkok, the Chao Phraya River is a long river on which you can walk in long-boat or by hiring the services of a small boatman the day. We aim to borrow the boat taxi to the important points dune situs the other shore enjoying the view. By tale, it naurait aim for the world to take a bath
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Walking by the river, good, cheap and rapids

Paseos por el río, buenos, baratos y rápidos

Es una vía de comunicación fabulosa en la ciudad del caos de autos. Además se pueden ver cosas hermosas desde el río, y se llega rápido y barato. Depende uno dónde esté alojado, pero es muy cómodo. Existen las lanchas colectivas, o las barcas taxis. La zona rivereña es muy pintoresca, se viaja bien, barato y rápido.
It is a fabulous communication going in the chaos of city cars. In addition you can see beautiful things from the river, and you get fast and cheap. It depends where is housed one, but it is very cmodo. There are the collective boats, boats or taxis. The area is very picturesque Riverea, traveling good, cheap and fast.
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A different Bangkok skyline

Un skyline de Bangkok diferente

Desde el [poi=843701]Templo del amanecer[/poi], puede tomarse un barco que cruza el río u otro que lo recorre como un autobús. De hecho, el barco es muy utilizado por los locales para conectar las paradas del sky train y evitar el caótico tráfico y los atascos de la ciudad. Sin duda, desde las aguas del Chaopraya es desde donde mejor se observa el skyline de Bangkok.
From the Temple of Dawn, you can take a boat crossing the river or another that runs it as a bus. In fact, the boat is widely used by local stops to connect sky train and avoid traffic jams and chaotic city. Undoubtedly, from the waters of Chaopraya it is where better the skyline of Bangkok is observed.
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Great communication goes.

Gran vía de comunicación.

Es una ruta rápida de conocer la ciudad porque con las lanchas que lo transitan pueden llegar a los sitios más importantes. Existen numerosas paradas que te comunican con los palacios, museos, mercados, etc de la ciudad.
It is a quick route to see the city because the boats that pass can become important places. There are many stops you communicate with palaces, museums, markets, etc. in the city.
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Information about Chao Phraya River