Royal necropolis
A French jewel, for two reasons: It is in the Gothic style and almost all French kings have been laid to rest here. They came to the abbey of Saint-Denis to pray and take the Oriflama before going to war or the Crusades. You cannot distinguish where previous styles ended and the Gothic began. Constructed between 1137 and 1144 on the initiative of Abbot Suger of Saint Denis. We find the characteristic Gothic features (floor, vault and pointed arch) and Romanesque tradition, the combination of these and the pursuit of light and strictly geometric design are impressive and take you back to old European decorative styles. Today, people see it as a African neighbourhood rather than a royal necropolis.
A list of the kings buried :
Dagobert I Pepin III Charles the Bald Luis Odón Carloman II Hugh Capet Luis Roberto II VI VII the Younger Luis Felipe Augusto Louis VIII the Lion San Luis Felipe III Philip IV the Fair Louis X the Hutin John I the Posthumous Philip V Largo Carlos IV the Fair Philip VI of Valois John II the Good Charles V the Wise Charles VI the Mad Charles VII Charles VIII XII Luis Enrique II Francis I Francis II Charles IX Henry III Henry IV Louis XIII Louis XIV Louis XV Louis XVI Louis XVII (Only your heart) buried Queens Arnegonde Louis XVIII of Worms, wife of Clotaire I Blanche of Castile (1188-1252), wife of Louis VIII Margaret of Provence ([1221] -1295) , wife of Louis IX Isabel of Aragon (1247-1271) wife of Philip III Clemence of Hungary (1290-1328), wife of Louis X Jeanne d'Evreux (1310-1371), wife of Carlos IV Joan of Burgundy (1393-1348 ), wife of Philip VI of Valois d'Evreux White (1330-1398), wife of Philip VI of Valois Jeanne de Bourbon (1337-1378), wife of Charles V Isabella of Bavaria (1370-1435), wife of Charles VI Mary of Anjou (1404-1463), wife of Charles VII Anne of Brittany (1477-1514), wife of Charles VIII and Louis XII second wife Claudia of France (1499-1524), Duchess of Brittany, first wife of Francis I Catherine de Medici (1519-1589), Margaret wife of Henry II of France (1553-1615), first wife of Henry IV, Marie de Medici, second wife of Henry IV Anne of Austria (1601-1666), wife of Louis XIII Maria Theresa of Austria (1638-1683), wife of Louis XIV Leszczynska Mary, wife of Louis XV. His heart rests near his parents (Catherine Opalinska and Stanislaus Leszczynski), at the Notre-Dame-de-Bonsecours in Nancy Marie Antoinette, wife of Louis XVI refused to San Luis burial of Isambur of Denmark. Isabella of Hainault, wife of Philip Augustus, was buried in Notre Dame de Paris. Other characters buried Carlos Martel. Bertrand Du Guesclin. IV Gaspar de Coligny, who died in 1649 when newly appointed marshal of France. Guillaume Arnaud Barbazan. Charles II of Alençon (transferred in the nineteenth century) N. Of Artois (1783-1783), Mademoiselle de Angoulême, second daughter of Charles XN Artois (1776-1783), Mademoiselle, first daughter of Charles X. Sofia of France (1786-1787), Madame Sophia, second daughter of Louis XVI. Luis José de France (1781-1789), Dauphin of France, eldest son of Louis XVI. Luisa Isabel de Artois (1817-1817), Mademoiselle, eldest daughter of Charles Ferdinand of Artois. Louis Joseph de Bourbon (1736-1818), Prince of Condé, Duke of Bourbon, and Guise Enghien. Luis de Artois (1818-1818), first son of Charles Ferdinand of Artois. Carlos Fernando de Artois (1778-1820), Duke of Berry, second son of Charles X. Luis Enrique José de Bourbon (1756-1830), Prince of Condé, Duke of Bourbon, and Guise Enghien.