eXplorador Escocés
Ben Lomond
All who go up the west shore of Loch Lomond, be sure to hit the highest peak on the right to see the best views on the lake, Ben Lomond, nearly 1,000 feet high. The funny thing is that its location on the east face, makes it situated in the Stirling district, but perhaps one of the most remote from the Stirling we can find in the district. It is one of the main attractions of the area or of the most promoted (unless we are mountaineers), as the climb is not easy and not recommended for amateurs. Soon I will post my photos from the top so you can get a better of idea of this place and of the superb views that you can see if you take the challenging hike.
It is part of the natural park of Loch Lomond and the Trossarchs. Undoubtedly one of the many wonders of Scotland, in this case, almost entering the Highlands or Highlands.
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