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Anne Frank House Museum

9:00 - 19:00
Opening Hours
9:00 - 19:00
9:00 - 19:00
9:00 - 19:00
9:00 - 19:00
9:00 - 19:00
9:00 - 19:00
9:00 - 19:00
+31 (0)20-5567105
+31 (0)20-5567105
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40 reviews of Anne Frank House Museum

Anne Frank house Museum

We took a trip from Brussels. The ticket was bought in the Midi station at the last minute and cost us (3 people) 152 euros there and return. I think it wasn´t too bad. The trip takes about 2-3 hours depending on the type of train. Once we arrived we went directly to the house of Anne Frank (8,50 Euros). We liked it a lot, but the sad thing is that the house is empty, meaning, there is no furniture although there is a machine and video that shoes it. After, we walked around the city, we saw the floating market, the Muntonner Tower, the Jordaan, the Waag, where Rembrant painted his famous work ¨The Lesson of the Anatomy of Professor Tulp¨, the canals and the red district.

We were only there a few hours, but it seemed to be a disorderly city. The cyclists don´t have control. They come from all over and all directions. Chaos.
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Anne Frank house is been my favourite museum in Amsterdam and Europe so far..


As soon as I walked in, I was feeling like I was part of this sad and powerful story which everyone should know about it.
Anne Franks house is a very touched place with lots of interesting things to know because that’s our history.


There is no way going to Amsterdam without visiting Anne Frank's house.


The famous place where she hid now is a great museum explaining her story and the one of the others ve hid with her. I recommend booking a ticket by internet because the line is almost 500 meters long without a booked ticket

Staircases are steep so watch out.


Historical building with a lot of meaning. This is a must see stop for adults in Amsterdam.

Located in the heart of Amsterdam, the...

Situada en pleno corazón de Ámsterdam, l...

Situada en pleno corazón de Ámsterdam, la Casa de Ana Frank es uno de los edificios más significativos de su historia. Allí vivieron escondidos Ana Frank y su familia durante la invasión nazi durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Ana Frank fue una de los millones de judíos que fueron perseguidos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. En su diario nos cuenta, en un lenguaje claro y sencillo, sus pensamientos y los acontecimientos que tuvieron lugar entre julio de 1942 y agosto de 1944. Debido al régimen anti judío establecido por Hitler, la familia Frank intentó protegerse escondiéndose en la parte de detrás del edificio donde tenía un almacén el padre de Ana. Poco tiempo después, se unieron a ellos cuatro personas más. Al cabo de algo más de dos años, alguien los delató y fueron enviados a campos de concentración a los que sólo sobrevivió el padre de Ana, Otto Frank. La visita a la Casa de Ana Frank está muy bien planificada y guiada. En la entrada podréis coger un folleto en español donde se explican detalladamente los acontecimientos sucedidos en cada una de las habitaciones de la casa y algunos párrafos extraídos del diario, a través de los cuáles viajaréís a otra época y os sentiréis en su piel. Entre otras cosas, durante el recorrido podréis ver el almacén del padre de Ana, los despachos de las personas que les ayudaron durante su encierro y las habitaciones donde vivieron las ocho personas escondidas. Estar en el lugar donde sucedieron todos los hechos y la perfecta recreación del ambiente hacen de la Casa de Ana Frank una visita imprescindible. La visita a la Casa de Ana Frank es capaz de conmovernos y trasladarnos tiempo atrás al recorrer cada parte de su memoria. Si has leído el diario, te atrapará.
Located in the heart of Amsterdam, the Anne Frank is one of the most significant buildings in its history. There lived in hiding Anne Frank and her family during the Nazi invasion during the Second World War. Anne Frank was one of the millions of Jews who were persecuted during the Second World War. In his diary tells us, in clear and simple language, thoughts and events that took place between July 1942 and August 1944. Due to anti-Jewish regime established by Hitler, the Frank family tried to protect by hiding in the rear of the building where the father had a warehouse of Anne Soon after, they were joined by four others. After more than two years, someone betrayed and sent to concentration camps those who survived only Anne's father, Otto Frank. The visit to the Anne Frank House is very well planned and guided. At the entrance you can pick up a brochure in Spanish which explains in detail the events in each of the rooms in the house and some passages from the diary, through which you will travel back in time and you will feel on your skin. Among other things, during the tour you can see the store Anne's father, the offices of the people who helped them during their confinement and the rooms where they lived the eight people in hiding. Being in the place where it occurred all the facts and the perfect recreation of the atmosphere make the Anne Frank an essential visit. The visit to the Anne Frank is able to touch us and move long ago to explore every part of his memory. If you read the paper, catch you.
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The home visit is a linear journey,...

La visita a la casa es un recorrido...

La visita a la casa es un recorrido lineal, durante el cual te van exponiendo vídeos de testimonios, imagenes de la casa durante la época en la que Anne Frank estuvo escondida, con pasajes de su diario escritos en la pared, en Holandés e Inglés. Su diario se encuentra dentro de la casa, en conservación, así como varios otros vestigios de la época (como los recortes que tenía en la pared de su cuarto). Al final del recorrido, hay varios ordenadores con los cuales realizar una visita virtual a la casa tal y como estaba. También cuentan con maquetas para darte una idea de la casa amueblada. Justo antes de salir, cuentan con una sala dedicada a exponer temas de tolerancia, racismo, y discriminación en general. Se proyectan vídeos relacionados con el tema en una pantalla gigante, y al final de cada segmento realizan una pregunta de Si/No, y puedes votar con los botones disponibles junto a cada lugar. Después de unos momentos, te muestra los resultados de la votación realizada, comparándola con los resultados totales obtenidos hasta el momento.
The home visit is a linear journey, during which you are exposing videos of testimonials, pictures of the house during the time in which Anne Frank was hiding, with excerpts from his diary written on the wall, in Dutch and English. Her diary is inside the house, in conservation, as well as several other vestiges of the time (as I had cuts on his bedroom wall). At the end of the tour, a few computers with which a virtual tour of the house as it was. Models also have to get a taste of the house furnished. Just before leaving, have a room dedicated to exposing issues of tolerance, racism, and discrimination in general. Projecting videos on the topic on a giant screen, and end of each segment made a yes / no, and vote with the available buttons next to each place. After a few moments, shows the results of the vote taken and compared with the total results obtained so far.
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Feel strange in a special place

Sentir extraño en un lugar especial

Extraño me sentía al estar y tocar la Casa de Ana Frank, era algo parecido a la emoción pero con una mezcla de tristeza, melancolía y saber del sufrimiento que tuvieron que pasar aquellas personas que allí luchaban por esconderse. Durante todo el trayecto podemos ver escritos en las paredes y bastantes manuscritos originales de Ana Frank, expuestos en vitrinas. Además, durante el trayecto podemos encontrarnos con documentales. Uno de ellos muy curioso, y es que si queríamos escucharlo en otro idioma, debes coger el teléfono de unas cabinas que había allí. En la tienda de regalos podíamos comprar unos regalos bastante curiosos, entre ellos comics de Ana Frank, los cuales me llamaron mucho la atención pero no quise comprar pues no había en inglés, solo en holandés y alemán. Una cosa que debemos saber al visitar este lugar, es que es un lugar muy respetado por todos los holandeses, es un lugar en el que ellos no permiten nada. Es como un santuario, todos en silencio. Por cierto, un incidente que tuve con la casa de Ana Frank fue que me dí un fortísimo golpe en el bastidor superior de una puerta a baja altura, por lo que puedo decir que he probado la madera de la casa de Ana Frank.
I felt strange being and playing the Anne Frank House, was something like the emotion but with a mixture of sadness, melancholy and know the suffering they went through those who struggled to hide there. All the way we see written on the walls and many original manuscripts of Anne Frank, in display cases. Moreover, during the journey we can find documentary. One very curious, and that if we wanted to hear it in another language, you pick up the phone a few booths that were there. In the gift shop we could buy some presents quite curious, comics including Anne Frank, which caught my attention but I did not buy as there was in English, Dutch and German only. One thing we should know to visit this place, is that it is a very respected by the Dutch, is a place where they do not allow anything. It's like a sanctuary, all silent. By the way, I had an incident with the Anne Frank was that I found a very strong blow to the top of a door frame at low altitude, so I can say I've had the wood of the house of Anne Frank.
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Anne Frank could have been a girl who...

Anne Frank podría haber sido una niña q...

Anne Frank podría haber sido una niña que escribía cartas a una amiga imaginaria, pero es el símbolo de todo los niños judíos que sufrieron la barbarie de los nazis. La brutalidad a la que puede llegar el ser humano, llámese como se llame el motivo de su lucha. Desde luego, Ámsterdam, entre sus mil atractivos, cuenta con la casa de Anne, el lugar donde vivió más de dos años de su vida escondida. Desde su escondite, dice en el diario, se oían las campanas de la iglesia situada en la calle donde ahora, desde hace casi tres décadas, está su estatua. No visité su casa, donde está el diario, dicen, pero siempre hay que dejar algo sin ver en cada ciudad para tener motivos por los que volver.
Anne Frank could have been a girl who wrote letters to an imaginary friend, but it is the symbol of all the Jewish children who suffered the barbarity of the Nazis. The brutality to which human beings can, however described the reason for their struggle. Of course, Amsterdam, among its thousand attractive features Anne's house, where he lived more than two years of his life hidden. From his hiding place, says in the newspaper, you could hear the bells of the church on the street now, almost three decades, is his statue. I did not visit his house, where the daily, they say, but you always have to leave something without seeing in each city to have reasons for return.
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The old shelter where Anne Frank wrote...

El antiguo refugio donde Ana Frank...

El antiguo refugio donde Ana Frank escribió su diario es ahora un museo. Conozca las peripecias de los ocho escondidos y las personas que los ayudaron durante la guerra. Entre los numerosos escritos originales de la colección se encuentra el diario de Ana Frank. La Casa de Ana Frank se encuentra en el centro de Amsterdam. Desde la estación central de trenes, se puede llegar a pie en 20 minutos. Algunas líneas de tranvía y de autobús tienen parada cerca, en Westermarkt. Transporte público Desde la estación central de trenes de Amsterdam, se llega a la Casa de Ana Frank en tranvía (líneas 13 y 17) o en autobús (líneas 170, 171 y 172). Bajarse en la parada «Westermarkt» y bordear el canal Prinsengracht hacia la derecha. Automóvil Si viene en coche, tome desde el «Ring» (A10) la salida «Centrum» (S105). Atención: Las posibilidades de aparcamiento cercanas a la Casa de Ana Frank son muy limitadas; además, son de pago. El Museo de la casa de Anne Frank está pegado a la verdadera casa donde ella se hospedo. Es un interesantísimo paseo
The old shelter where Anne Frank wrote her diary, is now a museum. Meet the adventures of the eight people in hiding and those who helped them during the war. Among the many original writings of the collection is the diary of Anne Frank. The Anne Frank House is located in the center of Amsterdam. From the railway station, can be reached on foot in 20 minutes. Some tram and bus stop near in Westermarkt. Public transport From the central station of Amsterdam, you will reach the Anne Frank House by tram (lines 13 and 17) or by bus (lines 170, 171 and 172). Get off at the stop "Westermarkt" and skirting the Prinsengracht canal to the right. Car By car, take from the "Ring" (A10) exit "Centrum" (S105). Attention: The parking options near the Anne Frank House is very limited; further charges. The Museum of the Anne Frank is glued to the real house where she stayed. It's an interesting ride
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The Anne Frank House is the place to be...

La maison d’Anne Frank est le lieu i...

La maison d’Anne Frank est le lieu incontournable d’Amsterdam. On est revit les conditions d’hébergement dans lesquels se cachait la famille Franck durant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale (1939-1945). Les explications sont complètes, elles permettent d’imaginer les scènes quotidiennes qu’ils ont pu vivre. Nous apprenons beaucoup de détails sur leurs histoires, ... Je conseille au futur visiteur de lire le journal d’Anne Frank afin d’avoir des détails de l’histoire. Ce lieu est un endroit rempli d’histoire et d’émotions.
The Anne Frank House is the place to be in Amsterdam. We are reminded of the accommodation conditions in which the Franck family was hiding during the Second World War (1939-1945). The explanations are complete, they allow to imagine the daily scenes that they could live. We learn a lot of details about their stories, ... I advise the future visitor to read Anne Frank"s diary for details of the story. This place is a place full of history and emotions.
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Visit the house where Anne Frank museum...

La visita a la casa-museo donde Anne...

La visita a la casa-museo donde Anne Frank y su familia se escondieron durante casi 2 años del asedio nazi no puede faltar en nuestra estancia en la ciudad de Amsterdam. Las colas suelen ser largas pero no nos llevará más de media hora de espera (también se pueden adquirir entradas anticipadas por internet). En ella veremos la fábrica, en los bajos, de la que la familia Frank era dueña, y la !Casa de atrás", tras el armario del despacho en el piso superior, donde los Frank y otros judíos se escondieron hasta ser descubiertos. Una visita que deja un sabor bastante amargo.
Visit the house where Anne Frank museum and her family hid for nearly two years the Nazi siege can not miss in our stay in the city of Amsterdam. The lines can be long but it will only take half an hour wait (also Advance tickets are available online). In it we see the factory, in the basement, which the Frank family owned, and the! Secret Annex ", after the cabinet office on the top floor, where Frank and other Jews hid to be discovered. A visit leaves a rather bitter taste.
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Triste!!!! Davvero triste entrare in questo percorso che ripercorre le sofferenze di questa famiglia. La storia, i racconti e le parole drammatiche riassunte in questo documento importantissimo del 44'.
Sad!! Really sad to enter this path that traces the suffering of this family. The history, stories and dramatic words summarized in this important document of 44 '.
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One of the most fascinating museums I"ve ever been to is just that

Uno dei musei più suggestivi nel quale io sia mai entrata è proprio questo

La casa di Anna. Si consiglia di leggere prima il libro in modo da immedesimarsi completamente in questa esperienza. Personalmente a me ha trasmesso molto, anche se l'assenza dell'arredamento rende meno l'idea dell'angusto alloggio.
One of the most fascinating museums I ever entered is this: Anna"s house. It is recommended that you first read the book so that you can fully identify yourself in this experience. He personally sent me a lot, although the lack of furnishings makes the idea of ​​an ingenious accommodation less likely.
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Suggestive place

Posto suggestivo

Non è arredata come si vede nelle foto su internet. Fila immensa di almeno 4 ore. Anche abbastanza moderno.
It is not furnished as seen in the pictures on the internet. Immense row of at least 4 hours. Suggestive place but also quite modern.
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Awesome place

Impresionante lugar

Impresionante lugar, increíble historia, piel de gallina. ¡SITIO OBLIGATORIO! ¡¡¡Comprar entradas por la web!!!
Impressive place, incredible story, goosebumps. COMPULSORY SITE! Buy tickets on the web !!!
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Information about Anne Frank House Museum