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[{"Comment":{"id":"1305021","total_score":"45","content":"The hostel Mana\u00edra was undoubtedly the best we got today. I love this type of hosting for informality and the great ability to make friends. But combine these pros the organization, good service and comfort, is the ideal of every backpacker. I was in Mana\u00edra in a room with seven other girls and although she thought it was not giving much right, I was wrong. Everything went very well, much better than expected. The breakfast prepared with love, the very clean environment and proper structure and optimal maintenance, run the hostel to be a very nice place. In the rooms, there is a lockable cupboard per person and a bathroom. But there is also a bathroom on the outside. In the case of a girly bedroom, this is very important. For recreation, there is a pool and a living room where you can socialize with other hostellers. But what fascinated me most was the service the venture. The staff are very friendly and cheerful, making the environment more welcoming. And the location is another plus point. Very close to the main sights, it's a facility hosting this so special for informality, quality and great price.","title":"Informality very comfortably","hidden":0,"post_time":"2012-06-09 16:10:40","lang_flag":"pt","original_content":"O albergue Mana\u00edra foi, sem d\u00favida, o melhor que fiquei at\u00e9 hoje. Gosto muito desse tipo de hospedagem pela informalidade e pela grande possibilidade de fazer amigos. Mas, aliar esses pr\u00f3s a organiza\u00e7\u00e3o, bom atendimento e muito conforto, \u00e9 o ideal de todo mochileiro.\r\nFiquei no Mana\u00edra em um quarto com outras sete meninas e, embora, achasse que aquilo n\u00e3o fosse dar muito certo, me enganei. Tudo correu muito bem, muito melhor que o esperado.\r\nO caf\u00e9 da manh\u00e3 preparado com carinho, o ambiente muito limpo e a estrutura adequada e com \u00f3tima manuten\u00e7\u00e3o, fazem o hostel ser um lugar muito agrad\u00e1vel. Nos quartos, h\u00e1 um arm\u00e1rio com chave por pessoa e um banheiro. Mas tamb\u00e9m h\u00e1 um banheiro na parte externa. No caso de um quarto feminino, isso \u00e9 muito importante. Para o lazer, h\u00e1 uma piscina e uma sala de conviv\u00eancia onde \u00e9 poss\u00edvel confraternizar com os outros alberguistas.\r\nMas o que mais me fascinou no empreendimento foi o atendimento. Os funcion\u00e1rios s\u00e3o muitos simp\u00e1ticos e alegres, tornando o ambiente ainda mais acolhedor. E a localiza\u00e7\u00e3o tamb\u00e9m \u00e9 outro ponto positivo. Bem perto dos principais pontos tur\u00edsticos, \u00e9 mais uma facilidade dessa hospedagem t\u00e3o especial pela informalidade, qualidade e \u00f3timo pre\u00e7o.","original_title":"Informalidade com muito conforto"},"User":{"id":"3119181","name":"Tha\u00eds Costa","username":"thaiscosta","has_avatar":"2","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/3119181_80x80_2.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"171118","hashcode":"0e5cd064c05ef7d370242e509dab5aa4","post_time":"2012-06-09 16:10:40","o_width":"2048","o_height":"1536","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"171120","hashcode":"0bcfb1e6e075c1746ab19add7d2c06cd","post_time":"2012-06-09 16:10:40","o_width":"2048","o_height":"1536","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"171117","hashcode":"37d52beca65f33b22e1675925fc5efe7","post_time":"2012-06-09 16:10:40","o_width":"2048","o_height":"1536","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"171119","hashcode":"c595626b6fc171640f0e8bca3905e310","post_time":"2012-06-09 16:10:40","o_width":"2048","o_height":"1536","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":"5"}]