Belgium village
Bélgida pueblo
Bélgida es un pueblito con historia íbera y romana y con pasado árabe y cristiano. Un pueblo rodeado de huerta, de la famosa huerta valenciana, y eso se nota a la hora de comer en sus restaurantes o de comprar comestibles en sus tiendecitas.
Un pueblito con gracia y con color; muchas de sus casas y de sus calles están pintadas con colores pasteles y alegres. No hay edificios altos, de esos que afean el resto de casitas de una planta. Sus callejones estrechos y laaaaaargos son muy curiosos, pues uno está acostumbrado a ver callejones enrevesados llenos de curvas; aquí las rectas dominan la estructura del pueblo; un bonito lugar para pasear...
Belgida is a village with Iberian and Roman history and with Arab and Christian past. A village surrounded by orchard, the famous Valencian vegetable garden, and that can be seen at lunchtime in their restaurants or to buy groceries in their little shops. A small town with grace and color; Many of its houses and streets are painted with pastel colors and cheerful. There are no tall buildings, of those that affect the rest of houses of a plant. Its narrow alleys and laaaaaargos are very curious, for one is accustomed to seeing convoluted alleys full of curves; Here the lines dominate the structure of the people; A nice place to stroll ...
