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[{"Comment":{"id":"2284086","total_score":"33","content":"To access from the shosha Mount Himeji, one of the most romnticas ways is through the funicular. For a combined price of 1300 funicular bus you come from the town to where scenes from the film The Last Samurai were filmed. The funicular has a duration of about 30 min, and l can see some pretty spectacular views of the valley. In addition while going up, a couple of employees are telling you anecdotes of this route, we assume that the laughter of our companions transport because they say everything in Japanese, language not mastered.","title":"To access from the shosha Mount Himeji,...","hidden":0,"post_time":"2015-09-20 15:01:43","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"Para acceder desde Himeji al monte shosha, una de las maneras m\u00e1s rom\u00e1nticas es por medio del funicular.\r\nPor un precio combinado de autob\u00fas + funicular de 1300\u00a5 accedes desde el pueblo al lugar donde se rodaron escenas de la pel\u00edcula El Ultimo Samurai.\r\nEl funicular tiene una duraci\u00f3n de unos 30 min, y en \u00e9l se pueden apreciar unas vistas bastante espectaculares del valle. Adem\u00e1s mientras vas subiendo, una pareja de empleados te van contando an\u00e9cdotas de esta ruta, eso lo suponemos por las risas de nuestros compa\u00f1eros de transporte, porque lo dicen todo en Japon\u00e9s, idioma que no dominamos.","original_title":"Para acceder desde Himeji al monte..."},"User":{"id":"5669299","name":"365 Sabados Viajando","username":"virginiacapellaguerra","has_avatar":"1","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/5669299_80x80.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"8868619","hashcode":"e44a894bffea886e53e1dd7b74b3fcaa","post_time":"2015-09-20 15:01:43","o_width":"3264","o_height":"2448","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8868620","hashcode":"ab7a98daf6d501e1e8296eb8c6e88f46","post_time":"2015-09-20 15:01:43","o_width":"3264","o_height":"2448","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8868622","hashcode":"0ecca5222ea90aa3d7f7c88fee4c1db2","post_time":"2015-09-20 15:01:43","o_width":"2448","o_height":"2448","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8868621","hashcode":"d372956d1472dfc6a9619485d7228ba4","post_time":"2015-09-20 15:01:43","o_width":"3264","o_height":"2448","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null}]
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