Bran to Rucar
Crossing the Carpathians is a special time when you can think about all the symbolism these amazing mountains have. They are associated with vampires, evil spirits, and, of course, Dracula, who was no more than the prince Vlad Tepes himself. But between the towns of Bran and Rucar, the road crosses these mountains, and it's absolutely wonderful. I went in autumn and on that particular day the beauty of the scenery was amazing, the red and yellow lights colored the mountain chains Bucegi and Leaota to the east and west of Piatra Craiului. It's said that it's one of the most beautiful places in the country with deep valleys, wooden houses hidden in the background, all very green, the streams that slide from the top of the mountain, the meadows full of cattle, and the woods , pine, oak, invite you to a walk.