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2 reviews of Cabanaconde

Who makes the crossing of Canyon del...

Quem faz a travessia do Canyon del...

Quem faz a travessia do Canyon del Coca, o segundo dia começa em Sangalle (Oasis) e termina em Cabanaconde. O segundo dia foi de subir morro. Acordamos as 5h da manhã, Roy já estava pronto. Atrasamos, muita gente passou por nós, mas também na subida passamos por muita gente. Se no primeiro dia, encontramos com poucas pessoas, no segundo dia acho que juntou com a galera que estava fazendo o Vale em 3 dias. Vimos bastante gente de todos os lugares do mundo. Muitos subiram a cavalo. Subimos de Sangalle (2160m) até Cabanaconde (3280m). Foram quase 3h de subida. Lá em Cabanaconde tomamos nosso desayuno. Depois de meia hora de desayuno, passamos pelo povo de Maca. Aproveitei visitei a Igreja que era muito bonita e tirei fotos com um falcão, a Princesa. Em seguida fomos para La Calera, aguas termais. Nossa me senti uma salsicha na panela, a agua chegava a 38ºC. O lugar parece um clube, tem armarios, duchas, vestiários e bar. Voce não consegue ficar muito tempo nas piscinas e quando sai, sai totalmente relaxado que nem consegue andar direito. Ficamos aqui uma hora. Dos termais fomos para Chivay, aonde um restaurante típico nos aguardava. Comida boa e a vontade por 20 soles. Vale a pena. Depois caminhamos pela praça de Chivay, tomamos umas cusquenas e seguimos de van de volta para Arequipa. No caminho paramos no El Mirador de Los Andes(4.900m), descemos e avistamos a cordilheira de Los Andes. Dali seguimos ate a Reserva Nacional de Aguada Blanca, aonde existem lhamas, alpacas e vicunhas. Mas nem descemos da van. Tiramos fotos pela janela.
Who makes the crossing of Canyon del Coca, the second day begins at Sangalle (Oasis) and ends in Cabanaconde. The second day was to climb the hill. Woke up at 5am, Roy was ready. We delayed, many people passed us, but also on the ascent we passed a lot of people. If on the first day, met a few people on the second day I think coupled with the guys I was doing the Valley in 3 days. We saw a lot of people from all over the world. Many went on horseback. We climbed the Sangalle (2160m) to Cabanaconde (3280m). It took nearly 3 hours to climb. There Cabanaconde take our desayuno. After half an hour gratis, passed by the people of Maca. I took visited the church that was very nice and took pictures with a hawk, Princess. Then we went to La Calera hot springs. Our felt a sausage in the pan, the water reached 38 ° C. The place looks like a club, has closets, showers, changing rooms and bar. You can not stay long in the pools and when it comes out, comes out totally relaxed you can not even walk right. We stayed here one hour. Of thermal went to Chivay, where a typical restaurant awaited us. Food and good will for 20 soles. Worth. After we walked through the square of Chivay, we cusquenas a van and headed back to Arequipa. On the way we stopped at El Mirador de Los Andes (4,900 m), and we saw go down the ridge of the Andes. Thence follow up to the National Reserve of Aguada Blanca, where there are llamas, alpacas and vicuña. But not descended from the van. We took pictures out the window.
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Surplombant le Canyon del Colca, Cabanaconde est un petit village situé à 3200 mètres d'altitude. Malgré le flot de touristes qui y passent quotidiennement, la plupart du temps après être remontés du fond du canyon, le village conserve un visage authentique et traditionnel. Devant l'église d'une blancheur éclatante comme sur la petite place principale, vous y apercevrez surement des dames péruviennes en costume traditionnel. Plusieurs commerces sont situés autour du petit parc sur la place : restaurants et épiceries. Notez que Cabanaconde est souvent le lieu où vous déjeunerez après avoir gravi les 1200 mètres de dénivelé, pour remonter de l'oasis située au fond du canyon. Une ascension qui se fait très tôt le matin (départ généralement à 5h00 du matin) et qui puise beaucoup d'énergie : 1200 mètres d'ascension, entre 2 et 3 heures de marche, de 2000 et 3200 mètres d'altitude ! Vous apprécierez donc certainement le petit déjeuner qui vous sera alors servi à Cabanaconde ! De ce village, vous reprendrez un mini-bus pour retourner à Chivay ou à Arequipa.
Overlooking Colca Canyon, Cabanaconde is a small village situated 3200 meters above sea level. Despite the flood of tourists who spend every day, mostly after remonts be the canyon floor, the village retains an authentic and traditional face. In front of the church as a clatante whiteness on the small main square, you will probably perceive the pruviennes ladies in traditional costume. Several shops are situs around the small park on the square: restaurants and grocery stores. Note that Cabanaconde is often the place where you djeunerez after having climbed the 1,200 meters of dnivel to back the oasis located in the canyon. An ascent is done very early in the morning (5:00 am departure usually) and draws a lot of energy: 1200 meters of ascent, between 2 and 3 hours of walking, the 2000 and 3200 meters above sea level! So you certainly will appreciate the small lunch will be served to you Cabanaconde! From this village, you will take a mini-bus back Chivay and Arequipa.
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