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Castillo de Javier

29 reviews of Castillo de Javier

You Must Visit It

It is located in Navarra, 8 kilometers from Sangüesa and 53 kilometers from Pamplona. It is another place that you must visit if you are in Navarra. The place where it is located is wonderful and its architecture is another example of Navarra’s history.

We went there on a Saturday morning and it was very calm, so we could visit it peacefully and enjoy the view of the castle-museum and learn a bit more of the life of the patron saint of Navarra.

The next thing on the list is to enjoy the “Javeriada”, the first two weekends of March.


Very Special

We were on our way to Huesca when we realized we were next to the Javier Castle, so we couldn’t resist making a stop. We had heard a lot about the place.

There was a lot of peace and calm in the place, with barely a few cars in the parking lot. On the right side there is a statue of the saint, and on the left side an avenue lined with trees that takes you to the castle.

We started walking, everything was perfect. We saw a cafeteria, a souvenir shop, and toilets. At the end of the avenue there is an esplanade paved with slabs of stone. On one side there is a mosaic of the saint, in front of the castle. Next to the mosaic there is a convent from the 16th century. It is quite austere but I could enter the central patio, which is in perfect condition.

The castle is quite another thing, full of visitors. It is in the highest part and a part of it is now a church, the part where San Francisco Javier was born and lived.

We bordered the church and arrived at a viewpoint. You walk to the castle, cross the bridge and enter history. The castle has three parts, the tower of Santo Cristo, the tower of San Miguel and the museum.

First you enter the central bastion or tower of Santo Cristo. You climb up and contemplate a series of dioramas that narrate de life and miracles of the saint.

When you arrive to the highest part of the tower you access a hall with paintings and objects from medieval origin.

The castle was built in the 10th century, but it was seized in 1223 by Sancho VII of Navarra, when they built the two lateral towers.

In 1516, the cardinal Cisneros ordered its demolition. The exterior barbican was demolished, the moat was filled, the gardens were flattened and the tower of Homenaje lost its upper part. The rest survived, until in the 20th century it was donated to the Society of Jesus by the duchess of Villahermosa.

At the end of the avenue there is a square with a stoned floor. When you enter the tower of Homenaje, or San Miguel, you go into the rooms where they lived. It is decorated and furnished, so you get an idea of how they lived at the time. The most interesting part is the hall where the floor was lifted to show the Muslim floor.

I didn’t find as interesting the part where the saint lived and was baptized.

We liked this place; it allows you to see how the medieval castle was and some details of the life and work of a Spanish saint. I guess that in March it is full of people, but in low season it is really nice to visit it.
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In the highest point of the little town of Javier you will find the Javier Castle, home of the venerated patron saint of Navarra, San Francisco Javier. The castle is from the 10th century. A tower was built first, due to its strategic location between Navarra and Aragón. Then the rest of the castle was constructed. The fortress suffered the vicissitudes of history, especially in 1516, when it was partially destroyed. By the end of the 19th century the basilica of Javier was built. In 1952 the reconstruction that gave the castle its original physiognomy began.

San Francisco Javier was born in a noble family in 1506, he was a Jesuit missionary and died in China after traveling in Africa and Asia.

This charming place is a place of pilgrimage for many.
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An imposing building

Una construcción imponente

Si ves el Castillo de Javier desde fuera, sólo puedes definirlo como imponenete. Es enorme, y la iglesia que tiene adosada en una de sus partes le da un toque genial y de enorme bella. Por dentro, el Castillo es ahora un museo dedicado a Francisco Javier, donde se cuenta su vida y se muestran regalos y pinturas que recibió durante sus viajes y que se han ido recuperando a lo largo de los años. Algunas de estas piezas están asombrosamente restauradas y es muy interesante ver fragmentos de otras culturas con siglos de antigüedad, desde tan cerca. Particularmente es mi punto favorito en la Ruta de los Castillos de Navarra, un Castillo que conserva una historia, una construcción asombrosa y elementos culturales conservados hasta hoy en unas condiciones sorprendentes y que transmiten la percepción de culturas lejanas.
If you see the Castillo de Javier from outside, you can only define it as enormous imposing. It's huge, and the church that has attached in one of parts adds a cool and beautiful huge. Inside, the castle is now a museum dedicated to Francisco Javier, which deals with the life and paintings are displayed gifts he received during his travels and have been recovering over the years. Some of these pieces are amazingly restored and is very interesting to see fragments of other cultures that are centuries old, from so close. Particularly is my favorite spot on the Route of the Castles of Navarre, a castle that keeps a history, an amazing building and cultural elements preserved until today in amazing conditions and convey the perception of distant cultures.
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Javier Castle, birthplace of the co-patron of Na

Un castillo dibujado por un niño

Si un niño dibuja un castillo medieval el resultado bien podría ser el castillo de Javier. Con el telón de fondo de la sierra de Leyre, destaca la torre del homenaje, protegida por lienzos de murallas con almenas, alguna otra torre con saeteras, un puente levadizo y hasta un calabozo. Su origen se remonta al siglo X, cuando sólo era una torre de vigilancia en la frontera del Reino de Pamplona con los musulmanes. Esa torre se conserva, es la de San Miguel. Con el tiempo se fueron añadiendo más defensas, hasta que en el siglo XVI, cuando Navarra fue conquistada por Fernando el Católico, sufrió el castigo del Cardenal Cisneros que mandó desmochar sus torres. Por suerte, en el siglo XIX se comenzó a reconstruir y en el siglo XX se hizo la última rehabilitación, acondicionándolo como museo para uno de los personajes más significativos e internacionales que ha dado Navarra: San Francisco Javier. San Francisco Javier, co-patrón de Navarra junto a San Fermín, nació en este castillo y es a este lugar a donde miles de navarros acuden en peregrinación dos sábados de marzo en la marcha conocida como Javierada. El castillo es posible verlo por libre, con audioguía o con visita guiada. La entrada a la basílica y a la parroquia de la Anunciación es gratuita.
If a child draws a medieval castle the result could well be the castle of Javier. With the backdrop of the Sierra de Leyre, stands the Donjon, protected by canvas walls with battlements, another tower with loopholes, a drawbridge and even a dungeon. Its origin dates back to the tenth century, when it was only a watchtower on the border of the Kingdom of Pamplona with Muslims. That tower is preserved, it is San Miguel. Eventually they were adding more defenses, until the sixteenth century, when Navarre was conquered by Ferdinand, suffered the punishment of Cardinal Cisneros who sent desmochar its towers. Fortunately, in the nineteenth century it began to rebuild and in the twentieth century was the last rehabilitation, upgrading it as a museum for one of the most significant and international characters who has given Navarra: San Francisco Javier. San Francisco Javier, co-patron saint of Navarre with San Fermin, was born in this castle and it is to this place where thousands come on pilgrimage navarros two Saturdays March in the march known as Javierada. To learn more about the life of San Francisco Javier http://www.viajeroilustrado.es/san-francisco-javier-y-las-javieradas/ The castle can see for free, with audio guide or guided tour. The entrance to the basilica and the parish of the Annunciation is free.
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This castle is located on a hill near...

Este castillo se encuentra en una loma,...

Este castillo se encuentra en una loma, cercana a la localidad del mismo nombre. Fue construido en el siglo X, aunque ha sufrido distintas reformas a lo largo de los siglos. Se accede a él a través de un puente levadizo. Además de la Torre del Homenaje, tiene dos torres más en las esquinas. El interior es muy interesante, ya que podemos hacer un recorrido por la vida y obra de este santo. Además del castillo, el paraje alberga distintas instalaciones.
This castle is located on a hill near the town of the same name. It was built in the tenth century, although it has undergone several renovations throughout the centuries. It is accessed via a drawbridge. In addition to the Keep, has two towers at the corners. The interior is very interesting, because we can take a tour of the life and works of this saint. Besides the castle, the place houses various facilities.
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Sanctuary and Castle Javier (Navarra)

Santuario y Castillo de Javier (Navarra)

Unidos físicamente por uno de los laterales del Castillo, este conjunto monumental es quizás el principal atractivo de este bonito pueblo. Del santuario lo que más me llamó la atención fue su pórtico, finamente ornamentado, su interior es sencillo pero elegante. Del castillo destaco su porte exterior, interiormente por sus profusos detalles históricos, el curioso Cristo sonriente, algo fuera de lo común por su expresión, así como los esqueletos que parecen danzar en torno a él. Una visita guiada recomendable si te acercas a estas tierras Navarras y te gusta la cultura y la historia.
Physically united by one side of the Castle, this monumental is perhaps the main attraction of this beautiful town. MSME shrine which drew attention was the portico, finely decorated, the interior is simple but elegant. Castle feature exterior porte inwardly by his profuse histricos details, the curious Christ smiling, something out of the ordinary for their expression, as well as skeletons that seem to dance around him. A guided tour recommended if you approach these Navarras land and you like culture and history.
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Navarra that we love ...

Esa Navarra que nos encanta...

Navarra no deja de sorprenderme... Buscavamos pasar un finde de relax en algún rinconcito de Navarra esa que nos encanta, y terminamos aquí en Javier, sin saber muy bien ni que era ni donde estaba y esperando un pueblo mas grande. Para nuestra sorpresa es como un recinto turístico, con cuatro cosas contadas, cafetería, hotel, restaurantes, tienda de souvenirs y los monumentos... Pero en un entorno precioso, con todo lo necesario, una amabilidad y tranquilidad absoluta! Nos encantó, por su castillo e iglesia, por su Hotel, por su ubicación muy cerca de preciosos lugares, como Sangüesa, el Monasterio de Leyre, la Foz del Lumbier, etc..., etc...! En definitiva, totalmente recomendable!
Navarre never ceases to amaze ... Buscavamos spend a relaxing weekend at one corner of Navarre that we love, and ended up here in Javier, without really knowing where or who he was and was not expecting a larger town. To our surprise is like a tourist precinct, with four things told, cafe, hotel, restaurant, souvenir shop and monuments ... But in a beautiful setting, with everything you need, a kindness and absolute tranquility! We love it for its castle and church, for your hotel, its location close to beautiful places like Sangüesa, Leyre Monastery, the Foz of Lumbier, etc ..., etc ...! In short, highly recommendable!
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Copatrn of Navarra

Copatrón de Navarra

El copatrón de Navarra está bien representado en el Santuario que conforman varios edificios entrelazados unos con otros y relacionados con la vida de Javier, uno de los más grandes viajeros españoles, que al final fue canonizado como santo debido a su papel evangelizador que le llevó hasta Japón siendo el primer viajero occidental que pisaba el país del sol naciente tras nombrarlo Marco Polo. El santuario es de libre acceso, con un buen parking y zona de servicios. Lomás destacable del conjunto es el Castillo, La Basílica, las aulas teológicas y la Parroquia donde fue bautizado Javier. Prepara toda una mañana para disfrutar de este bello y sereno lugar, porque además, puedes realizar una serie de rutas que parten desde aquí. Lugar de peregrinación y punto de encuentro de llas llamadas "Javieradas" que se celebran en marzo.
The copatrn of Navarra is well represented in the Sanctuary that make several buildings intertwined with each other and related to the life of Javier, one of the most major Spaniards travelers, who in the end was canonized as a saint because of their evangelizing role LLEV you up Japan being the first Western traveler who trod the country of the rising sun after naming Marco Polo. The sanctuary is free, with good parking and service area. LOMs highlight of the set is the Castle, La Basilica, the teolgicas classrooms and the parish where he was baptized Javier. Prepare an entire morning to enjoy this beautiful and serene place, because besides, you can perform a number of routes that leave from here. Place of pilgrimage and meeting Llas called "Javieradas" held in March.
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Located about 50 kilometers from...

Situé à environ 50 kms de Pamplona, 11 k...

Situé à environ 50 kms de Pamplona, 11 kms du Monasterio de Leyre, et 30 kms de beau village SOS del Rey Católico. San Francisco Javier, le patron de Navarre, est né et habité dans ce château. Il y a aussi des visites guidées. Début Mars, a lieu la "Javierada", une romerie réligieuse, où beaucoup de monde font de peregrination à pied jusqu' au château de Javier. Http://www.Turismo.Navarra.Es/esp/organice-viaje/recurso/Ocio-y-cultura/3092/Javieradas.Htm Normalement dans la même journée, on peut profiter pour visiter aussi le Monastère de Leyre, qui est aussi tres joli. (Leyre est un endroit réligieux, alors il faut faire attention aux vêtements, sinon on peut avoir des problèmes pour rentrer).
Located about 50 kilometers from Pamplona, ​​11 kms from the Monasterio de Leire, and 30 km of beautiful village SOS del Rey Catolico. San Francisco Javier, the patron saint of Navarre, was born and lived in this castle. There are also guided tours. Early March, takes place "Javierada" religious romerie, where many people make peregrination walk up to the castle of Javier. Http :/ / www.Turismo.Navarra.Es/esp/organice-viaje/recurso/Ocio-y-cultura/3092/Javieradas.Htm usually in the same day, you can also take the opportunity to visit the Monastery of Leire, which is also very nice. (Leire is a religious place, so be careful with clothes, otherwise you may have problems to go).
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Museo- Castillo

Enclave precioso donde esta situado, tenéis hotel, restaurante y demás allí. El castillo muy bonito pero es mas museo que castillo donde se exponen muchas obras sobre San Javier, la única pega que vi que un poco cerrado es decir por ejemplo el torreón mas grande no se podía subir donde se verían buenas vistas, por lo demás bien entrada eran 2,25
Beautiful setting where is located, have hotel, restaurant and other there. The castle is very nice but more castle museum which displays many works on San Javier, the only downside I saw a little closed ie for example the largest tower could not go where views would be good, otherwise fine entry were 2.25
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A few kilometers from Pamplona Huesca...

A pocos kilómetros de Pamplona ...

A pocos kilómetros de Pamplona dirección Huesca. En el castillo nació San Francisco Javier, patrón de Navarra, en el año 1506. Todavía se conserva el aposento del santo así como diversas estancias que el conoció, como la capilla decorada con pinturas murales que representan la Danza de la Muerte. Además hay un crucifijo al que se le atribuye el milagro de sudar sangre el día en el que el misionero murió en China.
A few kilometers from Pamplona Huesca direction. In the San Francisco Javier Castillo was born, patron saint of Navarre, in 1506. It still retains the saint's room and several rooms that met, as the chapel decorated with murals depicting the Dance of Death. In addition there is a crucifix attached to the miracle of the day sweating blood in the missionary died in China.
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A more spectacular rincn Navarre ...

Un rincón mas de navarra espectacular...

Un precioso castillo, que me recuerda bastante al de Olite, precioso, y bien conservado.... Aunque en esta ocasión solo pude disfrutar de su belleza desde fuera, prometo volver a verlo por dentro, pues tengo entendido que también es maravilloso...
A lovely castle, which reminds me to Olite, beautiful, and well maintained .... Although this time I could only enjoy its beauty from the outside, I promise to see him inside, because I have understood that it is wonderful ...
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Javier Castillo

Castillo de Javier

Impresiona desde el momento que lo divisas. Lugar de peregrinación para los fieles. He podido sacar fotos bonitas pues el tiempo acompañaba. El museo del castillo merece la pena verlo, previo pago de una módica entrada que ha sido creo, 2,75 euros.
It impresses from the moment you exchange. Place of pilgrimage for the faithful. I was able to take beautiful pictures accompanied for time. The Castle Museum is worth seeing, on payment of a nominal input has been I, 2.75 euros.
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Cozy Castle Navarre

Coqueto castillo navarro

Cerca del Monasterio de Leyre encontramos el Castillo de Javier: en su interior nos cuentan la vida del Santo Javier nacido allí hace muchísimos muchísimos años. El castillo, restaurado y reformado, se ve así de bonito a lo lejos, y de cerca. Una visita agradable si te gustan las fortalezas.
Near the Monastery of Leyre Javier found the Castle: inside we have the life of the Holy Javier born all muchsimos years ago muchsimos. The castle, restored and renovated, nice as it looks in the distance and up close. A pleasant visit if you like fortresses.
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