Roberto Gonzalez
Beim Theresianum Austria Hotel
It isn´t centrally located, but it doesn´t necessarily need to be in order to be comfortable and very basic and, above all, reasonably priced. The distance to the airport is only twenty minutes by taxi and you can get there via a comfortable highway. Once at the hotel, we found a quick check-in and reception service, attentive and helpful. We went up to the room, which was spacious and clean and in my case with street views of Favoritenstrasse, a busy road but quiet with several supermarkets, restaurants, and even a pharmacy across the street. Nothing was lacking. Breakfast is abundant with a variety of breads seed, grain and white breads and croissants, meats, cheeses, fruits, yogurts, cereals, jams, teas and juices.
The property was recently renovated, so we found it gleaming and ready for reviewing. As we left, to the right we found the subway station Südtiroler, which brings us, after 4 stops and a change, to the center of Vienna (Stephansplatz).
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