Casa de Pasto Maria de Perre
The restaurant Casa de Pasto Maria de Perre, is situated in the heart of Viana do Castelo, on a side street parallel to the promenade at the height of the city's main avenue, the Avenida dos Combatentes of Great War. In Portugal, there is a typical restaurant called Casa de Pasto, and the signature dish is the cooked minhoto, which is very famous in the region. We do not recommend choosing a Sunday to visit the place, because you may be waiting for a good long time ... if you go any other day, for example from Tuesday to Saturday you can will be delighted with delicious dishes, two days we visited the place and ate mirandesa beef, seasoned with orange sauce and roasted goat, of course accompanied by a generous side dishes.
We were quite satisfied both of the times we ate there.
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