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[{"Comment":{"id":"1932493","total_score":"0","content":"The Club Hotel Kristall (Signals - Trentino-Alto Adige - Italy) offers an indoor pool, tennis and volleyball courts, a pool table and table tennis table, in addition to a fully equipped gym. The Fitness & Heath Center are connected to the hotel and offer a wide range of beauty treatments. Here there is also a sauna, turkish bath, whirlpool baths, solarium and massage.","title":" offers an indoor pool, tennis and volleyball courts, a pool table and table tennis table, in addition to a fully equipped gym","hidden":"0","post_time":"2007-11-12 00:00:00","lang_flag":"en","original_content":null,"original_title":null},"User":{"id":"1","name":"minube","username":"minube","has_avatar":"7","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/1_80x80_7.jpg"},"Pictures":[],"Rating":null}]