The most beautiful lake in the world
Aldous Huxley described it as "the most beautiful lake in the world". It has an area of 128 km2 and a depth of approximately 350 meters. Surrounded by a landscape of mountains covered with thick vegetation, is guarded by three volcanoes: The Atitlán, Tolimán and St. Peterof altitudes between 3000 and 3500 meters. Around the lake there are about 12 small Mayan villages. Since Panajachal (the most touristic and known of them all) to the east is Maya area Quiche west are the peoples of the Maya Cakchiquel and opposite the Maya tzutuhiles. Each ethnic group has its own dialect and their own clothes.
The lake never looks the same twice. Every hour of the day gives a different look. The clouds usually cover the tops of three volcanoes (actually seems that land on them to rest), causing incredible shadows and reflections. Its waters, quiet and clean-looking, are buffeted by a wind midday own area, the Xocomil, which in Mayan means "the wind picks up sins." The Sunset Café, at the end of the street Santander, in Panajachel, is the perfect place to enjoy the amazing spectacle of the lake.
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