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3 reviews of Bam

Bam, the past that went away

In the desert of Darsht-e Lut, Iran, stood the ancient city of Bam, when it was around 2000 years old, a great earthquake took it, barely a year after we visited it. I wanted to travel around this area, and I apologize for the photos as they are scanned from negatives and a little spoiled ... Through here passed the caravan routes of the East, a branch of the Silk Road, and it was a city made of mud and clay ... Constantly rebuilt by the inhabitants of Bam, ve are very friendly people ve inhabit the oasis surrounding the ruins. Strolling through the empt, crumbling, hot and dusty streets you are transported to a world of trade, men ve came after spending many hardships across Asia, or perhaps coming from the Mediterranean, or basin of the Tigris and Euphrates.

Here they found shelter, shade under the palm trees, and the country's tastiest dates according to its inhabitants ... A tribute to a fantastic city which was finally reclaimed by mother nature. It was a true privilege to have been there.
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The city is the world's largest brick

La città di mattoni più grande del mondo

Non so bene come sia oggi Bam dopo il terribile terremoto che la colpì nel 2003 devastando, si dice, oltre il 70% della cittadella fatta in mattoni più grande del mondo. Prima del 2003 Bam era splendida: la città antica ormai disabitata risaliva probabilmente al 200 a.C. circa ed era conservata in maniera incredibile. Tutti gli edifici fatti in mattoni davano l'aspetto di una vera e propria città del deserto. Patrimonio Unesco, a Bam l'edificio che sovrastava tutti gli altri era quello del palazzo reale che rappresentava la residenza del re persiano. Bam è un luogo fuori dal tempo, unico nel suo genere ed è proprio un peccato che dopo oltre 2000 anni, un terremoto non l'abbia risparmiata da una fine così devastante
I do not know how it is today Bam after the earthquake that struck in 2003, devastating, it is said, more than 70% of the citadel made brick largest in the world. Prior to 2003, Bam was wonderful: the ancient city now uninhabited probably dated back to 200 BC and was kept in a incredibile.Tutti brick buildings made him look like a real desert town. UNESCO World Heritage in Bam the building that towered over all others was the royal palace which was the residence of the Persian king. Bam is a timeless place, unique in its kind and it is a pity that after more than 2000 years, an earthquake has not spared from a devastating end
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Arg - Bam, a fascinating memory.

Arg-é-Bam , un fascinante recuerdo .

Viaje a Irán en el 2.000 , tirando de mis recuerdos y de mi álbum de fotos , para compartir un destino un tanto desconocido y más tras , el terremoto del 2.003 , donde murieron miles de ciudadanos . Hoy una de esas ciudades fantasmas , de las que ya no se puede disfrutar de su esplendor , a pesar de su intento por reconstruirla , que en ello esta el país. Bam , era el oasis fantasma de Irán en pleno desierto Dasht - e Lut . Junto a su palmeral , rodeada de murallas de adobe . Un centro comercial en la ruta de las caravanas que atravesaban Persia , de camino a India o China . Que tiempos , solo mencionar la " Ruta de la Seda " me evoca nostalgia de aquellas increíbles rutas , que atravesaron Persia cargadas de mercancías , su riqueza . Una de las mayores ciudades de adobe del mundo , su oasis era un vergel en medio de la ruta por el desierto . Abandonada por sus ocupantes hacia tiempo , si que cuando estuve te podías alojar en ella y algún que otro restaurante , sacio nuestro apetito . Era verano y el calor se hacia notar y más tan cubierta como iba , que agobio de pañuelo por favor . La carretera atraviesa planicies pedregosas , polvorientas en un horizonte diluido en la lejanía y encajonado de montañas por las fronteras de Pakistán y Afganistán . De lejos entre la calima se vislumbro la magia , tenia que ser genial llegar a un oasis así ¡ Aún lo fue entonces y eso que veníamos de Kermán ! Una ciudad antigua " Arg -é- Bam " construida con barro , en adobe mezclado de paja y arcilla y una estructura de troncos de palmeras , que me trasporto a Yemen . Toda ella protegida por una gran muralla que amortiguaba los fuertes vientos del desierto dada la altura , pero no pudo con el terremoto , es evidente ! Dentro nos fue sorprendiendo , había poco turismo si bazares , algunas mezquitas y los establos como no .Visualizo en mi retina aún , un pintor a la sombra de un callejón , al que admire sus trazos . Una fortaleza que a través de siglos fue pasando de manos , en ella se libró la última gran batalla y fue sometida en 1.794 por rey qayar el eunuco " Aga Mohammad " de la cual no se recupero . Una muralla gigantesca de unos 7m de altura , almenada con 38 torreones defensivos , con atalayas y una sola puerta de entrada . Era traspasarla y sumergirte en aquellos tiempos antiguos . Recuerdo la sombra y el frescor que nos proporciono , sus callejuelas según íbamos ascendiendo hacía el Palacio de las Cuatro Estaciones o Charfasl . Subimos por un laberinto de pasadizos de barro , hasta la azotea en donde estaba la torre de observación que dominaba el horizonte , el palmeral , las caballerizas y un lugar que recogía la nieve en invierno y la almacenaba para que más adelante , fluiría el agua por los canales subterráneos . La Mezquita del Viernes , atrás quedaban las sencillas casas a pesar de estar ancladas en el tiempo o su escuela , el lugar de los lamentos " hosseinieh " me trasportaron a una época con más vida , donde fluyo el comercio , repleta de tiendas , donde se cobijaban las caravanas a modo de caravasar , no costaba imaginarla la verdad . Vagamos por sus calles empinadas casi vacías en el reencuentro del pasado , donde en otro tiempo hubo vida . Paseando por la historia llegamos al gimnasio o zoorjaneh y al barrio judío , donde se hallaban las mejores telas . Aquí vimos casas con los llamadores típicos de todo Irán en sus puertas , uno para los hombres y otro para las mujeres . Un autentico Jardín del Edén entre palmeras y dátiles donde se reponían las caravanas cansadas , sedientas . Un vergel que broto en el corazón del desierto Dasht - e Lut ¡ Y que a día de hoy rescato de mi memoria para todos los viajeros que no tuvieron la oportunidad de verla . ¡ La antigua ciudad medieval de Bam , congelada en su grandiosidad en el recuerdo de los tiempos !
Irn trip in 2000, pulling my memories and my photo album to share a somewhat more unknown destination after the earthquake of 2003, where thousands of people died. Today one of those ghost towns, of which now can not enjoy their splendor, despite its attempt to rebuild it, that it is the country. Bam, was the ghost of Irn oasis in the desert Dasht - e Lut. Along with its palm grove, surrounded by adobe walls. A shopping center on the caravan route that passed through Persia, on the way to India or China. That time, to mention only the "Silk Road" evokes nostalgia for me these incredible routes, which spanned Persia loaded with goods, wealth. One of the biggest cities of adobe in the world, the oasis was a green oasis amid the route through the desert. Abandoned by its occupants to time, when I was if you stay at it and prunings sb another restaurant, satiate our appetite. It was summer and the heat is to notice and more as cover as he was, that burden of handkerchief please. The road goes through rocky, dusty plains into a distant horizon diluted in the mountains and boxed the borders of Pakistan and Afghanistan. By far between magic haze was glimpsed, it had to be great to reach an oasis An ace was the time and that venamos of Kermn! An ancient city "Arg - Bam" built with mud in clay mixed with straw and adobe and palm log structure, which trasporto me to Yemen. All of it protected by a great wall that deadened the strong desert winds given up, but could not with the earthquake, it is clear! Among us was amazing, had little tourism if bazaars, some mosques and stables as .Visualizo in my retina an, a painter in the shade of a lane, who admire his strokes. A fortress that through the centuries passed from hands on it the last great battle libr and was subjected to 1,794 by King qayar the eunuch "Mohammad Aga" which I did not recover. A giant wall of about 7m high, crenellated with 38 defensive towers, with watchtowers and a single gateway. It was pass it and immerse yourself in those ancient times. I remember the shade and coolness provided, according bamos narrow streets ascending haca the Palace of the Four Seasons or Charfasl. We climbed through a maze of passageways of mud up to the roof where was the tower observation that dominated the horizon, the palm groves, stables and a place that I picked up the snow in winter and stored for more later, will flow the water the subterranean channels. The Friday Mosque, ATRS were simple houses despite being anchored in time or your school, place of laments "Hosseinieh" detail transported me to a little with more life, where flowed trade, with many shops, where harbored caravans as a caravanserai, it was easy to imagine the truth. We wandered its steep streets almost cows in the reunion of the past, where once there was life. Walking through the story got to the gym or zoorjaneh and judo neighborhood, where the best fabrics were. Here we saw houses with all Irn tpicos callers on their doors, one for men and one for women. An authentic Jardn of Eden between palms and dtiles where tired, thirsty caravans reponan. An orchard that sprouted in the heart of the desert Dasht - e Lut And that gives today rescued from my memory for all travelers who did not have the opportunity to see it. The medieval city of Bam, frozen in its grandeur in the memory of the times!
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