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[{"Comment":{"id":"2281776","total_score":"40","content":"A city of Varanasi is not common to find large crosses between streets but in the heart of this huge city between Bulanala Maidagin Road and Road Sonapura find one of the most traffic junctions across northern India. And the union of these two wide streets in what is a miniature square through which you access two streets ms makes this place a great jam to all hours. This crossing is not only packed with circulation of any vehicle or animal but also a lot of people walk through these streets near shopping areas. Curiously we found a traffic guard, something strange in Varanasi, which tries to steer a little traffic this place.","title":"The busiest crossing ms","hidden":0,"post_time":"2015-09-15 14:18:46","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"Un la ciudad de Varanasi no es habitual encontrarse grandes cruces entre calles pero en pleno centro de esta enorme ciudad entre Bulanala Maidagin Road y Sonapura Road encontramos uno de los cruces con mayor tr\u00e1fico de todo el norte de la India.\r\n\r\nY es que la uni\u00f3n de estas dos anchas calles en lo que es una miniatura de plaza mediante la cual se accede a dos calles m\u00e1s hace de este lugar un gran atasco a todas horas. Este cruce no solo est\u00e1 repleto de circulaci\u00f3n de cualquier tipo de veh\u00edculo y animal sino que tambi\u00e9n una gran cantidad de personas caminas por estas calles cercanas a zonas comerciales. Como curiosidad encontramos un guardia de tr\u00e1fico, algo extra\u00f1o en Varanasi, que intenta dirigir un poco el tr\u00e1fico de este lugar.","original_title":"El cruce m\u00e1s transitado"},"User":{"id":"5667799","name":"MundoXDescubrir","username":"mundoxdescubrir","has_avatar":"1","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/5667799_80x80.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"8852555","hashcode":"9bd77b701082aa26abe4b256c937f694","post_time":"2015-09-15 14:18:46","o_width":"1849","o_height":"979","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8852556","hashcode":"11236dc318fd74d045f03ad216445364","post_time":"2015-09-15 14:18:47","o_width":"1837","o_height":"995","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8852560","hashcode":"1680f309a9ccb5d6ccb052d42067d104","post_time":"2015-09-15 14:18:47","o_width":"1845","o_height":"989","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8852559","hashcode":"8735adf11376e96c5d536836e798e3c3","post_time":"2015-09-15 14:18:47","o_width":"1865","o_height":"981","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8852558","hashcode":"f9699e8a53faffbe1d4bb03f7ad43075","post_time":"2015-09-15 14:18:47","o_width":"1857","o_height":"993","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"8852557","hashcode":"7f82f86196ecca32bf326e05774ac5f1","post_time":"2015-09-15 14:18:47","o_width":"1839","o_height":"999","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null}]
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