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Catalina Island


15 reviews of Catalina Island

beautiful, unspoiled beaches of fine white sand, palm trees and mangroves

Catalina Island has been named as a natural monument, and it is one of the islands belonging to the Eastern National Park , situated in the southeast of the country. It is a small island of only about 9 km2. It is uninhabited and, for the moment, has not been explored much by tourists. A Channel 2 km wide separates it from the mainland. Its main attraction is the diving (both surface type snorkel , and deep sea diving), and underneath its warm turquoise waters you can see galleons and thousands of colorfully minnows.

Of course, they are also beautiful, unspoiled beaches of fine white sand, palm trees and mangroves (we landed on the West Beach ). During certain times of the year you can see dolphins and humpback whales. Excursions to Catalina Island leave from the pier Bayahíbe or the marina of La Romana. You can go by catamaran or in small boats with a transparent bottom, made of glass.
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An explosion of beauty and colour

I was pleasantly surprised by the small, 9 kilometre island of Catalina, with an amazing turquoise sea and incredibly fine white sand. We arrived by boat in about a half an hour, through the 7.5 channel from the La Romana port. We bought the tickets on the boardwalk in La Romana. The island itself isn't very impressive, but it's surrounded by coral reefs, coral skeletons and live corals. You can't stay on the island because there's no lodging. We arrived and prepared to dive, walked on the beach with shoes because the beach is full of rocks and sharp corals, and coral cuts like you won't believe and you won't know it until afterwards.

From the beach, there's a slope leading up to the "wall" that drops more than 100 meters deep. The water was awesome, the whole slope of the beach to the wall was full of colourful fish, sponges, ball-like brain coral, and only in about 4 feet of water. It was an explosion of beauty and colour!
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Catalina Island

Isola Catalina

La mia esperienza su questa piccola isola della Repubblica Dominicana si riassume in una escursione di una giornata durante la Crociera Costa delle Piccole Antille. Si scende la mattina ore 10 e ci si imbarca per le 17, lo spettacolo che vi appare immediatamente è fantastico troverete il blu del mare dei Caraibi che contrasta con il bianco della sabbia ed l'azzurro del cielo. Fra le palme verdissime vi sono le case color pastello dei pescatori , quindi.... macchina fotografica in pugno e creme solari. Buon viaggio
My experience on this small island of the Dominican Republic is summed up in a one-day excursion during the Costa Cruise the Lesser Antilles. You go down in the morning at 10 am and you embark on the 17, the show is fantastic that appears immediately find the blue of the Caribbean Sea, which contrasts with the white sand and the blue sky. Among the lush green palm trees there are pastel-colored houses of the fishermen, so .... Camera in hand and sunscreen. Have a nice trip
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A paradise designed for fun

Un paraiso diseñado a la diversión

Que decir de este paraíso es un lugar bello lleno de vegetación, peces tropicales, aguas calmadas y sobre todo ideal para hacer snorker y buceo. También se pueden realizar deportes acuáticos como la banana o montarse encima de un colchón inflable arrastrado por una moto acuática. Es ideal para tumbarse en una hamaca debajo de una palmera y disfrutar de una puesta de sol acompañado de un mojito.
What to say about this paradise is a beautiful place full of greenery, tropical fish, and mainly calm waters ideal for snorker and diving. You can also enjoy water sports such as banana or mounted on an inflatable mattress pulled by a jet ski. Ideal for laying in a hammock under a palm tree and enjoy a sunset accompanied by a mojito.
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Ile de Catalina

L'île de Catalina se situe non loin de la République Dominicaine; préservée de toute trace elle ne possède pas de port , l'idéal est d'y aller en chaloupe est d'accoster sur le sable fin. Elle est équipée de carbets et de constructions très colorées. Paradis tropical relativement préservé ( on voit des poubelles qui nous ramènent à la réalité par exemple), cette magnifique île vaut le détour pour sa faune exceptionnelle.
Catalina Island is not far from the Dominican Republic, preserved traces it has no port, the ideal is to go by boat is to land on the sand. It is equipped with carbets and colorful buildings. Relatively unspoiled tropical paradise (we see the garbage that IWe bring to reality, for example), this beautiful island is worth visiting for its unique wildlife.
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Beautiful island with white beaches and dreamy sea

Bellissima isola con spiagge bianche e mare da sogno

È possibile osservare la natura e la fauna locale ma anche visitare piccoli villaggi di pescatori per osservare lo stile di vita dei suoi abitanti. Particolarità dell'isola sono le piscine naturali ( una laguna con acque basse e calme ricche di stelle marine) e la numerosità di palme da cocco.
Beautiful island with white beaches and dreamy sea. You can observe the local nature and fauna but also visit small fishing villages to observe the lifestyle of its inhabitants. Particular features of the island are the natural pools (a lagoon with shallow and calm waters full of starfish) and the number of coconut palms.
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Magical and spectacular.

Mágico y espectacular.

Estuve en enero buceando y de excursión una pasada. Aguas cristalinas, temperatura ideal, comimos langosta fresca todo buenísimo.
Magical, spectacular I was in January diving and hiking one pass! Crystal clear waters, ideal temperature, we ate fresh lobster all delicious!
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Wonderful for scuba diving or snorkeling. An absolute must.

Maravillosa para hacer buceo o snorkel. Un imprescindible.

Maravillosa para hacer buceo o snorkel. Un imprescindible.
Wonderful for scuba diving or snorkeling. An absolute must.
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The beach is of fine white sand and blue waters.

La playa es de fina arena blanca y aguas azules.

Para ir a Isla Catalina puedes rentar una lancha o yate para una excursión privada en Laromanacharter.com, Puedes hacer snorkeling en La Pared y ser testigo se las maravillas del mar.
To go to Catalina Island you can rent a boat or a yacht for a private excursion on Laromanacharter.com. You can snorkel at La Pared and witness the wonders of the sea. The beach is of fine white sand and blue waters.
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Divine Immersions

Immersioni divine.

Immersioni divine.
Divine Immersions
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para repetir!!!!!!
to repeat!!
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Oh, gorgeous.
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Excellent place to perform snorckel

Excelente lugar para realizar snorckel

Excelente lugar para realizar snorckel
Excellent place to perform snorckel
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beautiful island

Ilha bonita, praia rochosa e águas claras.

Ilha bonita, praia rochosa e águas claras.
beautiful island, rocky beach and clear water
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Muy bonito para viajes personales, no para tours.

Muy bonito para viajes personales, no para tours.
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Information about Catalina Island