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[{"Comment":{"id":"1878409","total_score":"63","content":"Must-see visit in the city of Bangkok. When you get there a lot of people will try to tell you that the door to the entrance is closed, but don't listen to them. They'll confuse you and their route will take you on a wild goose chase. To enter the palace complex of buildings you should wear long sleeves and be covered from the waist down. There is also the possibility of renting the proper clothing right there! The Royal Palace in Bangkok has been used as a royal seat from the eighteenth century to the mid twentieth century. Construction began in 1792 during the reign of Rama I. The most important building of the palace is the temple Wat Phra Kaew, which houses the Emerald Buddha. Carved out of jade in the fifteenth century and at only 45 inches high, it's the most valuable and revered treasure in Thailand. This visit will make you love Thailand!","title":"Heat, Golden Pagodas and Dragons","hidden":"0","post_time":"2011-08-28 12:42:55","lang_flag":"en","original_content":null,"original_title":null},"User":{"id":"1029011","name":"Isabel","username":"isabel823","has_avatar":"3","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/1029011_80x80_3.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"3476741","hashcode":"d470f4a89d9e01a1bc41af089fe09d16","post_time":"2011-08-28 12:42:55","o_width":"720","o_height":"479","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"3476751","hashcode":"ea02483d38b2408fa015d3f0e2804a9a","post_time":"2011-08-28 12:42:55","o_width":"720","o_height":"479","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"3476731","hashcode":"c9b743683b51191148d4967e21c74e3d","post_time":"2011-08-28 12:42:55","o_width":"480","o_height":"720","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"2164803","total_score":"5","content":"It was an awesome experience... I enjoyed a lot in thailand with friends....","title":"It was an awesome experience","hidden":"0","post_time":"2014-07-13 19:14:46","lang_flag":"en","original_content":null,"original_title":null},"User":{"id":"5454589","name":"Jiju Krishnan","username":"jijukrishnan","has_avatar":"1","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/5454589_80x80.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"7816207","hashcode":"e42bb6510014e2fb2f6956b69938524b","post_time":"2014-07-13 19:14:46","o_width":"800","o_height":"800","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"533281","total_score":"62","content":"About the Grand Palace of Bangkok is all said and written, but undoubtedly worth a visit even though it is always crowded, and you must be very careful with the things, because it is also full of pickpockets. For about 150 years, the Great Hall was not only the home of the king and the court, but also the headquarters of the entire government. The more than two miles from their battlements were ministry of the country, the war, the Departments of State, and even mint. harbored all power in the country. Thai Kings stopped living there in the early twentieth century, but the complex remains the spiritual heart of the Kingdom of Thailand. The palace complex has the general outline of the palaces of Ayutthaya, the outdoor plaza where the government departments, civil administration, the army and the treasury. The Emerald Buddha Temple is on a corner, next to the outdoor patio. In the center are the Central Court hearings and salons, and behind the central courtyard is the inner courtyard, where the king lived with their spouses and children. The entrance to the Temple of the Emerald Buddha and the Grand Palace is 350 baht (9 \u20ac), and includes entry to Vimanmek Mansion, golden teak house the world's largest, and the museum is next to the box office. If you do not want to have to wear those ridiculous shirts and skirts that you get for free at the entrance, as the dress code is very strict to visit the Palace, go on long pants and shirts without showing shoulders. Women, skirt or trousers, no bare shoulders, The Great Hall l schedule is from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, although the Emerald Buddha Temple usually close earlier when there are ceremonies, on the 12. Getting Great Hall wing is simple in the Chaophraya Express boat stopping at the Chang Pier (Tha Chang), and then are 5 minutes walk to the Grand Palace","title":"Ms big, huge!","hidden":0,"post_time":"2011-05-24 08:28:26","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"Sobre el Grand Palace de Bangkok est\u00e1 todo dicho y escrito, pero sin ninguna duda merece la visita a pesar de que est\u00e1 siempre abarrotado, y de que hay que tener mucho cuidado con las pertenencias, porque est\u00e1 tambi\u00e9n lleno de carteristas.\r\n\r\nPor unos 150 a\u00f1os, el Gran Palacio fue no s\u00f3lo la casa del rey y de la corte, sino tambi\u00e9n la sede de todo el gobierno. Los m\u00e1s de 2 kil\u00f3metros de sus murallas almenadas fueron ministerio del pa\u00eds, la guerra, los departamentos de Estado, e incluso la menta. albergaban todo el poder del pa\u00eds. Los reyes de Tailandia dejaron de vivir all\u00ed a principios del siglo XX, pero el complejo sigue siendo el coraz\u00f3n espiritual del reino de Tailandia.\r\n \r\n\r\nEl complejo del palacio tiene el esquema general de los palacios de Ayutthaya, con la plaza exterior donde se encuentran los departamentos gubernamentales, la administraci\u00f3n civil, el ej\u00e9rcito y el tesoro. \r\n\r\nEl Templo del Buda Esmeralda est\u00e1 en una esquina, junto al patio exterior. En el centro est\u00e1n el Tribunal Central y salones de audiencias, y detr\u00e1s del patio central est\u00e1 el patio interior, donde el rey viv\u00eda con sus consortes e hijos. \r\n\r\nLa entrada al Templo del Buda de Esmeralda y el Gran Palacio es de 350 baht (9\u20ac), e incluye un entrada a Vimanmek Mansi\u00f3n, la casa de teka dorada m\u00e1s grandes del mundo, y al museo que est\u00e1 al lado de la boleter\u00eda. \r\n\r\nSi no quieres tener que vestir las rid\u00edculas camisas y faldas que te dan gratuitamente en la entrada, ya que el c\u00f3digo de vestimenta es muy estricto para visitar el Palacio, vete en pantalones largos y camisetas sin mostrar hombros. Las mujeres, falda o pantal\u00f3n largo, sin los hombros desnudos,\r\n\r\nEl horario del l Gran Palacio es de 8:30 am a 3:30 pm, aunque el Templo del Buda de Esmeralda suele cerrar antes cuando hay ceremonias, sobre las 12.\r\n\r\nLlegar ala Gran Palacio es sencillo en el barco Chaophraya Express con parada en el muelle Chang ( Chang de Tha ), y luego son 5 minutos caminando hasta el Gran Palacio","original_title":"M\u00e1s que grande, \u00a1inmenso!"},"User":{"id":"991","name":"Carlos Olmo","username":"vagamundos","has_avatar":"10","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/991_80x80_10.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"2922841","hashcode":"cb051ca8f3e45061382a0243c6db6b3a","post_time":"2011-05-24 08:28:26","o_width":"1024","o_height":"768","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2922861","hashcode":"1d45c7d3d08fc2f15893f85e67875363","post_time":"2011-05-24 08:28:26","o_width":"768","o_height":"1024","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2922901","hashcode":"2f4f91f14e3987c028226feb08a01699","post_time":"2011-05-24 08:28:26","o_width":"768","o_height":"1024","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2922991","hashcode":"33ca322b678ed261e7777fa2eea8df87","post_time":"2011-05-24 08:28:26","o_width":"768","o_height":"1024","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2922791","hashcode":"6e9ecb367ef3989e4b998839bd46bcfc","post_time":"2011-05-24 08:28:26","o_width":"1024","o_height":"768","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2923001","hashcode":"885d59064a1cc01ff632c463ab75fc35","post_time":"2011-05-24 08:28:26","o_width":"1024","o_height":"768","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2922831","hashcode":"3dddcb9ecd649fb38be88d48851193f1","post_time":"2011-05-24 08:28:26","o_width":"1024","o_height":"768","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2922851","hashcode":"5f6f69bcdab68961421d9e7ea7601ad6","post_time":"2011-05-24 08:28:26","o_width":"1024","o_height":"768","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2922961","hashcode":"665903462efcb459e60c642c936d4670","post_time":"2011-05-24 08:28:26","o_width":"1024","o_height":"768","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2922981","hashcode":"319dbaea6b2e83d5963a0ecaf54dcb5e","post_time":"2011-05-24 08:28:26","o_width":"768","o_height":"1024","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2922761","hashcode":"00d0145e6bf1f9b7b8c16a8daf367b3e","post_time":"2011-05-24 08:28:26","o_width":"768","o_height":"1024","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2922891","hashcode":"90e945959aa93649ea50450953012c65","post_time":"2011-05-24 08:28:26","o_width":"1024","o_height":"768","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2922821","hashcode":"ebd5c8c0140311f0c04334d48a3d3d47","post_time":"2011-05-24 08:28:26","o_width":"768","o_height":"1024","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2922811","hashcode":"6953ece3edf5179aef44ac6318c23dcf","post_time":"2011-05-24 08:28:26","o_width":"1024","o_height":"768","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2922781","hashcode":"d513feda154066f532fb350f89ae73cc","post_time":"2011-05-24 08:28:26","o_width":"1024","o_height":"768","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2922951","hashcode":"64cdb1ce3a54d33a0da4ae6ba07b5b24","post_time":"2011-05-24 08:28:26","o_width":"1024","o_height":"768","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2922871","hashcode":"2a560f50b780f6a1bbf34851e850107f","post_time":"2011-05-24 08:28:26","o_width":"1024","o_height":"768","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2922941","hashcode":"471bae1323c5bb010305be9b8ae4f2d9","post_time":"2011-05-24 08:28:26","o_width":"1024","o_height":"768","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2922921","hashcode":"0aa4089d59864c636c342585eb4578ca","post_time":"2011-05-24 08:28:26","o_width":"1024","o_height":"768","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2922911","hashcode":"def2031119a38230473d4569061d3188","post_time":"2011-05-24 08:28:26","o_width":"768","o_height":"1024","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2922971","hashcode":"f94415b3763ba797d272e1b03212d717","post_time":"2011-05-24 08:28:26","o_width":"768","o_height":"1024","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2922881","hashcode":"f8704235048c5d148fb8b1a63bcef71b","post_time":"2011-05-24 08:28:26","o_width":"1024","o_height":"768","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2922931","hashcode":"a955a1c97bcd900dfb41a97d54e8b92f","post_time":"2011-05-24 08:28:26","o_width":"1024","o_height":"768","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2922801","hashcode":"5817d269aa4f840f841bd948d24df773","post_time":"2011-05-24 08:28:26","o_width":"768","o_height":"1024","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2922771","hashcode":"3f88c87ab6863b66b018e82135108672","post_time":"2011-05-24 08:28:26","o_width":"1024","o_height":"768","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"4598","total_score":"54","content":"A totally amazing place that is a must if you go to the Thai city. It is a walled compound of several independent churches totally surprised tourists. By its color, by shape, by its ornamentation ... Admission is 250 Baht, just over 2 euros, and you can not go in shorts. But you lend to each entry, and free. In addition, temples must go barefoot. A fascinating place.","title":"A totally amazing place that is a must...","hidden":0,"post_time":"2008-05-15 05:06:18","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"Un lugar totalmente incre\u00edble que es visita obligada si vas a la ciudad tailandesa. Se trata de un recinto amurallado compuesto por varios templos independientes que sorprende totalmente al turista. Por su colorido, por sus formas, por su ornamentaci\u00f3n... La entrada cuesta 250 Baht, poco m\u00e1s de 2 euros, y no se puede entrar en pantalones cortos. Pero te prestan unos a la entrada, y gratis. Adem\u00e1s, a los templos hay que entrar descalzo. Un lugar fascinante.","original_title":"Un lugar totalmente incre\u00edble que es ..."},"User":{"id":"6","name":"Pedro Jare\u00f1o","username":"pedroja","has_avatar":"7","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/6_80x80_7.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"27158","hashcode":"b94fd688f6bca18c9456f9a3badbf83d","post_time":"2008-05-15 11:10:16","o_width":"3264","o_height":"2448","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"27159","hashcode":"ed06b83e147dee11b251f737a67b31be","post_time":"2008-05-15 11:13:30","o_width":"3264","o_height":"2448","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"27160","hashcode":"6eb09a9d36b8de26a51d0aa4332f832a","post_time":"2008-05-15 11:16:37","o_width":"3264","o_height":"2448","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"27167","hashcode":"61db01e033f71840239e410023eba3f9","post_time":"2008-05-15 11:35:48","o_width":"3264","o_height":"2448","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"27172","hashcode":"6afecb071af8db720058ec6fae82beab","post_time":"2008-05-15 11:48:20","o_width":"3264","o_height":"2448","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"27163","hashcode":"eadefd3b3686370845fe8ca482cdcb73","post_time":"2008-05-15 11:28:12","o_width":"3264","o_height":"2448","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"27161","hashcode":"c9bf8366cbbd9d6475dab1677ef3f897","post_time":"2008-05-15 11:19:58","o_width":"3264","o_height":"2448","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"27170","hashcode":"3cce19ca73a3283b632b0c9f1abd8bd5","post_time":"2008-05-15 11:42:08","o_width":"3264","o_height":"2448","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"907821","total_score":"53","content":"It is the most impressive visit Bangkok, without hesitation. The opulence, wealth and real power come together in a single enclosure. This center was the royal seat from start to mid-twentieth century, but is still used for special celebrations or receptions, birthday type of the royal family, etc. There are more than 20 temples apart from Palace and museum, where there are so many colors, the gold, the details to do, sometimes it seems that there are too many places to wear the look. As much time we spend on the visit, we always leave us feeling things that appreciate and need more time. As in all the country's strictest temples, the clothing is controlled and you can not go with bare shoulders or legs. At the entrance, you are forced to dress with pants, shorts or camsetas to cover them, you are provided free. The buildings most striking: .. Temple of the Emerald Buddha :: unlike other Buddhas in other temples, this is a small figure (tiny) made in jade where what stands out is his golden throne. .. The Gold Dome: conical type, immense and overwhelming .. The golden tower: pyramidal, with its stunning colors warriors to admire them up close .. A giant size model Vat Temple Angkhor Angkhor the ruins of Cambodia .. Royal Palace: it is closed to the public and all, countless religious details warriors, decorated, carved or painted on all the walls and walls of gold, stones and enamels of all shades: blue, gold, silver, green, red ... If the day comes with sun, reflections complete the picture. With all this, is the most visited temple, so regardless of the hour, is packed with tourists, struggling to make a photo uncrowded. In addition, many locals come to pray and make offerings so full is the total. What gives even more color to the picture. Getting there :: we were in Express Boat from the hotel. You usually see it followed by Wat Arun and Wat Pho, as everything is close.","title":"AWESOME world of color!","hidden":0,"post_time":"2012-05-06 23:21:00","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"Es la visita m\u00e1s impresionante de Bangkok, sin dudarlo. La opulencia, riqueza y poder real reunido en un solo recinto. Este centro fue la sede real desde su inicio hasta mediados del siglo XX; aunque se sigue usando para festejos especiales o recepciones, tipo cumplea\u00f1os de la familia real, etc.\n\nSon mas de 20 templos aparte del Palacio y un museo, donde son tantos los colores, el dorado, los detalles que ver, que a veces, parece que hay demasiados sitios donde llevar la mirada. Por mucho tiempo que dediquemos a la visita, tendremos siempre la sensaci\u00f3n de dejarnos cosas que apreciar y de necesitar mas tiempo.\n\nComo en todos los templos mas estrictos del pais, la vestimenta est\u00e1 controlada y no es posible ir con las piernas u hombros al aire. En la entrada, te obligan a vestirte con pantalon, pareo o camsetas para taparlos; te los proporcionan gratuitamente.\n\nLos edificios que mas llaman la atenci\u00f3n:\n.. Templo del buda esmeralda:: al contrario del resto de budas de otros templos, este es una figura peque\u00f1a (diminuta) hecho en jade donde lo que mas destaca es su trono dorado.\n.. La cupula de oro: tipo c\u00f3nica, inmensa y sobrecogedora\n.. La torre de oro: pir\u00e1midal, con sus guerreros de impresionantes colores, para admirarlos de cerca\n.. Una maqueta tama\u00f1o gigante del Templo Angkhor Vat de las ruinas de Angkhor en Camboya\n.. Palacio real: que est\u00e1 cerrado al publico\n\nY en todos, infinidad de detalles religiosos o guerreros, decorados, tallados o pintados en todas las paredes y muros: oro, piedras y esmaltes de todos los tonos: azules, oro, plata, verdes, rojos... Si el dia acompa\u00f1a con sol, los reflejos completan la estampa.\n\nCon todo ello, es el templo mas visitado, por lo que independientemente de la hora, est\u00e1 repleto de turistas, peleandose por hacer una foto sin mucha gente. Ademas, muchos locales acuden a rezar o hacer ofrendas asi que el lleno es total. Lo que da aun mas colorido a la imagen.\n\nComo llegar:: nosotros fuimos en Express Boat desde el hotel. Lo mas normal es verlo seguido del Wat Arun y Wat Pho, ya que todo queda cercano.","original_title":"IMPRESIONANTE mundo de color!"},"User":{"id":"2557281","name":"Isabel L","username":"isabellarranaga","has_avatar":"0","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/noavt_7_80x80.png"},"Pictures":[{"id":"4453391","hashcode":"ad9d0f57ef8a8db37a39cf693805aaed","post_time":"2012-05-06 23:21:00","o_width":"800","o_height":"600","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"4453401","hashcode":"95efa85fc194dc2961d4ab7e0063ac7c","post_time":"2012-05-06 23:21:00","o_width":"1168","o_height":"876","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"4453431","hashcode":"87498711a9389b505d8f19e89f4d4b82","post_time":"2012-05-06 23:21:00","o_width":"1383","o_height":"819","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"4453411","hashcode":"ff4523157449488aa973ec17f38fb633","post_time":"2012-05-06 23:21:00","o_width":"2304","o_height":"2286","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"4453461","hashcode":"dcd139f41b6a5fbf218c0656883a2a6f","post_time":"2012-05-06 23:21:00","o_width":"1229","o_height":"922","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"4453521","hashcode":"043b9d5e1ff5506ffbedfba03ae4f213","post_time":"2012-05-06 23:21:00","o_width":"692","o_height":"922","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"4453481","hashcode":"9c65c5856b6ee4d148e66f88e2d714d3","post_time":"2012-05-06 23:21:00","o_width":"1145","o_height":"808","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"4453471","hashcode":"aee4f845019893ee5e5ea1ac541a5b27","post_time":"2012-05-06 23:21:00","o_width":"599","o_height":"780","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"4453451","hashcode":"a1fdf8ed5b4f823ee68c614b1aebe684","post_time":"2012-05-06 23:21:00","o_width":"789","o_height":"1052","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"4453441","hashcode":"d7b1ee6ebd00b1ec151cce15b19c10f3","post_time":"2012-05-06 23:21:00","o_width":"1110","o_height":"833","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"4453421","hashcode":"5ab5504861cc2ba9524aa9e394779c08","post_time":"2012-05-06 23:21:00","o_width":"922","o_height":"1229","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"4453511","hashcode":"3f4814b1e16fac6cd3eeaed5dc70804f","post_time":"2012-05-06 23:21:00","o_width":"692","o_height":"922","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"4453501","hashcode":"3627b889a27149d82d6f77f70e2b9ece","post_time":"2012-05-06 23:21:00","o_width":"692","o_height":"922","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"4453491","hashcode":"b3902e138173f232f9b0236144e3032b","post_time":"2012-05-06 23:21:00","o_width":"1168","o_height":"822","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":"5"},{"Comment":{"id":"63067","total_score":"49","content":"Hello to all travelers, one of the curious things to see in Thailand, in the Royal Palace of Bangkok is the changing of the guard. You will not always have the chance to see it but if you happen Take a moment to observe the real body thoroughness of security when making the switch. In the video you can see how the boss manages in detail the incoming call, his jacket, sleeves, neck. Everything perfectly so it will not move during the 8 hours it takes their turn. And really, once placed not move a finger. That's vocation and the rest is nonsense. I wish this kind of thing would not have to exist, that is all that the weapons and stuff, but since there is no good choice is impressive professionalism of these people to do their jobs. Well, I leave a graphic testimony to see him. Greetings.","title":"Hello to all travelers, one of the...","hidden":0,"post_time":"2009-04-24 09:57:00","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"Hola a todos viajeros, una de las cosas curiosas de ver en Tailandia, dentro del Palacio Real de Bangkok es el cambio de guardia. No siempre vas a tener la oportunidad de verlo pero si te coincide p\u00e1rate un momento para observar la meticulosidad del cuerpo real de seguridad a la hora de hacer el cambio. En el v\u00eddeo se puede ver como el saliente arregla con todo detalle al guardia entrante, su chaqueta, las mangas, el cuello. Todo a la perfecci\u00f3n para que este no se mueva durante las 8 horas que dura su turno. Y realmente, una vez colocados no mueven ni un dedo. Eso es vocaci\u00f3n y lo dem\u00e1s son tonter\u00edas. Me gustar\u00eda que este tipo de cosas no tuvieran que existir, es decir todo esto de las armas y eso, pero bueno ya que no hay m\u00e1s remedio es impresionante la profesionalidad de estas personas para hacer su trabajo.\r\n\r\nBueno, os dejo unos testimonios gr\u00e1ficos para que lo ve\u00e1is.\r\n\r\nSaludos.","original_title":"Hola a todos viajeros, una de las cosas..."},"User":{"id":"54173","name":"miguel a. cartagena","username":"miguelangelcartagena","has_avatar":"22","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/54173_80x80_22.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"341254","hashcode":"39b9dfbfb6ae9e35787ac9e14d05bb92","post_time":"2009-04-24 09:10:11","o_width":"3072","o_height":"2304","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"341256","hashcode":"24762a60781fa77eecd4c1e26499aa00","post_time":"2009-04-24 09:10:11","o_width":"3072","o_height":"2304","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"341257","hashcode":"abbf2efe557d729bcea147655c565b7d","post_time":"2009-04-24 09:10:11","o_width":"3072","o_height":"2304","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"341258","hashcode":"5ab46569174c60a92bdf9b340de28abc","post_time":"2009-04-24 09:10:11","o_width":"3072","o_height":"2304","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"2257370","total_score":"47","content":"Undoubtedly the most important one is Wat Phra Kaew, in the Great Hall, ah it is the emerald Buddha. To enter this temple complex, you have to cover your elbows and knees (but not matter if you have covered the same ah do provide clothing). The more early fewer crowds arrive. It was built by Rama I and is the former royal residence, although today it is used for ceremonies. Its parks are beautiful, beautiful architecture. You can arrive by boat on the river Chao one of the collective boats. Admission costs 500 bath. Ah is very close to the other major temple, What Pho, you can go on foot, and is where the reclining Buddha which is the sixteenth century, the entrance to this temple complex is 100 bath is located. Today works also as the great national headquarters where tai traditions, medicine and massage ensean. Another important temple, also in the area, but the other side of the river, is the Wat Arum (or temple Aurora or Dawn), here you can get across in a boat. You have to climb to the top of the temple to get the best views and if in each of the sun, much better. It is in the area of \u200b\u200bMan, is carved in granite with porcelain inlays of various colors. The three temples can carry almost all day, but worth the ride. It works where the Royal Palace, although today officiate for protocol ceremonies. It is the most important temple of the city, is home to the Emerald Buddha and others. Note that to enter must cover the knees and elbows, but it does not matter if you do not wear appropriate clothing, give all the same. Admission is 500 baht and includes a tour of all the temples and the Grand Palace. Have patience because of the enormous amount of people, but better if you go very early.","title":"Temples and sacred places!","hidden":0,"post_time":"2015-07-29 17:18:59","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"Sin dudas el m\u00e1s importante es el Wat Phra Kaew, dentro del Gran Palacio, ah\u00ed mismo est\u00e1 el Buda esmeralda. Para ingresar a este complejo de templos hay que cubrirse los codos y las rodillas (pero no importa si no los tienen cubiertos ah\u00ed mismo brindan ropa para hacerlo). Cuanto m\u00e1s temprano se llegue menos multitudes. Fue construido por Rama I y es la antigua residencia real, aunque hoy se utiliza para ceremonias. Sus parques son bonitos, su arquitectura preciosa. Se puede llegar en lancha por el r\u00edo Chao en una de las lanchas colectivo. La entrada cuesta 500 bath. Muy cerca de ah\u00ed est\u00e1 el otro templo importante, el What Pho, se puede ir a pie, y es donde se encuentra el Buda recostado que es del siglo XVI, el ingreso a este complejo de templos es de 100 bath. Hoy funciona tambi\u00e9n como el gran cuartel nacional donde se ense\u00f1an las tradiciones tai, medicina y masajes. Otro templo importante, tambi\u00e9n en la zona, pero del otro lado del r\u00edo, es el Wat Arum (o templo Aurora o del Amanecer), aqu\u00ed se puede llegar cruzando en una barca. Hay que subir a la cima del templo para obtener las mejores vistas y si es en la ca\u00edda del sol, mucho mejor. Se encuentra en la zona de Man\u00e1, est\u00e1 esculpido en granito con incrustaciones de porcelana de varios colores. Los tres templos puede llevar casi todo el d\u00eda, pero vale la pena el paseo. Es donde funciona el Palacio Real, aunque hoy oficie para ceremonias protocolares. Es el templo m\u00e1s importante de la ciudad, es donde se encuentra el Buda de Esmeralda entre otros. Tener en cuenta que para ingresar se deben cubrir las rodillas y los codos, pero no importa si no llevan ropa adecuada, all\u00ed mismo se la otorgan. La entrada cuesta 500 baths e incluye el recorrido por todos los templos y al gran palacio. Tener paciencia por la enorme cantidad de gente, pero mejor si se va bien temprano. ","original_title":"Templos y lugares sagrados!"},"User":{"id":"6041572","name":"Yamila Zaera","username":"yamilazaera","has_avatar":"1","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/6041572_80x80.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"8569978","hashcode":"0eaed067022f290761cb63a38b620288","post_time":"2015-07-29 17:18:59","o_width":"960","o_height":"729","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8569980","hashcode":"cff09b8e7c084f8973b65627b555509c","post_time":"2015-07-29 17:18:59","o_width":"630","o_height":"960","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8569975","hashcode":"d11e0ec9904fee6019b031894d093960","post_time":"2015-07-29 17:18:59","o_width":"644","o_height":"960","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"70465","total_score":"46","content":"Another that was passed by this impressive complex undoubtedly a must for tourists. For garments that leave you at the entrance, you have to leave a deposit of 100 baht (just over 2 euros) which you get back when you leave the clothes. The entrance, in April 2009, cost 350 baht (\u20ac 7.50), without exception (not supported student card). The ticket includes a visit to the entire campus, Palace and Wats, and a small floor plan. You can rent audio guides in 8 languages, for two hours, for 200 baht (just over 4 \u20ac). They ask for the passport (or so put on the poster). You can arrive by boat on the river. Is the pier \"Tha Chang\" and stop all boat lines, except the yellow. Also you can walk within a short walk or bike hire from the Wat Pho, the pier is \"Tha Tien\", and stop only flagged vessels (online) yellow, and yellow-green. Also arrive by bus, minibus (not the exact lines) and tuk-tuk.","title":"Another that was passed by this...","hidden":0,"post_time":"2009-06-02 06:29:20","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"Otra que se pas\u00f3 por este impresionante complejo, sin duda alguna de visita obligada para el turista.\r\n\r\nPara las prendas de ropa que te dejan a la entrada, hay que dejar un dep\u00f3sito de 100 baths (algo m\u00e1s de 2 euros) que te devuelven, cuando dejas las ropas.\r\n\r\nLa entrada, en abril de 2009, costaba 350 baths (7'50\u20ac), sin excepci\u00f3n (no admiten carnet de estudiante). El ticket incluye la visita a todo el recinto, Palacio y Wats, y un peque\u00f1o plano de situaci\u00f3n.\r\n\r\nSe pueden alquilar audio-gu\u00edas, en 8 idiomas, para dos horas, por 200 baths (poco m\u00e1s de 4\u20ac). Te piden el pasaporte (o eso pone en el cartel).\r\n\r\nSe puede llegar en barco por el r\u00edo. Es el embarcadero \"Tha Chang\" y paran todas las l\u00edneas de barco, excepto la amarilla. Tambi\u00e9n se puede llegar caminando, en un corto paseo, o en bicicleta de alquiler, desde el Wat Pho, cuyo embarcadero es \"Tha Tien\", y solo paran los barcos de bandera (l\u00ednea) amarilla, y amarillo-verde. Tambi\u00e9n llegar\u00e1s en bus, minibus (no se las l\u00edneas exactas) y en tuk-tuk.","original_title":"Otra que se pas\u00f3 por este impresionante ..."},"User":{"id":"57667","name":"Yola","username":"yolandaheredia","has_avatar":"3","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/57667_80x80_3.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"368395","hashcode":"83c9a4374efcc360177b0b48eee7c345","post_time":"2009-06-02 05:43:26","o_width":"2400","o_height":"1650","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"368398","hashcode":"9544949ad1241d6af89930a2a6d80bc1","post_time":"2009-06-02 05:43:26","o_width":"1920","o_height":"2560","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"368394","hashcode":"93d9d2dc9827ed17ab8c4bd8862d550d","post_time":"2009-06-02 05:43:26","o_width":"2560","o_height":"1920","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"368397","hashcode":"62224fadb4ae17b34e6a71255ab798b4","post_time":"2009-06-02 05:43:26","o_width":"2560","o_height":"1920","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"368396","hashcode":"75c7586d12fadb895c3a385087ffe768","post_time":"2009-06-02 05:43:26","o_width":"2560","o_height":"1920","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"368402","hashcode":"bfbe417d7eb9d0ddba1cd826a29e4b2a","post_time":"2009-06-02 05:43:26","o_width":"2560","o_height":"1920","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"368399","hashcode":"4814335a703e4a1b33cbde9594cb92d0","post_time":"2009-06-02 05:43:26","o_width":"1920","o_height":"2560","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"368400","hashcode":"35540c1bd941c197d68ff890d18fd60a","post_time":"2009-06-02 05:43:26","o_width":"1818","o_height":"2411","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"2157037","total_score":"46","content":"If you are going to Bangkok, we must see the Royal Palace. Exponent of Thai architecture, is nothing divicil get on it is one of the most famous spots in the capital. Taxi, Bus tuk tuk even, are the most convenient transportation, but always able to pull the boat. Chances are that when you approach the vicinity of the Palace, teachers alleged assail you with an excuse to practice English or languages, try to sell you a boat, tulle tulle or whatever. Its main asset, say that the palace is closed that day for a celebration. Do not trust. It will be false. Once inside, be aware that having a temple inside the clothing to be decent. No bare shoulders, no bare legs (man or women). The only people who will come to your air will be kids, also in this room will have fun a great time running between paid. Inside the palace is necessary to visit the Temple of the Emerald Buddha. A pass for the whole family.","title":"Must visit the Palace","hidden":0,"post_time":"2014-05-28 19:42:39","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"Si vais a Bangkok, es visita obligada el Palacio Real. M\u00e1ximo exponente de la arquitectura tailandesa, no es nada divicil llegar a el pues es uno de los spots mas famosos de la capital. Taxi, Autob\u00fas incluso tuk tuk, son los transportes mas convenientes, aunque siempre podr\u00e9is tirar del barquito.\r\n\r\nLo mas probable es que cuando os acerqu\u00e9is a las inmediaciones del Palacio, os asalten presuntos profesores que, con la excusa de practicar ingles o idiomas, traten de venderos un paseo en barco, en tul tul o en lo que sea. Su principal baza, deciros que el palacio ese d\u00eda esta cerrado por una celebraci\u00f3n. NO OS FIEIS. Ser\u00e1 falso.\r\n\r\nUna vez dentro, tened en cuenta que al haber un templo dentro la vestimenta ha de ser decorosa. Nada de hombros al aire, nada de piernas desnudas (ni hombre ni mujeres). Los \u00fanicos que podr\u00e1n ir a su aire ser\u00e1n los peques, que adem\u00e1s en este recinto se lo pasar\u00e1n de lo lindo corriendo entre las pagadas. Dentro del palacio necesario es visitar el templo del Buda esmeralda.\r\n\r\nUna pasada para toda la familia.","original_title":"Visita obligada al Palacio"},"User":{"id":"1858211","name":"Makuteros Family Run","username":"makuterosporelmundo","has_avatar":"4","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/1858211_80x80_4.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"7783563","hashcode":"f5280c97a43c8dca6407b4ad8e96df15","post_time":"2014-05-28 19:42:39","o_width":"1319","o_height":"598","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7783557","hashcode":"16fc0c5d553d2fd07d40eb38f69b3b8c","post_time":"2014-05-28 19:42:39","o_width":"1327","o_height":"525","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7783556","hashcode":"691478b978009d2a4ed198d2e0a15764","post_time":"2014-05-28 19:42:39","o_width":"1298","o_height":"573","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7783562","hashcode":"9378fb286264e50d3b49980e09358e52","post_time":"2014-05-28 19:42:39","o_width":"1329","o_height":"550","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7783560","hashcode":"7f8ad5af91d9e7abb5d8217e254509b9","post_time":"2014-05-28 19:42:39","o_width":"1315","o_height":"570","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7783558","hashcode":"5d61bd0dae493b8cd9ade81684074416","post_time":"2014-05-28 19:42:39","o_width":"1325","o_height":"608","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"6592116","total_score":"45","content":"Grand Palace of Bangkok: price, schedules and practical information Price: 500 baht (\u20ac 12 aprox.) * The price includes the entrance to the recommended Vimanmek Mansion Museum (in the Dusit Palace) and the Royal Thai Decoration and Coin Pavilion, in the own enclosure of the Grand Palace. Audio guide price: 100 baht (+ deposit or guarantee) Schedule: Open every day from 8.30am to 4.30pm (ticket sales until 3.30pm) * Location: cross between Na Phra Lan and Nah Phra That Alley (see map) How to get there : Boat: Orange \/ local boat: Pier N9 (Tha Chang), 15 baht approx. Tourist Boat: Pier Maharaj Pier, 40 baht approx. Taxi: ask for the Grand Palace and ask for a meter (50\/80 baht depending on location) Tuk-tuk: we do not recommend it in general for the high price Bus: complicated for beginners. Buses n\u00ba 6, 15, 33, 43, 44, 123, 124, 203, 503, 508 No Skytrain, no metro. You can walk from Khao San Road. Dress code: Clothing not allowed: Shorts, miniskirts, short skirts, tight pants, pantyhose, transparent shirts and blouses, culottes, shorts, tank tops, vests, sandals without heels or ankles covered, sweatshirts, tracksuits and sportswear in general . In summary: you should dress correctly and without too many uncovered areas. If you do not wear the right clothes we can rent or lend to the entrance. Official website: Grand Palace Bangkok Accommodation: hotels in Bangkok","title":"Trip to Thailand.","hidden":0,"post_time":"2018-02-19 21:45:22","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"Gran Palacio de Bangkok: precio, horarios e informaci\u00f3n pr\u00e1ctica\r\nPrecio: 500 baht (12\u20ac aprox.)*\r\nEl precio incluye la entrada a la recomendable Vimanmek Mansion Museum (en el Palacio Dusit) y al Royal Thai Decoration and Coin Pavilion, en el propio recinto del Gran Palacio.\r\nPrecio audiogu\u00eda: 100 baht (+ dep\u00f3sito o garant\u00eda)\r\nHorarios: Abierto todos los d\u00edas de 8.30h a 16.30h (venta de tickets hasta las 15.30h)*\r\nUbicaci\u00f3n: cruce entre Na Phra Lan y Nah Phra That Alley (ver mapa)\r\nC\u00f3mo llegar:\r\nBarco:\r\nOrange\/local boat: Muelle N9 (Tha Chang), 15 baht aprox.\r\nTourist Boat: Muelle Maharaj Pier, 40 baht aprox.\r\nTaxi: preguntar por el Grand Palace y pedir tax\u00edmetro (50\/80 baht dependiendo ubicaci\u00f3n)\r\nTuk-tuk: no lo recomendamos en general por el elevado precio\r\nBus: complicado para principiantes. Autobuses n\u00ba 6, 15, 33, 43, 44, 123, 124, 203, 503, 508\r\nNo Skytrain, no metro. Se llega andando desde Khao San Road.\r\nC\u00f3digo vestimenta:\r\nRopa no admitida: Shorts, minifaldas, faldas cortas, pantalones ajustados, pantys, camisas y blusas transparentes, culottes, pantalones cortos, camisetas sin mangas, chalecos, sandalias sin talones o tobillos cubiertos, sudaderas, ch\u00e1ndals y ropa deportiva en general.\r\nEn resumen: se debe vestir con correcci\u00f3n y sin demasiadas zonas descubiertas.\r\nSi no se lleva la ropa adecuada nos la podr\u00e1n alquilar o prestar a la entrada.\r\nWeb oficial: Grand Palace Bangkok\r\nAlojamiento: hoteles en Bangkok","original_title":"Viaje a Tailandia."},"User":{"id":"7837730","name":"Natalia Arellano","username":"nataliaarellano114","has_avatar":"1","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/7837730_80x80.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"10601366","hashcode":"45ccf03e8c714d453c59364a940f4ef3","post_time":"2018-02-19 21:45:22","o_width":"1600","o_height":"1067","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"1783703","total_score":"45","content":"Located close to the banks of the Chao Praya (and is particularly accessible by boat bus), the Royal Palace is THE landmark not to be missed while exploring the city. This is the one we visited first, and then, what a shock! We can only remain speechless face as wealth, color, diversity, facing this exuberant architecture that borders (and sometimes touch, admittedly!) Kitsch and bling bling ... Do not miss the tiny emerald buddha which Thais are very proud .... Not to be missed in the backyard, the most simple buildings surrounded by beautiful shrubs well trimmed. Very nice surprise!","title":"Majestic palaces","hidden":0,"post_time":"2012-08-08 10:41:47","lang_flag":"fr","original_content":"Situ\u00e9 \u00e0 deux pas des rives du Chao Praya (et accessible de fait notamment en bateau bus), le Palais Royal est LE monument \u00e0 ne pas manquer lors d'une d\u00e9couverte de la ville. C'est celui que l'on a visit\u00e9 en premier, et l\u00e0, quel choc ! On ne peut que rester bouche b\u00e9e face \u00e0 tant de richesse, de couleurs, de diversit\u00e9, face \u00e0 cette architecture exub\u00e9rante qui fr\u00f4le (et touche parfois, il faut l'avouer!) le kitsch et le bling bling... Ne pas manquer le tout petit buddha d'\u00e9meraudes dont les Thais sont extr\u00eamement fiers.... Ne pas manquer \u00e9galement, dans l'arri\u00e8re cour, les b\u00e2timents plus sobres entour\u00e9s de jolis arbustes parfaitement taill\u00e9s. Tr\u00e8s belle surprise !","original_title":"Majestueux palais"},"User":{"id":"5055699","name":"Coline","username":"colineduchaffaut","has_avatar":"1","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/5055699_80x80.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"7483336","hashcode":"86c02a866cecac1730c1a01d73a6b0ad","post_time":"2012-08-08 10:41:47","o_width":"4608","o_height":"3456","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7483345","hashcode":"8f27daf8af13ff1db4b3011b77cf0aad","post_time":"2012-08-08 10:41:47","o_width":"3456","o_height":"4608","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7483351","hashcode":"57715945cfb119c2939cad90effd27ea","post_time":"2012-08-08 10:41:47","o_width":"4608","o_height":"3456","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7483348","hashcode":"18040094acd385379a4124516a8d1279","post_time":"2012-08-08 10:41:47","o_width":"4608","o_height":"3456","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7483347","hashcode":"6c5cda060dc785679645eb974b6b04ac","post_time":"2012-08-08 10:41:47","o_width":"3456","o_height":"4608","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7483350","hashcode":"34dc616b781b1260d8d24563b77f4de1","post_time":"2012-08-08 10:41:47","o_width":"4608","o_height":"3456","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7483346","hashcode":"7e606cc0c21f6e851f0c5e5727579961","post_time":"2012-08-08 10:41:47","o_width":"3456","o_height":"4608","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7483341","hashcode":"0bf371e5ed2e00209e63af83871bd572","post_time":"2012-08-08 10:41:47","o_width":"4608","o_height":"3456","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7483339","hashcode":"c99b743c99290f563f1144c410e79071","post_time":"2012-08-08 10:41:47","o_width":"3456","o_height":"4608","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7483349","hashcode":"6bd6c2208df750e255bba4ce38998eb4","post_time":"2012-08-08 10:41:47","o_width":"3456","o_height":"4608","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7483338","hashcode":"f907bbeb2fb0bdad6c107cf093c834da","post_time":"2012-08-08 10:41:47","o_width":"4608","o_height":"3456","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7483337","hashcode":"0f262a83df2ec7ce926081ccb3f71df9","post_time":"2012-08-08 10:41:47","o_width":"4608","o_height":"3456","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7483342","hashcode":"c548648ccac141bd02269b6f6e568757","post_time":"2012-08-08 10:41:47","o_width":"660","o_height":"880","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7483343","hashcode":"9b232fa6eb27ef456b478a50ed20135b","post_time":"2012-08-08 10:41:47","o_width":"4608","o_height":"3456","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7483344","hashcode":"5890033de07618e506f3b357431c3062","post_time":"2012-08-08 10:41:47","o_width":"3456","o_height":"4608","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7483340","hashcode":"38d231620a4f666e52ec72ea7bc37777","post_time":"2012-08-08 10:41:47","o_width":"3456","o_height":"4608","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":"5"},{"Comment":{"id":"469431","total_score":"44","content":"It is a complex of buildings that was the residence of the king from the eighteenth century to the twentieth century. It is located east of the Chao Phraya river protected by it. The rest of the complex is protected by a barrier of 1900 meters. Beyond the fence is a channel created defensivos.Toda purposes the area resembles an island known as Rattana Kosin. On the dress you have to go covered (no strapless, short or anything), do not worry because in the post I give some kind of shirts and sarongs at no cost.","title":"One of the most important visits","hidden":0,"post_time":"2011-02-13 12:52:56","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"Es un complejo de edificios que sirvi\u00f3 de residencia al rey desde el siglo XVIII hasta el siglo XX.\r\n\r\nSe encuentra situado al este del r\u00edo Chao Phraya protegido por el mismo.\r\n\r\nEl resto del complejo se encuentra defendido por una valla de 1900 metros de longitud.\r\n\r\nMas alla de la valla se encuentra un canal,creado con propositos defensivos. Toda la zona asemeja una isla conocida como Rattana Kosin.\r\n\r\nSobre la vestimenta teneis que ir cubiertos (no tirantes,ni nada corto),no os preocupeis porque en la entrada os dan camisas y una especie de pareos sin coste alguno.","original_title":"Una de las visitas mas importantes"},"User":{"id":"379091","name":"EVA MARTINEZ","username":"evam193","has_avatar":"2","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/379091_80x80_2.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"2550741","hashcode":"3dba079416c32a990cf5bf5de3e4b634","post_time":"2011-02-13 12:52:56","o_width":"960","o_height":"1280","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2550681","hashcode":"c2958fe1d53e14d4d8cad8dd771a6451","post_time":"2011-02-13 12:52:56","o_width":"3072","o_height":"2304","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2550731","hashcode":"c5d6b63bc39836bd5ad72c758124b42f","post_time":"2011-02-13 12:52:56","o_width":"1280","o_height":"960","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2550711","hashcode":"d5d311e9890e0f095eb256868188bd63","post_time":"2011-02-13 12:52:56","o_width":"1024","o_height":"685","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2550791","hashcode":"06c0ce216e442fee443da00e97b36b07","post_time":"2011-02-13 12:52:56","o_width":"960","o_height":"1280","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2550641","hashcode":"46e9e02c25ecb0a688ae7fefe26db495","post_time":"2011-02-13 12:52:56","o_width":"2560","o_height":"1920","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2550651","hashcode":"3cd31bc1401e6d104c47465f39bde54d","post_time":"2011-02-13 12:52:56","o_width":"2304","o_height":"1728","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2550691","hashcode":"aa055abe72de6178046eef7bd4aa19bf","post_time":"2011-02-13 12:52:56","o_width":"1280","o_height":"960","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2550781","hashcode":"397afb629661ff8dfa4f7082b1b241a4","post_time":"2011-02-13 12:52:56","o_width":"960","o_height":"1280","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2550771","hashcode":"deaa35eff4dd107dbe54accb8b74219d","post_time":"2011-02-13 12:52:56","o_width":"960","o_height":"1280","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2550661","hashcode":"243d7bf0f18f6e3230c322b23aceae27","post_time":"2011-02-13 12:52:56","o_width":"1024","o_height":"683","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2550721","hashcode":"253ba75cf076f15c228e38f1b7477345","post_time":"2011-02-13 12:52:56","o_width":"960","o_height":"1280","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2550611","hashcode":"b8f8747e74f38426923a47bc7e41f97f","post_time":"2011-02-13 12:52:56","o_width":"960","o_height":"1280","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2550601","hashcode":"d64e145e3573b09e8462620992e2b46d","post_time":"2011-02-13 12:52:56","o_width":"1280","o_height":"960","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2550621","hashcode":"1015ab596b7b060b736d3bb9c3cd19cf","post_time":"2011-02-13 12:52:56","o_width":"960","o_height":"1280","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2550701","hashcode":"cb1a19de855dc53905d44a24d7f451ba","post_time":"2011-02-13 12:52:56","o_width":"1024","o_height":"683","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2550591","hashcode":"235fbd1f21968039651d39bca9e6761e","post_time":"2011-02-13 12:52:56","o_width":"1024","o_height":"685","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2550671","hashcode":"d76899d5dec691ab8589715e569646f9","post_time":"2011-02-13 12:52:56","o_width":"2304","o_height":"3072","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2550751","hashcode":"7e15eb21aca5d6d58b0cf2fa1d808b59","post_time":"2011-02-13 12:52:56","o_width":"1280","o_height":"960","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2550631","hashcode":"7dc64530c5b77c727e9bf49b4235a57e","post_time":"2011-02-13 12:52:56","o_width":"1024","o_height":"768","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"2550761","hashcode":"c32ac5ae16312a16f22ba9b658f857a0","post_time":"2011-02-13 12:52:56","o_width":"1280","o_height":"960","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"2365409","total_score":"40","content":"Perhaps the most impressive monument to see in Bangkok. Most of the residential complex and temples which form the royal palace were built in the mid eighteenth century. Admission costs 500 THB (about 12 euros) and includes the lounge of the throne, the stupa or chedi gold, containing a relic a fragment of the sternum of Buddha, and a curious gallery of murals in the Ramakien tells the epic critical of Thai tradition. In addition, within this complex you are the Wat Phra Kaew or Temple of the Emerald Buddha, where the most sacred Buddha statue around the country is saved. Is made of jade, it measures 60 centimeters and can not be photographed. Remember to visit the temples of the royal palace should dress appropriately, covering legs with long pants.","title":"Royal Palace and the Emerald Buddha","hidden":0,"post_time":"2016-07-22 12:26:20","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"Tal vez el monumento m\u00e1s impresionante que hay que ver en Bangkok. La mayor parte del conjunto residencial y de templos que forman el palacio real fueron construidos a mediados del siglo XVIII. La entrada cuesta 500 THB (unos 12 euros) e incluye el sal\u00f3n del trono, la estupa o chedi dorado, que contiene como reliquia un fragmento del estern\u00f3n de Buda, y una curiosa galer\u00eda de murales en los que se narra el Ramakien, la epopeya fundamental de la tradici\u00f3n tailandesa.\r\n\r\nAdem\u00e1s, dentro de este complejo se encuentra el [poi=2129123]Wat Phra Kaew o Templo del Buda Esmeralda[\/poi], donde se guarda la estatua de Buda m\u00e1s sagrada de todo el pa\u00eds. Est\u00e1 hecha de jade, mide 60 cent\u00edmetros y no puede fotografiarse.\r\n\r\nRecuerda que para visitar los templos del palacio real debes vestir de manera apropiada, cubriendo las piernas con pantalones largos.","original_title":"Palacio real y el Buda esmeralda"},"User":{"id":"5344793","name":"Jaime Guti\u00e9rrez (Hola mundo)","username":"jaimegutierrezhernandez","has_avatar":"2","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/5344793_80x80_2.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"9784561","hashcode":"b03fb575bd1f2da85538b422c1a7ea2a","post_time":"2016-07-22 12:26:20","o_width":"4653","o_height":"3330","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9784559","hashcode":"5c6cc8ba8d629ecda308595059e1068c","post_time":"2016-07-22 12:26:20","o_width":"3274","o_height":"3456","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9784565","hashcode":"820de08fa2630b9eb97450b5eb753644","post_time":"2016-07-22 12:26:20","o_width":"5184","o_height":"3456","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9784564","hashcode":"4997252bbc083da19c22d4a1f9f4cdbe","post_time":"2016-07-22 12:26:20","o_width":"3456","o_height":"5184","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9784563","hashcode":"5b43e2aa12c47b86a74af1006a34826a","post_time":"2016-07-22 12:26:20","o_width":"3456","o_height":"5184","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9784562","hashcode":"f2d4eea9e6fe751e40afb4293c3db37e","post_time":"2016-07-22 12:26:20","o_width":"5028","o_height":"3352","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"9784560","hashcode":"441eb1a5d08969e482a8ec994b8cdaa4","post_time":"2016-07-22 12:26:20","o_width":"5184","o_height":"3456","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"2174289","total_score":"37","content":"I will not say that the Royal Grand Palace in Bangkok is ugly because it is not, but if it is clearly overrated. The Emerald Buddha is tiny and the facilities are so crowded with tourists (because everyone 'must see' this site) that is crippling them walk. Not to mention how expensive is the input (-12 500 euros baths that Thailand is a lot of money), and that 'shoulders covered' here means you have to wear a hideous shirt, anything to bring a pasmina covering you and other sacred places. Are we crazy or what? Before the Royal Grand Palace in Bangkok would see the Wat Pho and Wat Arun, give me a Thai massage or eat a good curry. In fact, I think for the price you could do all and I still left over for a coffee. But of course this is my opinion. The same thing you are going and love, hopefully!","title":"A glorified temple","hidden":0,"post_time":"2014-09-07 05:33:37","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"No dir\u00e9 que el Gran Palacio Real de Bangkok es feo porque no lo es, pero si que est\u00e1 claramente sobrevalorado. El Buda esmeralda es diminuto y las instalaciones est\u00e1n tan abarrotadas de turistas (porque todo el mundo 'tiene que ver' este sitio) que resulta agobiante caminar por ellas.\r\n\r\nPor no hablar de lo cara que es la entrada (500 baths -12 euros- que para Tailandia es much\u00edsimo dinero), y de que \u2018hombros cubiertos\u2019 aqu\u00ed significa que tienes que ponerte una camisa horrenda, nada de llevar una pasmina que te cubra como en el resto de lugares sagrados. \u00bfEstamos locos o qu\u00e9?\r\n\r\nAntes que el Gran Palacio Real de Bangkok ir\u00eda a ver el Wat Pho y el Wat Arun, a darme un masaje tailand\u00e9s o a comerme un buen curry. De hecho, creo que por el precio podr\u00eda hacer todas y a\u00fan me sobrar\u00eda para un caf\u00e9. Pero por supuesto, esta es mi opini\u00f3n. Lo mismo tu vas y te encanta, \u00a1ojal\u00e1!","original_title":"Un templo sobrevalorado"},"User":{"id":"4277821","name":"Cristina E Lozano","username":"cristinaelozano","has_avatar":"3","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/4277821_80x80_3.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"7855554","hashcode":"4a05f0061dd6692dc01d3c367c1d8592","post_time":"2014-09-07 05:33:37","o_width":"3264","o_height":"2448","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"1783702","total_score":"37","content":"Our first reaction when we visited the huge Royal Palace of Bangkok was the surprise in discovering the tour price (high for the country: almost 10 euros), but it was quickly erased just entered the compound the palace is a riot of beautiful buildings, mostly covered with gold and bright colors, and I say it's impossible to miss her photos so everything is beautiful! We urge you to join a guided tour, which you learn a lot about this mythical place in Thailand, before wandering through the complex, a little smug by so much beauty.","title":"Our first reaction when we visited the...","hidden":0,"post_time":"2011-03-26 17:51:46","lang_flag":"fr","original_content":"Notre premi\u00e8re r\u00e9action lors de notre visite de l'immense Palais Royal de Bangkok fut la surprise en d\u00e9couvrant le prix de la visite (\u00e9lev\u00e9 pour le pays : presque 10 euros) ; mais celle-ci fut rapidement effac\u00e9e \u00e0 peine entr\u00e9s dans l'enceinte du palais : c'est une d\u00e9bauche de b\u00e2timents magnifiques, la plupart recouvert d'or ou de couleurs brillantes, et je dirai qu'il est impossible de rater ses photos tellement tout est beau !\r\nOn vous conseille vivement de vous joindre \u00e0 une visite guid\u00e9e, qui vous apprendre beaucoup sur ce lieu mythique de la Tha\u00eflande, avant d'errer \u00e0 travers le complexe, un peu b\u00e9ats devant tant de beaut\u00e9.","original_title":"Notre premi\u00e8re r\u00e9action lors de notre v..."},"User":{"id":"5072336","name":"Roland Flutet","username":"rolandf","has_avatar":"1","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/5072336_80x80.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"7412734","hashcode":"29607fc54ab6efe8914634a09953fcaa","post_time":"2011-03-26 17:51:46","o_width":"600","o_height":"800","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7412728","hashcode":"5939f4392b69ad36fd7b636c416c95ea","post_time":"2011-03-26 17:51:46","o_width":"600","o_height":"398","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7412735","hashcode":"542076361267b8ffe7ba1359a4a7bea2","post_time":"2011-03-26 17:51:46","o_width":"600","o_height":"450","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7412733","hashcode":"391382c90934d6392e3a28a0d149bd10","post_time":"2011-03-26 17:51:46","o_width":"600","o_height":"902","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7412732","hashcode":"6291900460e173e01b0e0593da60b697","post_time":"2011-03-26 17:51:46","o_width":"600","o_height":"450","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7412737","hashcode":"ac25d9761415e478a39a43ae10bf80f1","post_time":"2011-03-26 17:51:46","o_width":"600","o_height":"398","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7412729","hashcode":"f6c5b9dcb17d8771ee60d9a839a509f1","post_time":"2011-03-26 17:51:46","o_width":"600","o_height":"398","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7412730","hashcode":"ce678fe6d74aee3f440afe6cc4773291","post_time":"2011-03-26 17:51:46","o_width":"600","o_height":"902","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7412736","hashcode":"ee5247f27c68e8f0a6fbd490d6dd01c9","post_time":"2011-03-26 17:51:46","o_width":"600","o_height":"398","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7412731","hashcode":"81e70caf0a1dac8b0dccd3f1904b3788","post_time":"2011-03-26 17:51:46","o_width":"600","o_height":"450","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null}]