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[{"Comment":{"id":"6451365","total_score":"27","content":"Located at the entrance of the old city, just beyond the gate to the walls, this square functions as a first impression of the city; And it did not disappoint! With very well preserved buildings and bars and restaurants with outdoor tables, it is an excellent choice of rest and dining.","title":"First impression","hidden":0,"post_time":"2017-06-06 18:20:42","lang_flag":"pt","original_content":"Situada na entrada da cidade antiga, logo depois do port\u00e3o de acesso \u00e0s muralhas, essa pra\u00e7a funciona como uma primeira impress\u00e3o da cidade; e n\u00e3o desaponta! Com constru\u00e7\u00f5es muito bem preservadas e bares e restaurantes com mesas externas, \u00e9 uma excelente op\u00e7\u00e3o de descanso e de refei\u00e7\u00f5es.","original_title":"Primeira impress\u00e3o"},"User":{"id":"6691333","name":"Simone Osias","username":"simoneosias","has_avatar":"1","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/6691333_80x80.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"10410170","hashcode":"fe475ff6cdd9d64d3914d17350ce8952","post_time":"2017-06-06 18:20:42","o_width":"4608","o_height":"3456","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"10410171","hashcode":"37d6557317760ddd842a52282f1d1f4f","post_time":"2017-06-06 18:20:42","o_width":"4608","o_height":"3456","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":"5"}]
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Hotels near Church of the Holy Cross

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    At minube we want your trip to be perfect. That is why we show you hotels near Church of the Holy Cross recommended by travelers. Please find the best suited hotel in Baeza near Church of the Holy Cross below, as well as other accommodation options near Church of the Holy Cross that you will love.
    The best hotels near Church of the Holy Cross
    197 m away in Baeza
    Hotel Puerta de la Luna
    This is a beautiful 4 star hotel, situated in an old palace belonging to the Davila family (protagonists of the reconquest of Jaén
    133 m away in Baeza
    La Casona del Arco Hotel
    The Hotel La Casona del Arco is located in the charming and historic community of Andalusia,in Baeza. It has been declared World H
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    Palacio de los Salcedo hotel
    The Palacio de Los Salcedo Hotel is a 16th century building that received its name because it was once the palace for the Counts o
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    275 m away in Baeza
    TRH Ciudad de Baeza hotel
    The best thing about this the hotel is without a doubt its location. It is situated in the heart of the city, with everything you
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    Apartamento Fuentenueva Suites
    The Apartamento Fuentenueva Suites can be found in the city of Baeza, in Jaén. The hotel is in a building that dates back to the 1
    346 m away in Baeza
    Baeza Monumental Hotel
    This charming hotel is located in the historic center of Baeza. with a carved stone architecture characterized with a charm and th
    569 m away in Baeza
    Hotel Campos de Baeza
    The Hotel Campos de Baeza, is situated in the region of Jaén, Spain. It is a luxurious hotel set at the foot of the Guadalquivir V
    1,6 km away in Baeza
    Ciudad del Renacimiento hotel
    The Renaissance City Hotel is one of the best places to stay. It's in Baeza in the province of Jaén, Spain. You'll undoubtedly hav
    133 m away in Baeza
    1,2 km away in Baeza
    281 m away in Baeza
    Fuentenueva Hotel
    We chose this hotel for this trip and the truth is that our impression was very good. It offers great service and the room, althou
    723 m away in Baeza
    408 m away in Baeza
    96 m away in Baeza
    162 m away in Baeza
    245 m away in Baeza
    420 m away in Baeza
    654 m away in Baeza
    86.64 £
    18.05 £
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