Begur Castle
Begur Castle is one of the attractions of this town. Access is free and it is located in the upper area of the city, so you can drive almost to the top. Then you have to walk along a paved trail until you reach the castle, which is perfectly preserved. Its location makes it perfect to exploit the topography of the Terran. The castle is related to the history of pirates and sailors in the area. Take care with young children because there are some protected areas as the tower is crumbling. The views from the castle of Begur and the Medes Islands are wonderful, where there are usually lots of tourists and water sports enthusiasts.
It is worth spending some time just listening and watching the closeness of the sea. There are not usually many tourists around the castle, only a few locals who are walking their dog. The climb is not too difficult because it is very short. Also if you go in summer, Begur has wonderful coves and beaches to enjoy.
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