Justin Plus Lauren
Lots of tropical fish to see from the surface of the pond!
The Blue Lagoon is a mangrove pond located inside Tom Moore's Jungle in Hamilton Parish, Bermuda. Tom Moore's Jungle is an excellent natural environment to explore in Bermuda, and you might stumble upon the Blue Lagoon while you're there. While the water appears to be crystal clear, I wouldn't recommend swimming here. Instead, be sure to admire all of the fish who live in the pond. You'll find several varieties of tropical fish here who have found their way from the nearby Castle Harbour (where the water has flowed into the pond). Be sure to keep your eyes out for the beautiful Rainbow Parrotfish here.
You should be able to find this pond easily along the main path in Tom Moore's Jungle. Have fun and go for an off-the-beaten-path hike while in Bermuda, and witness the beauty of nature!
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