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St. Basil's Cathedral

10:00 - 19:00
Opening Hours
10:00 - 19:00
10:00 - 19:00
10:00 - 19:00
10:00 - 19:00
10:00 - 19:00
10:00 - 19:00
10:00 - 19:00
095 298 3304
095 298 3304
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41.70 £

56 reviews of St. Basil's Cathedral

A symbol of the city of Moscow

St. Basil´s Cathedral is on the southeast part of the Red Square, and stands as a symbol of the city of Moscow. The Cathedral is an orthodox temple and was constructed by Ivan the Terrible in the year 1555 to commemorate the conquest of Kazan.



Mystical place


St. Basils

Had to climb up a ballistrade to take this pic. Not for the feint hearted.

Must visit place at the heart of Moscow, Red Square.


The unique piece of art of medieval culture. If you don't get the opportunity to enter don't worry- the most beautiful details you can see are outside.

Is a wonderful Cathedral, and the history behind it makes it even more special


Beautiful cathedral right on the Red Square




La primera imagen que me vino al ver la Catedral de San Basilio fue la del Tetris, y es que esta fue la imagen utilizada en el famoso videojuego de 1988! Fue el zar Ivan el Terrible quien ordenó la construcción de esta catedral, que fue inaugurada en 1561, para conmemorar la conquista de Kazan. Se encuentra en la majestuosa Plaza Roja, justo al lado del Kremlin, o lo que es lo mismo, en el corazón de Moscú. Uno se queda embobado al verla por primera vez, y recomendamos sentarse en las escaleras que hay delante y admirarla por un buen rato. También merece la pena entrar en su interior, donde si se tiene suerte se podrá encontrar con un coro que cantan canciones para recaudar fondos sociales. Por cierto, con el carnet de estudiante hacen descuento en la entrada.
The first image that came to see the Cathedral of St. Basil was Tetris, which is that this was the image used in the famous video game of 1988! It was the Tsar Ivan the Terrible who ordered the construction of this cathedral, which opened in 1561 to commemorate the conquest of Kazan. Located in the majestic Red Square, right next to the Kremlin, or what is the same, in the heart of Moscow. One is left gawking at her for the first time, and we recommend sitting on the stairs in front of and admire it for a while. Also worth entering inside, where if you're lucky, you might spot a choir singing songs social fundraising. Indeed, with the student card make off admission.
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Flames in the sky

Fiamme nel cielo

Come può essere un capolavoro architettonico i cui creatori sono stati resi ciechi per non costruirne una copia altrove? Stupendamente bella. La Cattedrale di San Basilio è senza dubbio uno dei simboli di Mosca e dell'intera Russia. Il nome originale è cattedrale dell'Intercessione della Madre di Gesù sul Fossato, ma da sempre è legato all'asceta, denominato "folle per Cristo", che vagava per Mosca seminudo in ogni stagione e che predicava contro i peccati, incluso quelli di Ivan il Terribile, proprio lo zar che fece costruire il famoso tempio. L'edificio si compone di nove chiese costruite attorno a una decima centrale; ogni cappella è dedicata a siversi santi ed eventi storici. L'interno è molto interessante e curioso, anche se è l'esterno dove raggiunge il suo splendore. Dal 1928 è museo di Stato e dal 1990 patrimonio dell'umanità.
How can it be an architectural masterpiece whose creators were not blinded to build a copy anywhere else? Fantastically beautiful. The St. Basil's Cathedral is without doubt one of the symbols of Moscow and of all Russia. The original name is the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Mother of Jesus on the Moat, but has always been tied to the ascetic, called "crazy for Christ," which Moscow wandering naked in every season and he preached against the sins, including those of Ivan the Terrible, just tsar who built the famous temple. The building consists of nine churches built around a central tenth; each chapel is dedicated to siversi saints and historical events. The interior is very curious and interesting, even if it is outside, where it reaches its splendor. Since 1928 state museum and World Heritage Site since 1990.
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The jewel of the Red Square

Il gioiello della Piazza Rossa

Forse il simbolo più fotografato di tutta la Russia, la Cattedrale di San Basilio non lascia di certo indifferenti, a qualsiasi ora la si ammiri, sia durante il giorno, con le cupole a bulbo splendenti ed illuminate dal sole, sia durante la notte, quando le luci artificiali rendono il luogo altamente suggestivo. Dedicata a San Basilio, la cattedrale è in realtà composta da nove differenti cappelle, che rendono l’interno una specie di stretto labirinto, con splendide sale decorate e preziose icone. L’esterno si presenta con quattro torri sovrastate da grandi cupole, un padiglione centrale ed altre quattro cupole minori, tutte dai differenti colori che rendono l’insieme un caleidoscopio unico al mondo. L’ingresso è a pagamento, così come il permesso per fotografare.
Perhaps the most photographed symbol of all Russia, St. Basil's Cathedral certainly does not leave indifferent, at any time to admire it, both during the day, with onion domes shining and illuminated by the sun, and at night, when artificial lights make the place highly suggestive. Dedicated to St. Basil's Cathedral is actually composed of nine different chapels, which make the interior a kind of narrow maze, with beautiful rooms decorated and precious icons. The exterior looks with four towers topped by large domes, a central pavilion and other four smaller domes, all the different colors that make the collection a unique kaleidoscope. The entrance is free of charge, as well as permission to photograph.
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One of the symbols of Moscow, an...

Un des symboles de Moscou, absolument...

Un des symboles de Moscou, absolument incontournable!!!! Evidemment l'impression extérieure est déjà fortes avec ces bulbes colorés uniques en Russie. Ce lieu plein de légendes est complètement rénové à l'extérieur et bien retapé à l'intérieur. Ce qui frappe d'entrée c'est l'exiguité du lieu, la cathédrale étant divisé en 9 églises de tailles assez limitées. Reste que lorsque les voix du choeur Grégorien résonnent dans l'edifice, on trouve une ambiance tout à fait particulière, évidemment magique. A l'intérieur, quelques boutiques souvenirs, avec tous les attributs de l'orthodoxie russe. Le monument est fermé tout les mardis et tout les premiers lundi du mois, mais lorsque la place Rouge est fermée, la cathédrale reste souvent ouverte (hors évenement majeur du type concert ou parade militaire)
One of the symbols of Moscow, an absolute must!! Obviously the external impression is already strong with these unique colored bulbs in Russia. This place is full of legends completely renovated outside and well spruced up inside. What strikes input is the smallness of the place, the cathedral is divided into nine churches rather limited size. Is that when the voice of Gregorian choir resound in the edifice, there is a very special atmosphere, obviously magical. Inside, a few souvenir shops, with all the attributes of Russian Orthodoxy. The monument is closed every Tuesday and every first Monday of the month, but when the Red Square is closed, the cathedral is often open (excluding major concert event type or military parade)
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The most famous monument in Russia, the...

Monument le plus célèbre de Russie, c...

Monument le plus célèbre de Russie, cette église, digne d'un parc de Walt Disney par ses "cônes de glace multicolores", est aujourd'hui convertie en musée. Son histoire est très longue, et fut une adjonction de chapelles. D'abord consacrée à la Vierge lors de la victoire de Kazan, elle est connue aujourd'hui comme l'église de Saint Basile. La cathédrale est ornée de neuf coupoles principales, chacune se distinguant des autres par une forme et des couleurs propres. Le bâtiment lui-même est essentiellement construit en brique rouge, souvent apparente. À l’origine l’église était entièrement blanche et ses coupoles dorées, mais les travaux de reconstruction aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles ont modifié son apparence. Elle est maintenant un monument-phare de la Place Rouge.
The most famous monument in Russia, the church worthy of a park by Walt Disney's "cone of multicolored ice", is now converted into a museum. His story is very long, and was an addition of chapels. First dedicated to the Virgin in the victory of Kazan, is known today as the Church of St. Basil. The cathedral is decorated with nine major domes, each distinguished from the others by a specific shape and color. The building itself is mostly built of red brick, often apparent. Originally the church was completely white and golden domes, but rebuilding the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries have altered his appearance. She is now a monument flagship Red Square.
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The cheerful Russian Cathedral

A alegre Catedral Russa

Diferente de todas as Catedrais russas, essa é a mais alegre delas, apesar de ter sido construída sob às ordens de Ivan, o Terrível (o nome não garante uma boa fama ao moço). Possui nove cúpulas, cada uma de uma capela, que estão interligadas internamente. Não dá para visitar Moscou e não entrar na emblemática Catedral de São Basílio, que para mim lembra bolas de sorvete confeitadas. =) Seu interior é cheio de ícones da Igreja Ortodoxa Russa, mas hoje está aberta apenas para visitação. Funciona de de quarta a segunda-feira e a entrada custa 50 rublos.
Unlike all Russian Cathedrals, this is the happiest of them, although it was built under the orders of Ivan the Terrible (the name does not guarantee a good lad to fame). It has nine domes, each a chapel, which are interconnected internally. You can not visit Moscow and not enter the iconic St. Basil's Cathedral, which reminds me of ice cream balls candied. =) Its interior is filled with icons of the Russian Orthodox Church, but is now only open for visitation. Works from Wednesday to Monday and entry costs 50 rubles.
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The Basil's Cathedral is a symbol gems...

La Cathédrale Basile le Bienheureux est ...

La Cathédrale Basile le Bienheureux est un des joyaux symboles de l’architecture russe. Construite de 1554 à 1560 sous les ordres du Tsar Ivan le Terrible, le véritable nom du monument est la Cathédrale de l'Intercession-de-la-Vierge. La cathédrale est d’abord constituée de neuf chapelles, puis une dixième église est ensuite rajoutée sur la tombe d'un "fou de Dieu", Basile, dit « le Bienheureux » qui a donné son nom au monument. Outre la monumentalité de la Cathédrale Basile le Bienheureux, ce qui frappe les mémoires ce sont ses dômes, bulbes colorés, torsadés et fantaisistes, dominant la Place Rouge. Une merveille d’architecture qui sans aucun doute, vaut le détour !
The Basil's Cathedral is a symbol gems of Russian architecture. Built from 1554 to 1560 under the orders of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, the real name of the monument is the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Virgin. The cathedral is first consists of nine chapels, and a tenth church is then added to the grave of a "fool of God," Basil said, "Blessed" which gave its name to the monument. In addition to the monumentality of the St Basil Cathedral, which hits the stores are domes, colorful and whimsical twist bulbs, overlooking Red Square. A marvel of architecture undoubtedly worth it!
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The Cathedral of Saint Basil the...

La Cathédrale Saint Basile, le ...

La Cathédrale Saint Basile, le bienheureux est une sorte de gâteau à la crème aux abords de la Place Rouge. Cette basilique est composée de huit chapelles distinctes, huit églises plus colorées les unes que les autres qui marquent chacune une bataille lors de la prise de Khanat de Kazan, un Etat tatar qui comprenait la Bulgarie de la Volga. Illustrant le style traditionnel russe, ce lieu de culte eut originellement des coupoles dorées et la légende raconte que le tsar a admiré cette cathédrale au point d’en crever les yeux de l’architecte, afin qu’il ne puisse pas reproduire ce chef d’œuvre.
The Cathedral of Saint Basil the Blessed is a kind of cream cake on the edge of Red Square. This basilica is composed of eight separate chapels, eight more colorful as each other, each mark a battle when taking Kazan Khanate, a Tatar state which included the Volga Bulgaria churches. Illustrating the traditional Russian style, this place of worship was originally gilded domes and legend has it that the Tsar admired the cathedral to the point of dying eyes of the architect, so he can not reproduce this masterpiece the work.
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Information about St. Basil's Cathedral