Dónde vamos Eva
Artists, artisans, and galleries
Walking through the streets of Lourmarin is to enter a world of artists, artisans, and galleries. It's to go from one charming corner to the next. You jaw is guaranteed to drop at so much beauty and elegance. Lourmarin is a place for artists, and the rest of us mere mortals are just left to wander, starry-eyed and hypnotized through this quaint town in Provence. Each and every store is practically an art gallery. Lourmarin captivates you, and you enter into a walking dream where everything is pretty, delicate, elegant....the smell of lavender and the local herbs. All you have to do is sit down in one of the terraces and feel swept away by the delicious Mediterranean life.
The outside world keeps turning, but you're in Lourmarin. That's when you understand why Albert Camus, Henri Bosco, and other important French artists called this town home.
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