Figuration for Abstraction
It is almost two o'clock and I have to hurry up. I will stop to see some Kandinsky and then leave. It is impossible to see everything in a day.
Wasily Kandinsky was a Russian painter from Moscow, born in 1866. Even though in the beginning he studied to be a lawyer, painting took him in another direction. In 1901, he founded the Phanlanx group in Munich, with the aim of studying the last French tendencies. In 1903 and 1904, he traveled through Europe (France, Italy, the Netherlands) and Africa. The development of his work towards the abstract started from 1908 onwards. In 1913, he held an exhibition in New York and when the First World War started he went back to Russia. He was the Commissioner of Education with the Revolution for the reform of the educational system of the fine arts. In 1922, he went to Germany and gave classes in the School of Bauhaus. In 1933 he moved to Paris and he died in Neuilly-sur-Seine in 1944 at 78.